Yarianne the Wrath of Nature > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Yarianne created on 11th of May 2010, and is dead and gone (27 years old, 205 hours)

Title: the Wrath of Nature
Gender: Female
Level: 50
Class: half-elf ranger

Background history:

  1. Untitled - posted at 2013-10-28 08:19:16
Yarianne was born the daughter of a queen. Unfortunately, she was not the daughter of the king. Said king wanted the young child killed. There was no way he could claim her for his own: she had the skin tone and pointed ears of the elves who had stayed in their kingdom less than a year ago. But the queen wanted a daughter, and after bearing the king two living sons and two buried in the cemetery behind the castle and she insisted on keeping the child. To prevent a scandal, the king hid her as the daughter of one of the serving girls who worked for them, but the queen doted on her daughter, and did not hide her heritage from her. So it was that Yarianne grew up with two older brothers and a younger sister, born two years later, aware that she was the daughter of royalty, but also irrevocably different from her siblings and the rest of the human settlement. Aside from the strange conditions of her birth, and the additional teasing for being so different, Yarianne's childhood was similar to everyone else's: she ran, she played, laughed and cried, skinned her knees and caught fireflies late at night. When her younger sister came of age to be married, things began to turn sour. The suitor was older than both girls, but of the age where they both found him handsome. The suitor found Yarianne to be the more enticing sister, with her lush blond hair and exotic skin tone.<br><br>They flirted. It didn't go far beyond that. The king heard word that his wife's bastard daughter was attempting to steal away the match he had arranged with his trueborn child, and he was furious. Yarianne was promptly banished from the kingdom. No amount of pleading from his wife could change that decision. Yarianne would never know, but she had not fought for her bastard-daughter very hard: With a trueblood daughter, the queen had her priorities straight. So it was that with the bare minimum of equipment, the young half elven, half royal bastard Yarianne was banished to the continent of Thera to face what challenges were to be had and live as good a life as she could manage. She wandered for a long time, living on her own in woods where few mortals had ever stepped, finding herbs and roots and berries to survive on. As she wandered, she met travelers who taught her how to make weapons to hunt with and she prospered on her own. Her father's land had been very in touch with the land around them, celebrating the gods of tree and river and mountain, so it was to them that the young girl prayed for guidance. The will of her gods led her into civilization, but she found that after her solitude, there were too many people about. A man of similar ken found her led her to the ranger guildhall, introducing her to those who felt the same. There, Yarianne felt at home for the first time since she had been old enough to understand what 'bastard' meant. The guildmaster charged her with learning the rest of the major cities of Thera and she set out to obey him as best she could.


The woman standing in front of you has curly blond hair that wisps down to her waist. Beads made of dyed bones are braided into the locks at her temple, sliding down to accent her strong jawline. Bright hazel eyes peer out from thick eyelashes, taking in the world around her with a childlike innocence uncommon to most of Thera. She is slim and willowy, moving with the grace of the wind. As she moves, her hair shifts back over her shoulders, revealing points at the tips of her ears, suggesting a mixed heritage. An amulet rests in the dip of her throat. It is nothing more than the cross section of a medium branch, but there is an intricate design carved into it.

PK stats:

Kills: 0, Deaths: 0 (Ratio: 0:0, Efficiency: 0%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 0 (Ratio: 0:0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:

Killed by class:

Mystiques mentioning Yarianne:
Books mentioning Yarianne:


  1. Vevier [reply]
    0 , 0 , 0 .
    Aw. Good times were had, I suppose inact means I've moved on to other characters. Still, I always had the hope I'd come back to her...
      [reply to Vevier]

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