Kardoden the Grand Master of Autumn > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Kardoden created on 15th of February 2015, and is dead and gone (19 years old, 54 hours, 3 months lifetime)

Title: the Grand Master of Autumn
Gender: Male
Level: 47
Class: half-elf monk

Background history:

  1. Abandonment - posted at 2015-02-17 02:06:17
  2. Abandonment - posted at 2015-02-17 02:23:33
It is not unknown that true Elves despise the mixture between their ancient race and the race of Humans. What is not known is the depth in which an Elf is willing to go to in such matters. Kardoden does not know exactly where he comes from, he was abandoned in the woods near no known civilization. Fortunately for him, it happened to be the location where a sect of Brothers would go to obtain herbs and various mushrooms and other fungi. Happening upon the Half-Elf, cradled in a basket too small for his body, they hurriedly took him back to their monastery. Here the Grandmaster would take Kardoden personally under his wing, for if ever their was a kinder, gentler man, Serin had not heard of him. The Grandmaster named him Kardoden after a recently fallen Brother. He nurtured Kardoden back to health and began his training a few years later when Kardoden was able to walk. Years and years passed by, the Grandmaster taught Kardoden the proper way to treat others and to tend to wounds and how to fight without fighting. He also taught him how to defend himself when the time came. Upon Kardoden's seventeenth name day, the Grandmaster informed Kardoden that it was his time to leave saying, 'One must make his own path, Kardoden. You would do well to take what I have taught you and spread it throughout the lands. '. Without another word, the doors to the monastery were shut closed and Kardoden was left alone, again. Aiming to prove himself to the world, Kardoden ventured off into a land unknown.


An earthy aroma wafts off of the Half Elven man standing before you. Golden hair cascades down to his shoulders and sways with the breeze at the slightest inclination. Piercing gray eyes note the world about him from a slender and smooth face. A nose as sharp as a hawk's beak sits just above thin red lips which when parted, show rows of fine white teeth. A set of slightly elongated ears protrudes from in between loose strands of hair. He is garbed in flowing robes of plain elegancy and a simple rope has been cinched about his waist. An aura of raw chii flows about him as easily as water to a river rock.

PK stats:

Kills: 1, Deaths: 2 (Ratio: 0.5, Efficiency: 33%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 0 (Ratio: 0:0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:
warrior: 1,
Killed by class:
necromancer: 1,

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