Displaying elfs

1. Aelar the Lieutenant of Armaments - 76 hours 20 minutes
2. Lezrae the Sorceress of the Astral Mind, Templar of Valour - 55 hours 24 minutes
3. Steileon the High Chancellor of Incantation - 50 hours 15 minutes
4. Bethralyn the Holy Lady - 27 hours 27 minutes
5. Lorendil the Holy Lady - 16 hours 38 minutes
6. Kaemos the Wizard of the Astral Mind - 4 hours 48 minutes
7. Melch the Master of Reality - 3 hours 42 minutes
8. Pteroh the Chaplain - 3 hours 38 minutes
9. Travaran the Master of Smell - 3 hours 4 minutes
10. Terrath the Holy Knight - 1 hours 21 minutes
11. Arrik the Burglar - 10 minutes
12. Tasar the Gladiator - 6 minutes
13. Rennyn the Planeshifter - 5 minutes
14. Jalyaneft the Grand Spectre of Beguilement - 5 minutes
15. Aelyndir the Leader of the Crusades - 0 minutes
16. Miri the Holy Lady - 0 minutes
17. Syhanna the Conjurer - 0 minutes
18. Ethran the Chivalrous - 0 minutes
19. Elnasel the Swashbuckleress - 0 minutes
20. Ociremos the Telepath - 0 minutes
21. Lynielle the Champion of the Crusades - 0 minutes

21 players shown.
