Koivul the Forest Patrician > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Koivul created on 27th of November 2014, and is dead and gone (20 years old, 63 hours, 13 days lifetime)

Title: the Forest Patrician
Gender: Male
Level: 46
Class: half-elf ranger

Background history:

  1. My Beginning - posted at 2014-11-29 08:46:12
My Beginning
Born in the forest, I grew up in a home of strict discipline and unwavering competition between my brothers. My father always pitted us against each other to gain the very best out of his sons. From an early age, I learned to defend myself against extreme odds and deal with overwhelming circumstances. No matter the weather my father would train us in the art of war, depicting grand battles in our small grove. My mother would tend to our wounds, but with the same strict behavior demonstrated by our father. My older brother Restha was chosen by our clan to represent us in the summer battles. At the time I was too young for the competition, but I traveled with him to learn. His first battle went quite smoothly and he defeated a young dwarf without breaking a sweat. His confidence soared and he did not maintain the discipline our father preached. A sinister drow was his next opponent my brother not respecting his opponent was left with a gracious souvenir, a permanent reminder to never take an opponent lightly for now he could no longer use his left hand. My father no longer recognized my brother as his son due to the embarrassment he caused our proud family. I became the chosen son to lead our family out of despair and change our misguided fortune. The very next summer I battled all opponents of the lands emerging victorious. My family was showered with gifts and wealth beyond our dreams. My parents became so engrossed with wealth and notoriety that they began to feature me as an unstoppable beast ready for any battle. I relished the attention and savored the blood I would spill. Countless men tried their hand in battle, and many lost just that. On a cold and stormy night a giant of a man came to my father and asked for his permission to take me to train with him. My father laughed in his face as I watched, within a blink of an eye a massive club the size of two men came crashing down on my father killing him instantly. The rest of my family scared?" I responded, "There is nothing to fear, master teach me, I am student."


There is a man standing before you, he is quite thin. His face is extremely flat, flat as the calm sea. His eyes are quite narrow and forever focused. He stands at almost six feet in height with bronzed skin. His features are flawless, his eyes are a deep green with long eye lashes. His hair is a fiery red color, shoulder length flowing in the wind. There is a benevolent smile on his face, revealing perfect teeth, all white in color.

PK stats:

Kills: 0, Deaths: 3 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 0%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 0 (Ratio: 0:0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:

Killed by class:
necromancer: 1,

Record against Opponent

2- 0- 0 Thyson the Lieutenant of Armaments (Fought at rank 46)

Duels: 2, Wins: 2, Losses: 0 (Win Rate: 100%)

Mystiques mentioning Koivul:


  1. ...
      [reply to Lorne]
    1. Mikoos [reply]
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      Apparently suicide rates are up this year during the holiday season.
        [reply to Mikoos]
      1. Ozaru [reply]
        0 , 0 , 0 .
        I spent a lot of time reading old posts from the graveyards of my previous characters and it was really sad to read. I keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result which means I must be insane. Nothing negative happened on this character, no blow up, just a lack of desire on my part. I guess I was afraid to put myself out there again, attempt to deal with what may happen and pray that it wouldn't lead to frustration anger and more ridiculousness. So I decided to just delete before something like that could happen.
          [reply to Ozaru]
        1. What a waste.
            [reply to Ramod]
          1. Ceridwel [reply]
            0 , 0 , 0 .
            Maybe try something other than a ranger so you don't get bored?
              [reply to Ceridwel]
            1. Nycticora [reply]
              0 , 0 , 0 .
              It's a trap. You make something else and die or have to quit out because you don't know it as well as your primary class. Then you feel shameful, like you could have won if you were playing your class but you were sandbagging it. It's tough to learn new classes when you're the kind of guy who only plays one character at a time.
                [reply to Nycticora]
              1. Ceridwel [reply]
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                Meh. Roll a dark knight. Lord knows Nyct made them op ;)
                  [reply to Ceridwel]
                1. Kornhole [reply]
                  0 , 0 , 0 .
                  or berserker, they are pretty pumped atm
                    [reply to Kornhole]
                  1. Ergorion [reply]
                    0 , 0 , 0 .
                    It does suck eating 10-20 deaths on a class before really figuring it out, but when you do you're a much better pk'er for it.
                      [reply to Ergorion]
                    1. Blashyrkh [reply]
                      0 , 0 , 0 .
                      I vote vampire
                        [reply to Blashyrkh]
                      1. Davairus [reply]
                        0 , 0 , 0 .
                        Ozaru rangers generally turn out something like this

                          [reply to Davairus]
                        1. Ozaru [reply]
                          0 , 0 , 0 .
                          what is that?
                            [reply to Ozaru]
                          1. Ceridwel [reply]
                            0 , 0 , 0 .
                            Broken link. Image name is swing-fail.gif so Google that to get Dav's idea.
                              [reply to Ceridwel]
                            1. Davairus [reply]
                              0 , 0 , 0 .
                              it didnt work? haha
                                [reply to Davairus]
                              1. Ozaru [reply]
                                0 , 0 , 0 .
                                ah i see
                                  [reply to Ozaru]
                                1. Ozaru [reply]
                                  0 , 0 , 0 .
                                  its funny u say that nyc so I made a dkn and got killed by a dkn while training. It was probably your dkn lol so one less dkn to worry about now.
                                    [reply to Ozaru]
                                  1. Nycticora [reply]
                                    0 , 0 , 0 .
                                    nah, been learning to dj so I haven't been playing. When I do get back into it I'll be head down coding anyway
                                      [reply to Nycticora]

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