Minahga the Holy Shaman > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Minahga created on 26th of May 2013, and is dead and gone (27 years old, 208 hours)

Title: the Holy Shaman
Gender: Female
Level: 50
Class: fire giant shaman

Background history:

  1. Untitled - posted at 2013-10-28 08:19:16
Minahga think bak tu furst thing she rememburs: she wayk up on taybul in smoll ruum. She see lytning flash outsyd windoh. Thayr lots of syens stuff arownd and menny ded nohmses on grownd. Minahga see she holding paypur in hand. Paypur hav letturs on it: 'Good luck! ' Maybee guud luk kil nohmses? Minahga see three big, glohing buuks on shelf in shynee woll. Buuk hav letturs on it: 'minahgA. ' Minahga heer voys and buuk gloh mor. Voys say, 'Take me and become strong! Read me and become invincible!! Live me and become a god!!! ' Minahga think that guud deel. Minahga swayr hur naym is letturs on buuk. She try tu get buuk but it stuk in shynee woll. She kik and hit shynee woll and it brayk but now thayr just wall and not buuk. She heer voys say: 'Here! Take me now!! ' Minahga reech for diffrent buuk but it stuk, tuu. Minahga yell, 'Guud luk! ' and woll brayks tu peeses. She heer voys say: 'You certainly are a fool, but you'll have to do. Pick me up now! ' Voys mayk Minahga mad! She think, 'Minahga not fuul! Buuk is fuul! ' Minahga yell, 'Guud luk, voys! ' She grab last glohing buuk and heer voys agen: 'At last, I am free! Your body and soul are mi- Ugh! What is happening to me!? What have you done!? Aaargh! ' Minahga rip up buuk, drop buuk and kik buuk menny tyms. Buuk stop glohing. Minahga see menny pikturs frum buuk flash befor hur. Pikturs get smoll and fly into Minahga's hed lyk shynee bugs. Minahga heer nuu voys say, 'You are an unnatural creature, Minahga, and the power granted to you by Fate cannot be allowed to disturb the Balance. This power will be sealed from you for fifty years with the hope that the passing time will bring you the wisdom and temperance necessary to wield it. Good luck! ' Shynee-bug pikturs fly owt frum Minahga's hed. She wont tu grab them but thay fly tu fast. Minahga think fifty yeers is long tym. She get hungree and leev.


The air is hot and sticky around the she-giant hunched over before you. She is considerably muscled, well-busted, and is at least seven feet in length. A rat's-tail of coarse, ashen hair sits tied off atop her otherwise bald skull. Her smooth-looking skin is lightly crusted and occasionally sparkles like a fine whetstone. She wears a small bone-piercing in her septum and her beady eyes and sharpened fingernails pulsate with a dim glow. Your head begins to swim in the rich, earthy musk and scents of intercourse emanating from her.

PK stats:

Kills: 0, Deaths: 0 (Ratio: 0:0, Efficiency: 0%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 0 (Ratio: 0:0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:

Killed by class:


  1. Hondorian [reply]
    0 , 0 , 0 .
    Always found this char name amusing. Lots of hours to let go. Reminds me, should log in
      [reply to Hondorian]
    1. Vanisse [reply]
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      dammit. witch
        [reply to Vanisse]
      1. Davairus [reply]
        0 , 0 , 0 .
        Use the account thing.. much easier to remember to login that way
          [reply to Davairus]
        1. Mummy [reply]
          0 , 0 , 0 .
          Armor was all wrong... a fire shammy should emphasize their damage output to force others into submission.
            [reply to Mummy]

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