Displaying humans

1. Kamiizumi the Shadow of the Blade - 23 hours 41 minutes
2. Eralich the Apprentice of Detection - 11 hours 57 minutes
3. Zyron the Grand Master of Seasons - 5 hours 12 minutes
4. Alauli the Scholar of Deception - 5 minutes
5. Zaralin the Companion - 2 minutes
6. Lithazyrus the Spiritual - 0 minutes
7. Arutrus the Sage of Arcane Power - 0 minutes
8. Thechronos the Grunt - 0 minutes
9. Malhreil the Harbinger of Death - 0 minutes
10. Yaehilde the Mage of the Dead - 0 minutes
11. Yaldal the Dedicated of Acid - 0 minutes
12. Luridus the Brute - 0 minutes
13. Trilivvi the Cruel - 0 minutes
14. Feena the Questioner - 0 minutes
15. Ernandeth the Greater Golem Maker - 0 minutes
16. Legilia the Lady of Pain - 0 minutes
17. Acugord the Archfiend - 0 minutes

17 players shown.
