Umbaku the Wrath of Nature > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Umbaku created on 14th of May 2020, and is dead and gone (19 years old, 52 hours, 13 days lifetime)

Title: the Wrath of Nature
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: werebeast ranger

Background history:

  1. Balance from Within - posted at 2020-05-16 15:16:23
Balance from Within
I was born west of The holy grove surrounded by the beautiful peace and tranquility of the forest. My earliest memories are of the gong of the temple I grew up in. Raised by the monks my brothers and sisters were trained to in the ways of the balance. From an early age, I learned to defend myself against extreme odds and deal with overwhelming circumstances. No matter the weather my fathers and older brothers would train us in the art of war. We would practice our forms and chant our prayers to bring harmony within our soul. One day my brother was chanting in the garden and a greedy mob came to sack our temple. My elder brother did all he could to subdue the mob, he killed one man, but was bound and gagged. Those men took him and I never saw him again. I ran down the mountain path and hid in small cave. I hid there for days dying of hunger and thirst. I was able to channel my pain and focus my energy internally. Barely able to stand I crawled out of the cave and tumbled down the hill and fell into a stream. I drank water and ate the berries that grew till my belly doubled in size. I fell asleep and woke up two days later. I felt renewed and strong, but the harsh realization that I was now alone in this world took its cruel grip on my heart. I sat by that stream and saw my reflection and I knew from that moment on I knew I could survive any challenge life threw at me. As I grew older I began to rebuild the broken pieces of my life. I found a forest that seemed uninhabited and untouched by men of the city. I built a dwelling of wood and clay and set out to find the meaning of life and death coupled by greed.


A tall, resolute human stands before you. His flaxen colored hair and robust stature is well toned and free of any excess fat allowing for great prowess on the battlefield. His hair is quite wild and greasy as if it has not been washed in weeks. Bits of leaves and dirt can be seen throughout his wild mane. Beneath his matted hair are two fierce green eyes that can be seen staring back at you with steadfast focus. Your every move is followed by his gaze. His nose is slightly turned up and distinctively strong. His forehead has number wrinkles and crow's feet adorn his eyes. He grinds his teeth and a slight grin can be seen revealing animalistic fangs. Before you break your gaze you notice small scar at the apex of his jaw line, it resembles claw marks of a beast perhaps occurring at birth. In the distance you hear a thunderous roar that shakes your very soul.

PK stats:

Kills: 1, Deaths: 1 (Ratio: 1, Efficiency: 50%)
Pinnacle Kills: 1, Pinnacle Deaths: 1 (Ratio: 1, Efficiency: 50%)

Kills by class:
warrior: 1,
Killed by class:
shaman: 1,


  1. That was faster than usual? Story?
      [reply to Nadrin]
    1. Ozaru [reply]
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      second beast ranger i have made after edebayo and second time I have had 50 to 70 hp less than Edebayo even with 1 prac training. That is annoying to see 10 and 12 hp gains on a 20 con character. Fighting at 50 I needed the keeper powers and u don't have much at rank 1 not sure what was taking so long for a promotion but whateves. I am going to stay away from cabals, too much pressure is put on and i haven't had a good showing for a while. At least if I make a trash character it won't be in a cabal
      1. Olyn
        3 , 0 , 0 .
        You deleted less than 5 days from when you were inducted and, as far as I could tell, you didn't really do much. Promotions are something you need to earn.
      2. Phostan
        0 , 0 , 0 .
        Wakanda Forever!
      3. Ozaru
        0 , 0 , 0 .
        i mean normally you get inducted into a cabal before 50 then when you hit 50 you get promoted, after that its what you do to earn it. That has always been my general thought. If thats how you feel then by all means it is your cabal. Just know for your members to have a decent chance they need to be level 2.

        As far as the hp thing, I thought you guys normalized it, I remember reading somewhere a while back that if u got low gains early you would get high gains late or vice versa.
      4. Davairus
        0 , 0 , 0 .
        We just boosted lowbie hp and lowered hp per level a bit to compensate. That means you are getting good hp levels, not bad ones. They may have been bad levels before, but definitely not now with the increased start hp. Edebayo was probably a 1 in a million awesome hp every level character.
      [reply to Ozaru]
    2. Davairus [reply]
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      Ozaru that HP per level seems to be bothering you a lot. If I was 1 prac with terrible hp per level I'd be very frustrated. That being the case, why don't you check how it looks at level 10 before you spend hours on 1 praccing and levelling to 50? If you know its ten hp behind that early already. Because if its 50 hp behind at level 50, it was probably 10 hp behind at level 10. You may also be able to catch the character in an early hole
        [reply to Davairus]
      1. jaux [reply]
        0 , 0 , 0 .
        My last ranger was human (same stats as beast) and ended up with 820 hp. Not sure how much your keeper had but this is more or less where I usually end up.
        1. Mr. Forgotten
          0 , 0 , 0 .
          The same stats bit isnt true at all. Beasts are chosen for the extra stats they get when they transforme. If you choose to go boar and transform at every level up, you'll get massive hp gains.
        2. hamsandwich
          0 , 0 , 0 .
          For one, Ozaru almost always goes tiger, as this character was. So no con increase. And for another, wasn't the boar hp gains debunked or something? Aren't they just standard 20 con hp gains regardless? Maybe I'm fabricating that memory idk.
        3. jaux
          0 , 0 , 0 .
          True, I forgot about boar. Not sure how many pick boar though. Doing back to the original comment of 20 con and not getting much for hp, low to mid 800s is what you can expect.
        [reply to jaux]
      2. Mikoos [reply]
        0 , 0 , 0 .
        Hi Ozaru, bye Ozaru.
          [reply to Mikoos]

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