Ye Olde Abandoned Realms Logs

Shaghroth vs Szrevan (3 duels)

posted on 2021-09-16 00:22:29
First duel where I forgot to use tenacity :D


The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth has accepted Szrevan's challenge.'

Szrevan looks at Shaghroth.

Shaghroth yells out his warcry.
Shaghroth yells 'Fist of War, guide my blade for the fallen!'

Shaghroth walks down.

Szrevan clanks down.

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan closes the door above you.'
The door below you closes.

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan looks at Shaghroth.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan nods.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan sits down and rests.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's heart beats to the rhythm of battle.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan becomes poised and ready for battle.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth stops wielding 'Chautard-ta', the Meteor Hammer.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth stops wielding 'Leese-Breaker', the Demolition Axe of the Barbarian.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth wields a huge iron sword.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding the blade of madness.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding an axe of bladed fury.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a polearm of victory.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan tightens his grip around a polearm of victory.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth gets a Knight Melancholic's shield from a Loot Sack.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth wears a Knight Melancholic's shield as a shield.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan surges with power.'
Shaghroth yells 'Help! Szrevan tried to trip me!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's trip misses Shaghroth.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth concentrates on his combat style to prevent Szrevan from dodging.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's stab DISEMBOWELS Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil MASSACRES Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has a few scratches and Shaghroth has a few scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth trips Szrevan, sending him to the ground.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's trip scratches Szrevan.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth executes the form, parting the wave!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's chop DISMEMBERS Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's stab devastates Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil MASSACRES Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has some small wounds and bruises and Shaghroth has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth strikes Szrevan with his weapon and attempts to hobble him.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's hobble wounds Szrevan.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan clutches his leg painfully as he begins to hobble.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan looks less wobbly on his feet.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has fled!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan collapses to the ground.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding a polearm of victory.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a rod of mind spectres.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a flail of purification in his off-hand.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth stops using a Knight Melancholic's shield as a shield.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth stops wielding a huge iron sword.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth wields a polearm of victory.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth stops wielding a polearm of victory.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth wields a withering scythe.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops hobbling around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

Shaghroth yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISMEMBERS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's illusionary spectre MANGLES Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISMEMBERS Shaghroth!'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's slash DISEMBOWELS Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's slash DISEMBOWELS Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's illusionary spectre MASSACRES Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISMEMBERS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's illusionary spectre MANGLES Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's illusionary spectre misses Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has quite a few wounds and Shaghroth has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth stops wielding a withering scythe.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth wears a Knight Melancholic's shield as a shield.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth wields a huge iron sword.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding a flail of purification.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's chop MUTILATES Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's illusionary spectre MASSACRES Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's illusionary spectre MANGLES Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's illusionary spectre MASSACRES Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has quite a few wounds and Shaghroth is in awful condition.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wears an enspelled energy shield as a shield.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan readies a set of steel javelins behind his shield.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding a rod of mind spectres.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a broadsword of purification.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth stops wielding a huge iron sword.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth wields a dead human wrapped in steel chains.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth stops using a Knight Melancholic's shield as a shield.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth wields 'Chautard-ta', the Meteor Hammer in his off-hand.'

Shaghroth yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan hurls a javelin as he closes in to attack Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's pierce devastates Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISMEMBERS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has claimed victory over Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'The duel lasted 39 seconds.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops short of a killing blow.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth is mortally wounded!!'


Second duel

Szrevan makes some grunting noises.

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth has accepted Szrevan's challenge.'

Shaghroth opens the door below you.

Szrevan yells out his warcry.
Szrevan yells 'The fire of Lorne will burn the bindsssh of Sra! For the Weh!'

Shaghroth walks down.

Szrevan sits down and rests.

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

Szrevan stands up.

Szrevan clanks down.

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan closes the door above you.'
The door below you closes.

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan looks around sharply but doesn't seem enlightened.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth becomes poised and ready for battle.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan looks more enlightened.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan becomes poised and ready for battle.'

