Ye Olde Abandoned Realms Logs

Dealing with Demons 4

posted on 2021-10-18 15:28:26
>>> In which the Consortium explores hypotheses of demon defense. Precedes the Trial of Kali Windbreeze.

[ Gobln ] <PK> <HERALD> (Lore Keeper) Valindra Skitterwit the Sage of Arcane Power, Lore Keeper of Myth
[ Human ] Azaneal the Knight of Legion
[ Human ] Milothgar Viarasch the Talon of the Eagle, Squire of Valour
[ Elf ] <PK> (OUTCAST) Kali Windbreeze the Rebuked Chimera
[ H-Elf ] <PK> [KNIGHT] Dame Leitha Dondeleon the Holy Lady, Footwoman of Valour
[ Gnome ] <PK> <MYSTIC> (Doyen) Wylsin Plindane the Sage of Arcane Power, Doyen of Arcane
[ Dwarf ] Hadrelan the Master of the Path
[ Elf ] <PK> <SCHOLAR> (Polymath) Duchess Ilromie Illistarre the Sage of Arcane Power, Polymath of History
[50 Storm Hea] <PK> <SCHOLAR> (Doyenne) Serra the Paradigm of Water, Doyenne of Religion
Players found: 9
[WARLORD] The clamour of War prevails.
There are 9 characters on; the most on this past month was 17.

Office of the High Herald
*| The door to this room is partially blocked by a giant
|| bookshelf, the first of a dozen or so placed around the
*-* * *| walls of the room. In the center of the mess and half
| | || hidden by another large bookshelf, is a grand desk with
@-*-*| a tall and softly padded chair. A large soft rug fills
|| the floor of the room, with a smaller mat intended for
*| shoes, so that visitors won't track mud all over the already
| cluttered floor. Two fine oaken doorways open to the north
| and east.

[Exits: north east]
A magic mushroom is here.
A magical spring flows from the ground here.
A Four-Leaf Clover.
A glass cabinet is mounted above the desk containing a golden parchment.
A desk covered with soft leather rests here facing a window.
A small tabby cat pads around, poking its nose into the corner.
(Charmed) A tiny wisp hovers here, shedding its essence as it bobs in the air.
Valindra the Sage of Arcane Power, Lore Keeper of Myth is here.

You smile at her.

Valindra looks up from her work, chins wobbling.

You say 'Oh, apologies for disturbing the writing.'

Valindra says 'Doyenne, what a treat.'

You say 'Don't mind me.'
You rest.

Valindra says 'I never mind you.'

You say 'I brought you an extra hat.'

Valindra smiles, ever the toad.

You give a blackened wizard hat to Valindra.

Valindra says 'What a lovely gift. I will look quite fetching.'
Valindra says 'Everyone is giving me hats lately.'

You let out a hearty laugh.

Valindra says 'And I wear them so well!'

You agree absolutely.

Valindra removes a wide brimmed hat from her head.
Valindra wears a blackened wizard hat on her head.
Valindra gets a judge's gavel from a satchel embroidered with the crest of Heralds.

You bat your eyelashes.

Valindra removes a blackened wizard hat from her head.
Valindra's hair twists up into powdered curls.
Valindra stops using a kite shield bearing the crest of Solace as a shield.
Valindra holds a judge's gavel in her hand.

You let out a hearty laugh.

Valindra clangs her gavel upon the desk dramatically.

You say 'Oh!'
You say 'Have you seen the court room downstairs?'

Valindra says 'The Collector of Secrets gave me these. I am a Judge now, I suppose.'
Valindra now follows you.

The People's Courtroom
| Stepping into the courtroom, you quickly come to the realization
| that it extends all the way up past the fourth floor of the
| Rest. Thin windows let in small rectangles of light, which
| slowly pass over the many rows of seats as the day grows
@ | later. Several rows of fine mahogany benches sit behind the
| | marble railing which separates spectators from players in
S o | the Court. To either side of a break in the railing sit wide
| | | desks where the accuser and defender may sit while a smaller
*-S-* | stand rests against the far wall, where the witness sits
---------+ while giving his testimony. A box with cushioned benches
rests to the right, waiting for a dozen bored Jurors to fill it. A final dais
rises nearly to the first story, upon which sits a tall chair with dark purple
cushions for the presiding judge.

