'PROJECT IMAGE' Syntax: cast 'project image' <direction> Syntax: cast 'project image' room '<short desc>' '<long desc>'. As masters of illusory effects, an illusionist can create the appearance of false images designed to confuse and trick their victims. By using the project image spell, they can send one of their mirror images "running off" in any direction. The mirror image will continue moving in the chosen direction until it cannot travel in that direction any further. Alternatively, the illusionist can also use this spell to create the image of any monster they can dream up. The image will appear in the same room, exactly as described by the illusionist. Example: cast 'project image' room 'A red dragon' 'A large red dragon is here. ' NOTE: DO NOT ABUSE THIS SPELL BY CREATING THINGS OUT-OF-CHARACTER OR OUTSIDE THE THEME OF ABANDONED REALMS. THIS IS A ROLEPLAY ABILITY AS MUCH AS A SPELL AND MISUSE WILL BE DEALT WITH BY THE IMMORTALS.

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