Valishul the Holy Shaman > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Valishul created on 29th of April 2014, and is dead and gone (19 years old, 55 hours, 1 month lifetime)

Title: the Holy Shaman
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: drow shaman

Background history:

  1. Valishul's Beginning. - posted at 2014-05-03 18:23:10
Valishul's Beginning.
Valishul was born into house Zewan of Unlit City. The house's matrons had plans for him from the start. They took him from his mother, two days after being born and gifted him to the priestess of the house. Dark chants entered his mind from there on. Occasionally he would contact his biological mother, a rare treat for him as he wanted to know his family history. She told him of his father, How she loved him even though he was demented to madness. A god cursed him to be so she told him and in his final days an elf murdered him in cold blood. Now Valishul has always hated elves, yet this only re-enforced his hatred. Long he would pace the empty halls of unlit city during the day until finally an idea hit him. There should be a place for the elves. Not just the elves, but healers and paladins as well. And why not here? He thought. He knew the prison system of the city was efficient, but he wanted no prison. More like a research facility. No, maybe more like an institute where their minds could be thrown into an illusion. His mind ran on and on, he made lists, calculated space needed, the number of illusionists to be obtained, how much gold it would cost and so on. He loved the idea. Fighting directly was never his style, but tricking the mind of his enemies? It was genius he thought, but he was no fool. The requirements for a place was far out of his bounds. He knew one organization that could fulfill his wishes if he could gain their allegiance. Barbarians and thugs they were to him, but the more he thought about them. The more they looked like a labor force in disguise. They could lay brick and carve stone. Build cells and waste dumps. All the while he would be using their gold for his precious design. Yet that required one set back in order for him to live his dream. He would have to kill their leader and take power for himself for it to come to fruition.


White hair covers the top of the head on this Drow male. It's braided pony tale reaches down to his shoulders. Pale blue skin covers his stern looking face. Red eyes rest in it's sockets. White runes have been cut into the skin of his wrists, reaching up to his skinny fingers with sharp nails. His movements are graceful and directed when he moves to and fro. The voice emanating from him is clear and sharp. A sensible smell of herbs reaches out from his body to the noses around him.

PK stats:

Kills: 0, Deaths: 4 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 0%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 0 (Ratio: 0:0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:

Killed by class:
necromancer: 2,

Nemesis: Vydana


  1. Mikoos [reply]
    0 , 0 , 0 .
    bleh I'm bored. The game is awesome but I just can't get back to the same type of enjoyment that I did with mikoos, it's like no matter what character I play it's the same cliche stuff. and my pking has just been terrible lately (granted I have a new laptop and have only been using four aliases BUT STILL) the most joy I got from this guy was trying to play the mud with a monitor that only half's amazing what you can do with such a small thing to look at. I dunno if I'm ever going to get back into it. I've been barely playing as it is.
      [reply to Mikoos]
    1. BlackWidow [reply]
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      Another one bites the dust...
        [reply to BlackWidow]
      1. Davairus [reply]
        0 , 0 , 0 .
        what do you mean "cliche stuff". Resatimm rolled a necro that was a chef and collected people souls for his "recipes". He legion'd it and posted recipes to Legion
          [reply to Davairus]
        1. Mikoos [reply]
          0 , 0 , 0 .
          mmm tastey souls. eating one's enemy is borderline cliche, but that would have been 100 times better than what is currently out there. but this guys storyline was boring. Basically he wanted to be given unlit city so he could build a matrix style thing for goodies using illusionists he hired....yawn. and the people he interacted with were fairly boring as well. Even the insults lodged at him were boring, you know the tells where characters talk smack? I mean ffs if you are going to insult me at least say naughty things about my mother or something Lol instead of 'you suck' anyway there was some thought about going after the 'mystic agenda' and having them interviewed/causing shit with them but that never took off.

          I'm going to try to recruit some others I RP with if I can have them understand that muds can be free form. that would make this much more entertaining for me at least. I'm not a fan of OOC groups but has to try new things yes?
            [reply to Mikoos]
          1. Nycticora [reply]
            0 , 0 , 0 .
            idc what you do if it increases pbase, go nuts
              [reply to Nycticora]
            1. Andrael [reply]
              0 , 0 , 0 .
              With Nycticora here, if it brings more people to the slau... ummm game then go for it.
                [reply to Andrael]
              1. uzume [reply]
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                Haha I was told about you trying to provoke the mystic. To bad old men are stubborn
                  [reply to uzume]

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