Hilduin the Master Poet > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Hilduin created on 04th of February 2014, and is dead and gone (18 years old, 28 hours, 3 months lifetime)

Title: the Master Poet
Gender: Male
Level: 41
Class: half-elf bard

Background history:

  1. The Beginning - posted at 2014-02-10 06:54:00
The Beginning
Hilduin was born into a simple village. This village was a group of simple half breeds, better known as half-elves. As a young half-elf, Hilduin enjoyed the lore and tales of the adventures of Thera. On his seventh birthday, he was given an instrument to construct rhythm. He began to love this stringed instrument, strumming it as he traveled about his town. The town folk began to think that he was wasting his time and began to look at him with an odd eye. Soon, Hilduin began to play tunes and melodies that pleased even the most skeptic town folks, putting all minds at ease. It seemed at all this half-elf seemed to want to do was to entertain others through the beauty of music. Soon, Hilduin also began to learn the lore of the realms through stories. He began to infuse the tales of those around him into the music he played. Upon his seventeenth birth year, he began to yearn for more. His song and his story telling began to take on a tone of melancholy. Sensing his dull tone and glazed eyes, his parents sat him down. "Son, our village will always be here for you, but it is time for you to understand our world." Knowing what his parents spoke of, he knew it was time to explore the vast world. Picking up his instrument and provisions, he ventured eastward, towards a mammoth city. This city was known as Seringale.


A medium bodied human stands here with the grace and ears of an elf. His hair is a fine golden blonde, flowing softly behind his neck. His eyes glow with a brilliant blue, reflecting even the faintest light. His right forearm has a tattoo of a harp where as his left forearm has a tattoo of a scroll and quill. Many jars of ink, potion, and ale hang from his belt. He seems not to disturb the ground he walks on, not even bending a single blade of grass. A soft aura radiates from this half elf, giving a feeling of tranquility.

PK stats:

Kills: 0, Deaths: 1 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 0%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 0 (Ratio: 0:0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:

Killed by class:
invoker: 1,

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