Ye Olde Abandoned Realms Logs


posted on 2016-12-01 14:20:42
Now streaming The Void.

Kun writhes in agony as plague sores erupt from his skin.

Theona has lost her link.
Theona has reconnected.

Zansafer has left the realms.

Theona has left the realms.

Yiebaen has left the realms.

Yiebaen has left the realms.

Moralas has left the realms.

an Immortal has restored you.

stay in character dickhead

Lightning flashes across the sky as an electrical storm is created by Davairus.
You hear a deafening rumble of thunder resonate 3 miles away.

A deafening roar of thunder is heard 2 miles away.

A deafening roar of thunder is heard 1 mile away.

*** An ear-splitting boom is heard as the sky is lit by lightning! ***

i was scrolling to see if any juicy fights were on stream ran into this beauty:D
[Mentions]: None.
Tags: #HGOD


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