Nitto the Militant > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Nitto created on 09th of February 2016, and is dead and gone (21 years old, 84 hours, 2 months lifetime)

Title: the Militant
Gender: Male
Level: 40
Class: elf warrior

Background history:

  1. The Rising Sun - posted at 2016-02-15 20:55:00
  2. The Rising Sun - posted at 2016-02-23 04:27:01
The Rising Sun
Elves are renowned for their brilliance, grace and their affinity with nature. Most elves are born greatly gifted in the arcane or have an unbreakable bond with nature. Unlike his peers, Niitouryuu had no ability to wield the arcane. Growing up and spending all his life within the city decayed his bond with nature. Being labelled the disgrace to his family and teased for being useless by his peers did not help either. Niitouryuu withdrew to his own world and seldom talked to anyone. After he was thrown out of his house, the elf wandered the streets and became a delinquent. Though, even as a young hooligan he did not fare well either. He was eventually apprehended and taken in by the city's Knights to be disciplined. The Knights' endless blabbering did little to change the youngster's thinking. Niitouryuu thought he would waste the rest of his life away being the useless person he is since he did not even need to find food on his own now that the Knights have taken him in along with many other abandoned youngsters. He could just kick back and take it easy for the rest of his life now. As the days went by, Niitouryuu continued to sink deeper into his self-pity while the others started to leave as they found their calling in life. Until one day, the Legion poured in through a magical gate and slaughtered everyone there. Cornered and helpless, Niitouryuu felt a desire to fight evil for the first time in his life but it was futile - he was so fearful of the fire giant in front of him that he could not even move a muscle, let alone fight. As the behemoth's bloody axe swung down towards him, a blinding light poured in from above. Barely able to see through his blurry eyes, Niitouryuu caught a phoenix-like sillhouette dashing around the room easily slaying all the soldiers of the Legion. As he regained his sight, Niitouryuu sat in awe as the lifeless corpse of a fire giant and an illithid laid beneath the swordsman's twin blades. The barefooted swordsman was topless and wore only a pair of cloth pants fastened with a simple cloth belt. His blades were clean and not stained with blood even though they had just made a bloody mess. His entire body was covered in a collage of depictions of the gods and mythical creatures of the light. Niitouryuu was most impressed by the tattoo on the swordsman's back - a phoenix spreading out its wings across the swordsman's shoulders, calling to the heavens as the sun rises behind it. "Come with me young one, there is nothing here left for you," said the swordsman in a calm and cold voice as he extended a hand towards the younger elf, "I will show you how to gain power from the gods if you wish to fight these shadowspawn. You shall become a light that illuminates the darkness." Still reeling in shock and amazement, Niitouryuu meekly reached out for the hand as the morning sun rose.


Lanky in stature, a silent man stares into the distance solemnly. He has a pair of long sharp ears perked up pointed to the heavens. His almond shaped eyes seem blank and soulless at first glance but on further inspection is clear and tranquil. The elf possesses most features of his kind - agile, delicate and youthful. Tattoos depicting various mythical creatures and beings cover his whole body from his neck to his feet in an unbroken collage. Most prominent of all is a tattoo of a phoenix with wings spread wide open soaring to the heavens and the rising sun behind it.

PK stats:

Kills: 0, Deaths: 10 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 0%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 0 (Ratio: 0:0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:
illusionist: 6,
Killed by class:
berserker: 2, invoker: 2,

Nemesis: Ahchai


  1. Thorgoth [reply]
    0 , 0 , 0 .
      [reply to Thorgoth]
    1. Vanisse [reply]
      0 , 0 , 0 .


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