'CYCLOPS' Cyclopes are rare and giant humanoid creatures, often found alone and secluded in the deep wilderness. They have a long history of battle with humans, who have frequently attempted to hunt cyclopes to extinction. However, cyclopes sometimes find employment as guardians with their size, strength, and aggressive nature. The most famous of these is Aragmon, the guardian of the Warlord grounds. Having only one eye, their proficiency with weapons is often clumsy, instead relying on overwhelming power to overcome their opponents. Most cyclopes are exceedingly selfish, often concerned only with their survival and destruction of those they encounter, to include another cyclops. It is not uncommon for a cyclops to engorge on the flesh of their defeated foe. They are simple creatures with very few thoughts, rarely ever amassing to anything beyond an aggressive beast in the wild and not often known to wander far from what they decide is their home. Cyclops is a player requested CUSTOM RACE most similar to GIANTS.

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