Brelil the King of Devils > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Brelil created on 20th of May 2014, and is dead and gone (22 years old, 106 hours, 25 days lifetime)

Title: the King of Devils
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: drow necromancer

Background history:

  1. A helping hand. - posted at 2014-05-20 05:35:45
A helping hand.
Brelil was born to a wealthy family, living in a upperclass society amongst the Drow folk. His family were scholors and teachers, many of them who became famous and worked for the queen, so naturally he enjoyed helping others. His schooling was of the best, his mother being his teacher learned of many things expanding his knowledge greatly. Brelil grew older and dabbled in magic on his free time, specifically the art of raising the dead. Most thought it to be a form of wicked worship but to him he was helping the unfortunate live again. His family did not like his new found talent so he was sent from their home. Brelil walked to the city of Seringale and happen upon a poor man on the side of the road. Having the natural want to to help others he offered the man some money, and a bite to eat, in return the man told him a story. The story went on to detail the Mystics of Thera and their great doings. For someone who enjoyed helping other and was intelligent this sounded almost to good to be true. Sure enough Brelil found an add asking for thoughs who where interested to send word of such.


Standing at a slight hunched position staring into a book is a Drow. His frail body seems ready to blow away with the wind leaving you cautious not to breathe to hard. He has one hand balancing a book, the other holding a monicle giving him a fancy look. Falling down around his shoulders and poking out of the hooded robe is long silver hair, gleaming as it catches the sun. An elongated nose seems to never end, pointed and sharp looking at the end.

PK stats:

Kills: 1, Deaths: 31 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 3%)
Pinnacle Kills: 1, Pinnacle Deaths: 15 (Ratio: 0.1, Efficiency: 6%)

Kills by class:
necromancer: 1,
Killed by class:
illusionist: 2, warrior: 1, thief: 2,

Nemesis: Gurgl

Mystiques mentioning Brelil:


  1. sorry mama vev and varliv and vanisse..wasn't working well in mystics anyhow and had a ton of mob death no justification for this or whatever just fed up
      [reply to Bladefurry]
    1. Kato [reply]
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      you had 31 more. Mobdeaths wouldn't gimp you excessively, this was about pride. You have to let that go
        [reply to Kato]
      1. It pisses me off I try to get weak from pk help others and it's like open season cause I can't attack anyone this was by far the hardest character I had to play because of that
          [reply to Bladefurry]
        1. beia [reply]
          0 , 0 , 0 .
          For the record, I had no idea this was you. Wish you would have stuck it out, some serious potential brother. Good luck with your nexxttt
            [reply to beia]
          1. Nah crap told ya I wasn't pking I ain't interested in pk I just wanna learn the secret shit that vets know and get more knowledge on the plus Iearned a crap ton about necros
              [reply to Bladefurry]
            1. beia [reply]
              0 , 0 , 0 .
              Hey chris, you might want to change your passwords on all your accounts since you posted them on Invokation.
                [reply to beia]
              1. Shit
                  [reply to Bladefurry]
                1. Nycticora [reply]
                  0 , 0 , 0 .
                  You need to stop applying for cabals if you're going to delete in a week. It's a huge waste of time for everyone involved in inducting you
                    [reply to Nycticora]
                  1. Vanisse [reply]
                    0 , 0 , 0 .
                    that's too bad. i think you were definitely learning and improving there. ah well have fun with your next one!
                      [reply to Vanisse]
                    1. BlackWidow [reply]
                      0 , 0 , 0 .
                      I never had any bad interactions with this character. Personally, I thought Brelil was more or less a good, solid character. The number of deaths surprises me though... But for a Mystic, kill count or K/D ratio is not too important anyway so it is easy to look past it.
                        [reply to BlackWidow]
                      1. Davairus [reply]
                        0 , 0 , 0 .
                        It doesn't matter who you are or what cabal you join - all players should be capable of constructing a sentence and inserting commas into it in the correct places. Its standard.
                          [reply to Davairus]
                        1. Another reason I wanted to delete^
                            [reply to Bladefurry]
                          1. Davairus [reply]
                            0 , 0 , 0 .
                            Well, I appreciate you caring about the quality of Mystics, but you should be putting more effort into your dialogue. If you display a willingness to learn and improve, its enough.
                              [reply to Davairus]
                            1. It's cool I just knew I can't speak to save my life should have went to college
                                [reply to Bladefurry]
                              1. beia [reply]
                                0 , 0 , 0 .
                                Or just paid attention in high school.
                                  [reply to beia]
                                1. asudan [reply]
                                  0 , 0 , 0 .
                                  Try to do more things on your own, you asked for too much help. You will gain more knowledge and appreciation for your character the more you do on your own.
                                    [reply to asudan]
                                  1. Tiqa [reply]
                                    0 , 0 , 0 .
                                    I think that`s nice Bladefurry that you were wanting to help newbies...even though only lasted a month.

                                    What was the most challenging or interesting question you got?
                                      [reply to Tiqa]
                                    1. Most challenging part is the project that is under way....writing is a pain
                                        [reply to Bladefurry]
                                      1. kento [reply]
                                        0 , 0 , 0 .
                                        Honestly, we don't care if you sit there and get pk'd while typing your tells, it would ruin the experience less if you simply took the time to do it correctly.

                                        You said 'It's cool I just knew I can't speak to save my life should have went to college.'

                                        Okay, so this isn't the absolutely best grammar, but in this sentence, you both used apostrophes and capitalized your i's, and honestly overall I would never bat an eye lash at this IC. I don't care what it takes, if you cannot take the time to do this on a game that you spend many many hours on, there is an issue. I spot your characters a mile away because they are geared to high heaven *because you know most of the shit that the vets know gear wise* and you do not use correctly typed grammar.
                                          [reply to kento]

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