Ye Olde Abandoned Realms Logs


posted on 2016-12-10 21:17:06
So i showed up and seen kun around i tried talking to them they ignored me so i went to kill them and succeeded. This is the aftermath of it. OH btw i did report him.

<907hp 261m 394mv> active no opponent no opponent
Kun tells you 'No skill no life.'

<907hp 261m 394mv> active no opponent no opponent
Kun tells you 'Stare at a screen all day.'

<907hp 261m 394mv> active no opponent no opponent
Kun tells you 'No job no wife.'

<907hp 261m 394mv> active no opponent no opponent
reply enough skill to murder you
You tell Kun 'Enough skill to murder you.'

<907hp 261m 394mv> active no opponent no opponent
Players near you in Legion Fortress:
<PK> Xynch Entrance to the Mausoleum

<907hp 261m 394mv> active no opponent no opponent
Kun tells you 'No one will ever love you.'
He also said he drinks mountain dew from my mothers pussy. and some other graphic stuffs, just want everyone to see the trash
[Mentions]: None.
Tags: #trash


  1. "stay in character dickhead"
    1. indeed, i made sure all my comments back were IC he was just nerd rage. hah we should get nerd rage as a tag.
    [reply to Ceridwel]
  2. This guy was acting similar to this with me as well. He didn't do anything at all to stop from me killing him. He dies, then runs his mouth to me like a acne-bearing adolescent.
    1. he said some pretty stupid stuff and again i did report him to immortals, i can't blame him but i can. ive been in his shoes before so i understand the frustration but it's not worth getting denied/banned.
    2. Well, I blame him. Completely. Are you sitting as <RL name> playing "Kun," or are you sitting as "Kun," playing
      "Kun." See to the latter and I promise nothing will hack you off enough to split out of character due to anger or frustration. At worst, your OOC frustration will bleed into the character, where said character otherwise may or may not have had so much a bowl of "wtf stew" as the player might. That said, you'll always have the IC filter.

      ..and if that fails, take your hands off the keyboard and just idle the character while you fume. There is no excuse for personal attacks like this, I don't care how much they do or do not scald the targeted party.
    [reply to Huradrim]
  3. This is obviously unacceptable.
      [reply to Davairus]

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