Asauhg the Holy Shaman > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Asauhg created on 29th of April 2020, and is dead and gone (22 years old, 83 hours, 3 months lifetime)

Title: the Holy Shaman
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: human shaman

Background history:


A man with arms of disproportionate length is found here. He has a bulky body, with a barrel chest, broad shoulders, a skeletal structure with thicker bones, and... Then there is his right arm. While his left arm is nothing out of the ordinary, his right arm has seen some gross hypertrophy which has shaped it into an appendage seemingly twice as massive with grotesquely misformed growths upon the muscles. The overall size of his right shoulder is identical to his left shoulder, but everything beyond that point is misshapen. Additional muscles similar to tendrils extend from his right breast to his right bicep, and additional tendrils wrap themselves around a massive hand. This impressive hand is roughly three quarters again the size of his normal-sized left hand. All along the arm, the muscles are rather apparent with a sanguine red color appearing flush against the skin. The tendrils on the other hand are blue. The rest of his skin is a regular fleshy pink. His face looks a bit rough, with an unclean mustache and goatee as though he has not shaved or bathed in the last couple of days. His teeth are ivory yellow in color, suggesting he does not clean them often enough, though they are not misshapen. Additionally, he walks in a stiff gait, barely bending his knees and rocking back and forth with each thundering step. He almost looks like he is going to fall over given his posture with his peculiar and massive right arm, but somehow he avoids stumbling.

PK stats:

Kills: 1, Deaths: 4 (Ratio: 0.3, Efficiency: 20%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 2 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:
warrior: 1,
Killed by class:
illusionist: 1,


  1. BlackWidow [reply]
    0 , 0 , 0 .
    First real attempt at a shaman. Stopped playing the character, decided to delete. The inspiration for the description was Stukov from Heroes of the Storm and Starcraft.
      [reply to BlackWidow]

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