Saavaak the Battlemaster > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Saavaak created on 18th of March 2016, and is dead and gone (21 years old, 80 hours, 3 months lifetime)

Title: the Battlemaster
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: slith warrior

Background history:

  1. Beginnings - posted at 2016-03-19 14:41:15
Born in the marsh areas west of Seringale I was surrounded by nature and all the blessings that Serin could offer from an early age. My parents raised me to be strong, brave and honorable. I took to combat at an early age learning the ways of war from my father. My mother taught me to train my mind and learn the importance of patience and forgiveness, and most of all of Fairness. They trained me to use my muscle and my mind, but I had a taste for battle. During one of my lessons we could feel the earth tremble as hundreds of men came through our lands. They killed everyone in sight and set fire to my beloved grove. My father told me to hide in the forest, but I refused and stood by him. The horse men came up to our home and surrounded us. Cackling with glee they charged at my father who quickly parried an attack and slew the first horsemen. The next two followed suit dead to the ground. Poised and ready for the next attack I could see my father growing tired, we did our best to defeat the horsemen, but in the end my father fell with honor and courage to protect our family. The rest of the horsemen surrounded me as I stood my ground. I slashed at their legs as that is all I could reach. I was taken away and flung into a small cell chained like a dog living in my own filth. As I grew older, I remembered the patience my mother thought me and kept a solemn peace about me. I trained my mind and body to prepare for any opportunity to escape. On a cold windy night, my captor fell asleep at his post. With the blessing of nature I summoned all my strength and slammed my body into the cell door breaking it free. I fled though their village to a near by mountain. I scaled it to the peak and hid as best I could. After a few days my lazy captors gave up and returned to their city. I began to make my way back to my beloved forest. I kept the ideals instilled within me by my parents and hoped to find others along my journey to share in my quest.

Description (commended):

A lizard being stands before you with a stern look on his face. It looks humanoid, at least in terms of having two arms and two legs, but beyond that he is certainly not human. If by some wizardry a salamander and a man were able to mate and had offspring, the being before you would be the result. His skin is covered with scales and appears clammy to the touch, and is greenish in color. His eyes are slightly bulbous and rest on the sides of his reptilian face as opposed to the adjacent occularities of a human. He walks slightly stooped over, not from lack of strength or agility but from years of wandering the lands and discovering it is more efficient to do so.

PK stats:

Kills: 0, Deaths: 3 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 0%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 2 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:

Killed by class:
invoker: 2, dark-knight: 1,

Mystiques mentioning Saavaak:


  1. ivindel [reply]
    0 , 0 , 0 .
    What can I say, no warriors ever stay on
      [reply to ivindel]

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