Rikpi the Crime Boss > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Rikpi created on 10th of March 2015, and is dead and gone (19 years old, 42 hours, 4 months lifetime)

Title: the Crime Boss
Gender: Male
Level: 36
Class: pixie thief

Background history:


A tiny creature is here, appearing rather like a toy that a Human child might play with. Muscular and fit for its size, this pale-skinned creature has vibrant purple eyes speckled with green and gold. His short hair is chopped roughly into a spiked mass and looks rather like flames emanating from his head. A pinky has been cut clean from his left hand, but the rest of his fingers twitch constantly as if playing a piano. He moves in a hasty manner, never seeming truly at peace staying in one spot. Even standing in place, he sways back and forth as if predicting a need to move. Tiny transparent wings rest awkwardly on his back, jagged angles showing clearly the uselessness of them both. A scar rests on his right forearm in the form of a 'T' branded roughly. This creature clearly can't keep his hands to himself.

PK stats:

Kills: 1, Deaths: 16 (Ratio: 0.1, Efficiency: 5%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 0 (Ratio: 0:0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:
dark-knight: 1,
Killed by class:
monk: 1, illusionist: 1, necromancer: 2,


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