Szrevan yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan turns Shaghroth's attack against him.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's slash decimates Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's beating MUTILATES Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's slash devastates Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's sting mauls Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's slash decimates Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has a few scratches and Shaghroth has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding the blade of madness.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a rod of mind spectres.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding a whipping tail of a manticore.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a flail of purification in his off-hand.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding a rod of mind spectres.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding a flail of purification.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a polearm of victory.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan tightens his grip around a polearm of victory.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan surges with power.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan lashes out with his tail, sending Shaghroth to the ground.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's trip scratches Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's beating MUTILATES Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISEMBOWELS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan executes the form, swirling sandstorm!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth is blinded by the dirt in his eyes!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's kicked dirt scratches Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil misses Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's tail hits Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has a few scratches and Shaghroth has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISEMBOWELS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil maims Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has a few scratches and Shaghroth has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan surges with power.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan lashes out with his tail, sending Shaghroth to the ground.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's trip scratches Shaghroth.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's riposte MUTILATES Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISMEMBERS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISEMBOWELS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has a few scratches and Shaghroth has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth has fled!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth looks less wobbly on his feet.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth rises back to his feet.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

Shaghroth yells 'Help! I am being attacked by someone!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's wild turmoil *** DEMOLISHES *** Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISEMBOWELS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's tail hits Shaghroth.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's eyes suddenly burn like hot coals as he is gripped by insanity!'
The Juggernaut says 'The dirt in Shaghroth's eyes bursts into flames.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's fury *** DEMOLISHES *** Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil maims Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil maims Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISEMBOWELS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's tail injures Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has some small wounds and bruises and Shaghroth has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth gets a wild look in his eyes.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding a polearm of victory.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a broadsword of purification.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth works himself into a maniacal frenzy!'

Shaghroth yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil maims Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's wild turmoil wounds Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISEMBOWELS Shaghroth!'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's bodyslam misses Szrevan.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth falls flat on his face.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's fury MANGLES Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISEMBOWELS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has quite a few wounds and Shaghroth has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding a broadsword of purification.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a polearm of victory.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan tightens his grip around a polearm of victory.'

Szrevan yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's fury MANGLES Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's fury MANGLES Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has quite a few wounds and Shaghroth has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's fury MANGLES Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISMEMBERS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISEMBOWELS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Shaghroth has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's bodyslam misses Szrevan.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth falls flat on his face.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has fled!'

Shaghroth yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISMEMBERS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISEMBOWELS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil MUTILATES Shaghroth!'

The goblin leader yells 'Goblins...Attack!!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's fury DISMEMBERS Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil misses Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISEMBOWELS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's tail injures Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Shaghroth looks pretty hurt.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan gets a wild look in his eyes.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

Shaghroth yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's wild turmoil wounds Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's fury *** DEVASTATES *** Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISEMBOWELS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISEMBOWELS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISEMBOWELS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISMEMBERS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan looks pretty hurt and Shaghroth is in awful condition.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth knocks Szrevan senseless with a full on bodyslam.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's bodyslam DISEMBOWELS Szrevan!'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth rakes Szrevan's weapon aside!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's fury DISMEMBERS Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan looks pretty hurt and Shaghroth is in awful condition.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's fury DISEMBOWELS Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISEMBOWELS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan is in awful condition and Shaghroth refuses to die.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has claimed victory over Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'The duel lasted 1 minute and 8 seconds.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops short of a killing blow.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth is mortally wounded!!'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan looks less wobbly on his feet.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan says 'I have 14% health 33% mana and 65% movement.''

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan bows deeply.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stands up.'


third duel


The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan closes the door above you.'
The door below you closes.

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding the blade of madness.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding an axe of bladed fury.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a polearm of victory.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan tightens his grip around a polearm of victory.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan nods.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth becomes poised and ready for battle.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan yells out his warcry.'
Szrevan yells 'The fire of Lorne will burn the bindsssh of Sra! For the Weh!'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth stops wielding 'Chautard-ta', the Meteor Hammer.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth wears a Knight Melancholic's shield as a shield.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan becomes poised and ready for battle.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding a polearm of victory.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a broadsword of purification.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding a broadsword of purification.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields the mace of disruption.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a flail of purification in his off-hand.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding the mace of disruption.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a rod of mind spectres.'

