Waschen the Grand Master of Seasons > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Waschen created on 05th of January 2015, and is dead and gone (24 years old, 142 hours, 6 months lifetime)

Title: the Grand Master of Seasons
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: human monk

Background history:

  1. A series of events - posted at 2015-06-21 22:48:37
A series of events
The basic path for any monk, is one of reflection inwards, viewing each moment as a series of events to be judged by their own merits, rather than by a desired outcome. Waschen Yosort, a native of a small chain of islands in the dragon sea, was the child of a powerful village elder. Early in life, he watched his father hoard wealth and power, in dealings with its powerful neighbors. Waschens father would deal away village girls and boys as slaves, trading away their future in an effort to harvest what riches he could. Waschen attempted to stop this barbary, but his father would not hear of it. In a vain attempt to keep any more children from the slave pits of Darkhaven, he fought the men that came to round up the little ones. He barely survived and would not have, had his father not stopped the merciless beatings. Waschen disappeared as soon as he was fit enough to walk. He learned quickly of the ethical thinking of the monks, taking care to judge future situations as his father never could. The ends cannot justify the means. Each series of events, must be judged on its own, with no thought of the desired outcome.


A pair of dark gray eyes, dominates the stern features of a smooth ebony skinned face. A thick black beard covers his face stopping just above his ears, with his head shaved clean above that point. As he walks, each movement appears at once smooth and strong, like a gust of wind that pulls at the body like a strong rope tied to the waist, yet as insubstantial as a puff of smoke.

PK stats:

Kills: 1, Deaths: 6 (Ratio: 0.2, Efficiency: 14%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 3 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:
dark-knight: 1,
Killed by class:
shaman: 1, shadow: 1, dark-knight: 1,

Logs mentioning Waschen:


  1. Faelon [reply]
    0 , 0 , 0 .
      [reply to Faelon]
    1. Davairus [reply]
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      I figured you were going to be the one to finally beat Uvet
        [reply to Davairus]
      1. xanthas [reply]
        0 , 0 , 0 .
        what the shit man?
          [reply to xanthas]
        1. beia [reply]
          0 , 0 , 0 .
          Going postal on his accounts again :D
            [reply to beia]

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