[Exits: south]
A raised dais stands here with a purple-cushioned chair on it.
Valindra walks in.
A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity flies in.

Valindra says 'This is where I deliver verdicts.'
Valindra stands on a dais.

You agree absolutely.

Valindra strikes the gavel sharply, bringing order to the court.
Valindra looks at a dais.

You say 'Now... the question is, what or whom are you judging?'

Valindra says 'That is the duty of the petitioner.'
Valindra says 'Or the criminal.'

You nod.

Valindra blinks her tiny, watery eyes.
Valindra's hair uncurls and the powder fades away, revealing her original color.
Valindra wears a blackened wizard hat on her head.
Valindra puts curly judge hair in a satchel embroidered with the crest of Heralds.
Valindra steps off a dais.
Valindra stops holding a judge's gavel in her hand.
Valindra puts a judge's gavel in a satchel embroidered with the crest of Heralds.
Valindra wears a kite shield bearing the crest of Solace as a shield.

You say 'So Vevier spoke of dark things and demons...'
You ponder the question.

Valindra says 'But as though she did not remember her words a moment later.'
Valindra says 'Is it a farce?'

You say 'It is strange. The histories tell of her as quite a benign goddess.'

Vevier, the Collector of Secrets

Elements: Air
Rival Elements: Earth
Alliances: Olyn, Zafrin
Rivalries: Vhrael, Myria, Esivole

Vevier was born in the midst of a hurricane that broke a hundred-year
drought in her hometown. Upon reaching adulthood, she made her way to Serin
where she established herself as an expert baker in the town of Timaran. As
tales of her fantastic muffins grew, so did other stories about divine
powers residing inside the motherly gnome. Soon, she revealed herself as a
blessed of Denadlyr, and immortal in her own right. Under her guidance, the
Mystics of Serin flourished with great wisdom and understanding.

But her heart was not content in the pursuit of higher learning. One year,
just before Strythoween, she felt the call of the Trickster and set off in
earnest to establish the annual trick or treat event run by the Shopkeepers
of the major cities. Zafrin saw her work and tricked her into accepting the
mantle of the element of Air.

Followers of Vevier include orphans, charlatans, and smugglers. Many gnomes
still follow her path, especially those who are quick of wit and hand. To
this day, the shop where she baked muffins as a mortal stands within the
city walls of Timaran. It is whispered that the clergy use a secret room in
this shop to devise their next moves.

Valindra says 'I have seen many things, but her eyes . . .'

You say 'Her eyes?'

Valindra blanches, her emerald a wan green.
Valindra says 'Perhaps it is best . . .'
Valindra looks around the room.

Serra looks intently at Valindra.
You say 'What did you see?'

Valindra scampers down from the dais as if trying to get closer to Serra's frame.
Valindra looks up at Serra, and her eyes are white.
Valindra says 'She said to let them cross over, but I do not . . .'

Serra's brow furrows for a moment.

Valindra shakes her head and looks down to study her feet. When she looks back, her eyes have returned to normal.

You say 'We should not allow more of them to cross over.'

Valindra nods, her chins wobbling.

You say 'In fact, that is something I was hoping to discuss with you... how to send them back.'

Valindra says 'But what could . . .'
Valindra whispers to you 'Possess a god?'

You shudder at the horror and repress tears.
You say 'I do not know of anything in Serin that could do such a thing, save another god.'

Valindra nods at you in agreement.

You say 'But if it came from Acadia...'

Valindra says 'What kind of god is that?'
Valindra looks around the room again, a little furtively.

You say 'I would suspect a god, or being, of darkness. Given what it has said.'

Valindra says 'You received a letter?'

You nod.
You say 'Ah, yes.'
You say 'Let me put it into this book.'

Valindra says 'I wish to read it.'

Page added.

[LEGION] Aelaldric: Young Leitha
To: Serra

So young. So full of promise. She had her whole life ahead of her.
Pity she thought she could defeat a demon.

She whimpered right before I slit her throat. She tried to be strong, but
in the end she failed.