Shaghroth yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's illusionary spectre DISEMBOWELS Shaghroth!'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's cleave misses Szrevan.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's cleave devastates Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's chop MUTILATES Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's cleave MUTILATES Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil maims Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's tail hits Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has some small wounds and bruises and Shaghroth has some small wounds and bruises.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding a rod of mind spectres.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding a flail of purification.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a polearm of victory.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan tightens his grip around a polearm of victory.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth stops using a Knight Melancholic's shield as a shield.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth wields 'Chautard-ta', the Meteor Hammer in his off-hand.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding a polearm of victory.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wears an enspelled energy shield as a shield.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan readies a set of steel javelins behind his shield.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a broadsword of purification.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

Shaghroth yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan hurls a javelin as he closes in to attack Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's pierce wounds Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil MUTILATES Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil maims Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil maims Shaghroth!'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's cleave devastates Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's crush devastates Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil maims Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has some small wounds and bruises and Shaghroth has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's bodyslam misses Szrevan.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth falls flat on his face.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding a broadsword of purification.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops using a set of steel javelins.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops using an enspelled energy shield as a shield.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a polearm of victory.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan tightens his grip around a polearm of victory.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's chop maims Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's smash decimates Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's cleave devastates Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil DISEMBOWELS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's tail grazes Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has quite a few wounds and Shaghroth has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan surges with power.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan lashes out with his tail, sending Shaghroth to the ground.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's trip scratches Shaghroth.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's crush devastates Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's chop devastates Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil maims Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil MUTILATES Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's tail mauls Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has quite a few wounds and Shaghroth has quite a few wounds.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan surges with power.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan lashes out with his tail, sending Shaghroth to the ground.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's trip scratches Shaghroth.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's cleave maims Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's chop DISEMBOWELS Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's crush devastates Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's chop MUTILATES Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's cleave devastates Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil MUTILATES Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil MUTILATES Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's tail mauls Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Shaghroth has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth has fled!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth looks less wobbly on his feet.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth rises back to his feet.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan gets a wild look in his eyes.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding a polearm of victory.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a broadsword of purification.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding a broadsword of purification.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields the mace of disruption.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding the mace of disruption.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a rod of mind spectres.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a flail of purification in his off-hand.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

Shaghroth yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's illusionary spectre misses Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's illusionary spectre DISMEMBERS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's turmoil maims Shaghroth!'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's chop maims Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's smash decimates Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's cleave maims Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's chop devastates Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's illusionary spectre DISMEMBERS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's wild turmoil MASSACRES Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan's illusionary spectre DISEMBOWELS Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has some big nasty wounds and scratches and Shaghroth is in awful condition.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's eyes suddenly burn like hot coals as he is gripped by insanity!'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding a rod of mind spectres.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding a flail of purification.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a polearm of victory.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan tightens his grip around a polearm of victory.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth gets a wild look in his eyes.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan sits down and rests.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan sits down and rests.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan sits down and rests.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan sits down and rests.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

Szrevan yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's fury === OBLITERATES === Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's fury *** DEVASTATES *** Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan is in awful condition and Shaghroth has some big nasty wounds and scratches.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth looks more enlightened.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has fled!'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan snorts derisively. '

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan goes to sleep.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth relaxes his posture.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wakes and stands up.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan becomes poised and ready for battle.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth scans all around.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan stops wielding a polearm of victory.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a rod of mind spectres.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan wields a flail of purification in his off-hand.'

The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan scans all around.'

Szrevan yells 'Help! I am being attacked by Shaghroth!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's fury *** DEMOLISHES *** Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth's fury MANGLES Szrevan!'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan is bleeding to death and Shaghroth has quite a few wounds.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan has been defeated by Shaghroth.'
The Juggernaut says 'The duel lasted 2 minutes and 24 seconds.'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth stops short of a killing blow.'
The Juggernaut says 'Szrevan is mortally wounded!!'
The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth gasps for air as he snaps out of his insanity.'

The Juggernaut says 'Shaghroth says 'I have 30% health 50% mana and 41% movement.''


  1. I think it was an awesome idea to post several logs at once and keep some of the logboard spam down. Thanks!

    Congrats on pulling outa win in the end, Shaghroth!
    1. Are you not entertained?
    [reply to Vevier]
  2. twerpalina BANNED [reply]
    0 , 0 , 0 .
    logboard "spam" though? It looked more like Tearea and other warlords trying to "archive" their fights. I think there's nothing bad having an active log board with daily postings of several logs showing any newcomers that the game is alive and kicking.
    1. Sorry, I didn't mean for that to come off as insulting, but sometimes it's a LOT. Having a few duels per post still archives the fights while still keeping most of the recent logs on page 1.
    2. twerpalina BANNED
      1 , 0 , 0 .
      fair point from a fair muffin
    [reply to twerpalina]

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