Kiladean the Grand Master of Seasons
Kiladean created on 15th of March 2020, and is currently 43 years old (55 hours played).

Title: the Grand Master of Seasons
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: half-elf monk

Background history:


Thick, dark brown hair has aggressively overtaken this man's head, hanging down just past his shoulders from the back and sides, and reaches down in front of his vivid hazel eyes at the front. A thick beard, mostly brown like his hair, but with an added touch of copper to it, covers his face from the jawline down to the base of his neck. Something has happened to the tips of his ears, as both of them are an ugly mass of scar tissue, barely visible as they are under all of the hair. His skin is tanned a deep golden-brown, with broad shoulders that sport long arms. Thick and callused, his hands are massive, looking big enough to palm a dinner plate with. A chest and back tell the tale of a lifetime of endured physical pain, thick, black scars criss-cross each other in various places but seemingly concentrate around his upper torso. Thin, thread-bare leggings reach down just past his knees, and more calluses are visible along the inner portions of his calves, and the sides and bottoms of his broad feet.