<SCHOLAR> Serra: Young Leitha
To: Aelaldric

You are correct, sir, she is young and full of promise still, with her
whole life bright ahead of her. I fear not for young Leitha, for she stands
firm, as your host does against your own abuses. The good folk of Serin are
not so easily broken as that.


[LEGION] Aelaldric: HELP ME!
To: Serra

--The words below are lightly inked and barely legible, as if they were
written in maddening haste--

HELP ME! I've taken back my body but I don't know how much time I have! Oh
gods, please! I can't stand the pain - every blow and every slash, I feel
it all! He makes me look into the eyes of those he kills - oh Leitha! He
doesn't know it but I have learned some things about him! There is a way to
expel him! Serra you must -----------------------

--After the last word above it appears as if the quill has been pushed
straight through the parchment and then torn to the right briefly before
being removed from the page. The words below are penned neatly with blood.
The letters have an awkward tilt to them, as if the quill was held at an
impossible angle. --

Hahaha. He thinks he wrested control from me. How pathetic. He does what
I allow him to do. He feels what I allow him to feel. He knows what I
allow him to know. Can you sense it? His despair? His pain? His hope? I
have found that creatures feel pain much more intensely if they have hope.
I fully intend to play with Aelaldric until I have found a more suitable
host. Try what you will. You shall not have him sooner.

You say 'Please read the untitled eighth booklet, page 1.'
You say 'These are the interchanges I have had with the demon possessing Aelaldric, and his latest missive.'
You say 'Earlier, Ilromie, Wylsin and I worked on a hidden message to respond to him. This is laid out in page 2, and formatted to obscure the code in page 3.'

Valindra exhales deeply.
Valindra whispers to you 'Do not let it take this body from me.'

Ascribing an age to this little goblin witch might prove difficult:
though her eyes appear milky, the rest of her features dissolve into folds
of flesh indistinguishable from each other as wrinkles or fat creases. Her
hair, the whitish yellow of pus pushing against the skin, flickers around
her small if bulbous frame, animated by a fool's wind or some other lesser
cantrip. She herself could be cast from an emerald were her complexion
brighter: not the green of living things, but the green of living things
unaccustomed to catching and reflecting light. A variety of worn pouches
dangles from her waist, bone protuberances peeking from some, others whose
contents remain a mystery.
She has travelled quite a lot.
Valindra is in excellent condition.

Valindra is using:
<pile o' goblin things>

You tell Valindra 'I will not let it touch you.'

Valindra says 'Sometimes I'm . . . already a little fuzzy, you know.'

Serra rests a hand gently on Valindra's shoulder.

Valindra blinks her tiny, watery eyes. Hibbadibbity flutters almost too energetically, getting essence all over the pair and a little on Serra's hand.

You say 'Do you think it is possible this letter is true?'

Valindra says 'Yes.'
Valindra says 'Perhaps I cannot be certain, but I think it is true.'

You nod.
You say 'If so, there is indeed hope.'
You mull over the idea at hand, asking for patience.
You say 'I have not spoken of it with the Knights.'
You say 'I fear the demon would simply twist it to gain advantage in battle with them.'

Valindra says 'But will it seek another host? Or can we return it to Acadia.'

You say 'I do not know.'
You say 'I do not know, firstly, how easily it is to access a host.'
You say 'Or how it is able to take one over.'

Valindra nods, her chins wobbling.
Valindra says 'It is a mystery or a puzzle.'

You nod.
You say 'We would need a way to prevent it from entering another host. Perhaps stilling it altogether...'

Valindra utters the words, 'qcandusahz gsfuio'.
A magical spring flows from the ground.
Valindra drinks water from a magical spring.
Valindra says 'I always make too many. Hope springs eternal, I suppose.'

You let out a hearty laugh.
You say 'Indeed it does.'

Valindra says 'What if we put it into a pig?'

You bat your eyelashes.
You say 'A demon-pig?'

Valindra says 'Might be . . . a little easier . . . to slay then.'
Valindra says 'Or at the very least not Aeldric.'

You say 'Or a chicken?'
You let out a hearty laugh.

Valindra says 'Demon-chicken.'
Valindra says 'Spicy.'
Valindra says 'I'll fry it up with a pepper from my garden.'

