Cthartu the Unholy Knight > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Cthartu created on 27th of February 2014, and is dead and gone (25 years old, 161 hours, 10 months lifetime)

Title: the Unholy Knight
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: human dark-knight

Background history:

  1. Beginnings - posted at 2014-03-01 04:27:08
Cthartu's origins remain unknown. He was found nearly dead in a dark alley by a random husband and wife. The couple looked after Cthartu long enough to nurse him back to health, but they abandoned him as they realized all too soon that there was something different about him. Left alone, he wandered the streets of whatever city he happened to be in at the time and scrounged for food and coin, anything that could keep him alive. Most others kept their distance, even the city watch cared not to go near him for fear of... Something. It was a hot afternoon when it happened. Cthartu was slowly wandering the street, attempting to find some cool shade to rest in when a brutish of a man walked right into him, knocking him down with ease. Already disgruntled from the midday heat, the mercenary felt it more than pleasing to lash out at the child before him for simply being in the way. As blows rained down all about him, Cthartu felt a strange calmness from deep within. Confused, he reached for it, attempted to capture and manipulate it, and found it exhilerating. Suddenly a rush of power and energy flowed through him, granting him extraordinary strength. Rejuvenated and feeling in control, Cthartu crushed the mercenary's skull with ease. Amazed and in disbelief, Cthartu began to back away until again, he bumped into someone. Turning around and thrashing wildly, his arms were caught by a man of average stature and held there. Blinking, Cthartu looked up into the eyes of a man who had the same calmness about him as he felt within himself. The man staring back simply said, 'You have potential. ' and with that, he trained Cthartu in the ways of of mixing might and magic together. After quite a few years, Cthartu decided it was time to move on and find new power.


Soft chanting slowly fills the air with a feeling of dread unlike anything you've felt before as this man slowly paces back and forth. Sinister blue eyes appear to stare directly through anything they happen to focus on as if he knew the very essence of an object and how to control it through force of will. His head has been shaved and a darkened tinge is all that remains. High set cheek bones and a sharply hooked nose rest just above a set of thin, crimson lips and a strong, chiseled jaw. Coarse black hair covers his forearms and travels across the backs of his hands and knuckles giving him a rugged appearance. Thick armor adorns his body and he carries it with an ease that most would not be capable of and only adds to the effect that this man has on the world about him.

PK stats:

Kills: 41, Deaths: 17 (Ratio: 2.4, Efficiency: 70%)
Pinnacle Kills: 37, Pinnacle Deaths: 15 (Ratio: 2.5, Efficiency: 71%)

Kills by class:
thief: 1, ranger: 4, healer: 6, invoker: 6, paladin: 5, shaman: 3, warrior: 9, berserker: 1, shadow: 1, necromancer: 3, dark-knight: 2,
Killed by class:
warrior: 2, healer: 1, paladin: 3, warrior: 1, vampire: 1, necromancer: 2, berserker: 1,

Nemesis: Filstaf

Logs mentioning Cthartu:Mystiques mentioning Cthartu:


  1. Andrael [reply]
    0 , 0 , 0 .
      [reply to Andrael]
    1. Oxyl [reply]
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      I liked this guy's name.
        [reply to Oxyl]
      1. Pretty normal for this guy. He plays and plays, then poofs is gone for months at a time, then comes back for a surge of activity again, only to get bored and delete.
          [reply to Nadrin]

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