Kharl the Sage of Arcane Power > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Kharl created on 08th of June 2017, and is dead and gone (18 years old, 37 hours, 16 days lifetime)

Title: the Sage of Arcane Power
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: human invoker

Background history:

  1. Just a Slave - posted at 2017-06-09 02:44:37
Just a Slave
This tale is one of sadness and mystery. From another realm he lived a normal life growing through his childhood, and into manhood. His was a magical existence, the everyday comforts would seem wondrous mysteries to normal mortals. That life was not to be though, as one day it was all ripped away. He was working on something for the community, when a terrible head pain laid him low. After an indeterminate time of black, dreamless sleep he woke. The feeling when he woke was of white hot needles pressing into him, hot and cold at the same time. This was followed immediately by a tugging sensation and then suddenly he found himself standing before a strange looking man. With a mute exclamation, he tried to speak but found himself unable to. The man standing before him calmly walked around him holding a strange scepter. Strangely he could feel the scepter, could feel the power from it. The bindings tugged at his very soul, and his lips fell into a rictus as he tried to lunge at the man. Strangely he found himself to have not moved, and the strange man smiled wider at him. "My my, you are just perfect slave." Slave, that word would haunt him for many years to follow. It was very quickly, and painfully explained to him that not only was he a slave, but that his magic would now be bent to the servitude of others. Not only his magic, but his very will, because no matter how he felt about something he was forced to obey all wishes that did not break the rules. He learned that only through the death of his master, or a violation of the rules governing his binding would allow him to rest. It was many years before he was freed from his first master, and with the release came more blackness. No awareness of time passing, and no life of his own. Master after master passed through, most terrible but few kind, yet one thing was always in common. That fateful word, slave. One day his quality of life would change for the better. That tugging sensation from before, and then he was standing before a robed man. Kind words were quickly exchanged, as the mage expressed obvious delight at his find, delight that turned to consternation on finding out that he had but one name. Slave... The mage would not have that, and soon they came to a name. His name would now be Kharl. He spent many good years with this master, always hearing that something would be changed, and while his quality of life was improved and he now had a name he was still a slave. Yet it was not as bad as it had been, for his new master was a powerful archmagi, one devoted to the study of powerful magics, and artifacts. Many years he studied with this master, learning new tricks of magic while they studied these artifacts. Yet something was off, this master had a grand library that he was granted much access too, and through it he learned of Virgil, and the corruption these magics and artifacts his master studied brought about. The more he studied, the more certain he became. These objects, like the one that had bound him for so long were not good... Finally, this master too died. The blackness returned, and he did not know how long he floated lost in it. When this time he was pulled back, he did not feel the needles, nor the tugging pain. There he was, amidst the rubble of his old masters tower, and the only thing near him was a part of his scepter. The scepter was clearly broken, and with its destruction the power over him was gone.

Description (commended):

As you gaze upon him, your eyes are drawn inexorably to his. Eyes the color of emeralds, sparkle brightly with some inner light. While you stare unable to break his gaze you notice flecks of other colors dancing around ceaselessly. Finally you are able to pull your gaze from his eyes as the swirling color shifts to scan past you. His face appears lean, shoulder length black hair framing his calm visage. The Hair on his face covers his chin and lips cut close while leaving his cheeks and sideburns bare. Crossing his cheek is a strange shaped burn the odd shape providing the thought of a spell gone awry. A little on the skinny side, he still appears reasonably muscular as if he is accustomed to hard work. Lastly your eyes are drawn to three spheres. Floating in the air around him rotating slowly you briefly wonder why you are just now noticing them. While they shift in the air around him as if in orbit, they slowly alter in color. Never the same color for more than but a moment they seem to represent the elements...

PK stats:

Kills: 3, Deaths: 3 (Ratio: 1, Efficiency: 50%)
Pinnacle Kills: 2, Pinnacle Deaths: 2 (Ratio: 1, Efficiency: 50%)

Kills by class:
invoker: 2, warrior: 1,
Killed by class:
shadow: 1,

Nemesis: Xulu

Logs mentioning Kharl:
Tags: #keeper


  1. This character was me. There were accusations of OOC regarding my character, and this is my answer. When I play, I play the same basic time every day unless I happen to be off work that day. I made a keeper because the rp sounded cool this time, and I had a great idea with this character, but it was basically ruined. My fun that is. My logins, may or may not have seemed coordinated, to the point even that people have tried to pick out other characters (wrongly) that they think might be mine. To that end, I deleted this character before my other characters are potentially found out by my number of secrets found etc. Enjoy
    1. Vinther
      0 , 0 , 1 .
      It was fishy, i already apologized. The fact that you and Nico appeared at the same time so many times was pretty weird. I have no idea if you really did co-ordinate the logins or not, but it was weird enough nonetheless.

      Nothing was ruined for you, not more than it was for me...
    2. Faelon
      0 , 0 , 1 .
      Vinther. Just shut your fucking month. Is that so hard for you?

      He said how he felt and you ended with "don't tell me how you feel, I'll tell you how you feel." That's some arrogant shit right there.
    [reply to Nadrin]
  2. (removed) [reply]
    0 , 0 , 0 .
    1. Terrible about putting the right comment on the right character, whoops.
    [reply to Virasen]
  3. Wanted to say sorry for not getting to your custom race. Stupid busy with work and then when I log in, everyone and their mom wants one.
      [reply to Virasen]
    1. There's a load of them coming in. Pretty soon, the core races will be the exceptions hahaha!

      That's a rough break how this character panned out for you, Nadrin, I understand why you did what you did.
      There are characters that run together all the time, eventually you learn the general times they're on and, if possible, hop on as well. Sometimes they just line up, or you make a friend adventuring with someone new. Why wouldn't we want to hang out with friends?
      This will pass, though, we always have something in the backs of our minds to play and Nadrin will just come back with some epic character, we'll be good.
      1. tayyah
        1 , 0 , 0 .
        I've said this tons of times. we started this game as kids. 20 years later were all functioning adults and most work9-5ish Monday to Friday lives which one lyrics leaves very specific times to login
      [reply to Dinklebik]
    2. Exactly what tayyah said
        [reply to Nadrin]
      1. It was fun while it lasted!!! I wished a couple times that we were communicating OOC because I was getting ganked 3v1 and I wish I had someone to call and have them log in! Regardless I was hoping to see you get that custom race. I am glad that you submitted to my plans for Keeper and if you could have stuck around it would have been epic! Sorry I could not promote you, no one cares about keepers. I think Dav is just waiting for us all to delete then remove them from the game. Hope to see you around friend!
          [reply to Nico]

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