Ursla the Grand Oracle of Spectres > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Ursla created on 11th of September 2015, and is dead and gone (24 years old, 155 hours, 9 months lifetime)

Title: the Grand Oracle of Spectres
Gender: Female
Level: 50
Class: illithid illusionist

Background history:


A denizen of the deep, a creature commonly known as a mind flayer, this being stands as tall as a full grown human male. Its pale green skin is a mosaic of different hues and patterns. A coat of thick, slimy mucus causes the illithid's exposed skin to glisten in the ambient light, although thick, heavy robes cloak most of the creature, disrupting its true outlines. The brilliant purple robes, slashed with silver and patterned with arcane runes, are of excellent quality, and crafted with some obscure method you are not familiar with. Two pale white eyes, as if afflicted by cataract, seem alert and functional. Those eyes of a darkness dwelling lifeform would easily be its most striking feature, if it were not for six, slowly squirming tentacles right below them. Four of the tentacles in the middle seem to be of even length of about ten inches, but the two tentacles on either side are twice as long as their shorter counterparts. The muscular tentacles are covered in suction cups, and surround a peculiar, lamprey-like mouth. The creature's mien of extreme arrogance mingles with a powerful psionic aura radiating outward, causing the air in direct contact to ripple slightly.

PK stats:

Kills: 21, Deaths: 1 (Ratio: 21, Efficiency: 95%)
Pinnacle Kills: 19, Pinnacle Deaths: 1 (Ratio: 19, Efficiency: 95%)

Kills by class:
paladin: 3, healer: 2, ranger: 1, monk: 4, necromancer: 2, berserker: 3, warrior: 3, bard: 1, vampire: 1, invoker: 1,
Killed by class:
illusionist: 1,

Nemesis: Nileah

Logs mentioning Ursla:Mystiques mentioning Ursla:


  1. divsky [reply]
    0 , 0 , 0 .
    Holy shit I had some good fights against you with Aldwen. I would guess all three of those warrior kills were me. I damn near got you once, though.

    Good times. This character will be missed. Screw Nileah for stealing the nemesis title from me.
      [reply to divsky]

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