You say 'I was thinking of the card you used to entrap Olgarda.'
You say 'Would something like that work on demons?'

Valindra nods at you in agreement.
Valindra says 'The principle, at least.'
Valindra says 'It would require more power than I have though.'

You say 'Hmm.'

Valindra says 'Would you like to see her?'
Valindra swings one of the pouches on her waist idly.

You nod.
You say 'Where did you obtain her card?'
You say 'Or how?'

Valindra produces a deck of cards marked with interesting and intricate symbols, many recognizable. She shuffles a bit before producing the Death card and extending it to Serra.

Serra examines the card carefully.

Valindra says 'I . . . do not know where I got this deck of cards, but I have always used them for divination. Meeting Olgarda felt like a fever.'
Valindra says 'As if I were myself, and also outside of myself.'
Valindra says 'I saw the whole thing happen from above.'

You say 'Hmm.'
You say 'Do the other cards have such potential? Or is each card empowered differently?'

Valindra says 'Why not?'
Valindra says 'It is only our intention that matters with most magic.'
Valindra says 'If it's . . . strong enough.'

Serra rubs her chin thoughtfully.

Valindra says 'What is prayer? Devotion? Intention? I cannot say.'

You nod.

Valindra says 'But you know that.'

You say 'I have wondered this myself.'

Valindra says 'Can you see her move?'

Serra peers more closely at the card. The hooded figure's robe suddenly flutters.
You say 'Can she hear us?'

Valindra suppresses a chill, delight or fear.
Valindra says 'I cannot say. I do not think so.'
Valindra says 'But I have felt her push.'
Valindra says 'If I am ever to . . .'

You say 'Good gracious.'

Valindra says 'Serra, you would take her?'

You say '...for safekeeping?'

Valindra says 'Only if I . . . if something were to happen to me, I mean.'

Ascribing an age to this little goblin witch might prove difficult:
though her eyes appear milky, the rest of her features dissolve into folds
of flesh indistinguishable from each other as wrinkles or fat creases. Her
hair, the whitish yellow of pus pushing against the skin, flickers around
her small if bulbous frame, animated by a fool's wind or some other lesser
cantrip. She herself could be cast from an emerald were her complexion
brighter: not the green of living things, but the green of living things
unaccustomed to catching and reflecting light. A variety of worn pouches
dangles from her waist, bone protuberances peeking from some, others whose
contents remain a mystery.
She has travelled quite a lot.
Valindra is in excellent condition.

Valindra says 'You must find my papers and take Olgarda. That is all.'

You say 'Your papers?'

Valindra says 'Yes, my estate, my writings.'

You say 'Ahh.'
You nod.

Valindra says 'I do not plan to go quite yet.'
Valindra says 'But who can say?'

You say 'I sincerely hope this does not come to pass. But I will take care of them if it does.'

Valindra says 'If I am too far away, she might escape before you can get her.'

You mull over the idea at hand, asking for patience.
You say 'What do you need to do to keep her held here?'
Serra glances again at the card.

Valindra says 'What a thing to trap a demon. Or a witch, yes.'
Valindra says 'It is as if maintaining a minor shield, but always.'

You say 'Ah... interesting.'

Valindra says 'I wonder if we will trap this demon.'

You nod.

Valindra says 'What if another comes?'

You say 'I wonder if first it must be lured from its current host.'

Valindra shivers again, definitely fear.

You say 'I had... a thought about that...'

Valindra scoots closer to Serra.

You say 'During my second visit to Acadia, a demon attempted to possess me. It could not.'

A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity flutters from Valindra to land on Serra's head.

You say 'But this demon does not know my past.'
Serra chuckles up at the little wisp.

A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity closes her eyes, but who could see? She is so little.
Valindra says 'So . . . use yourself as bait?'

You say 'If it might save another's soul, I would stand to offer mine.'

Valindra says 'You offer too much.'

You say 'I do not know if it would work.'
You chuckle politely.
You say 'It is yet just a thought.'

Valindra nods, her chins wobbling.

You say 'I am but an old woman, and Aelaldric just a boy, and an elven one at that.'
You say 'Centuries he could live free of that creature.'

Valindra says 'So we draw him into a card, but which.'
Valindra says 'The Devil.'

You say 'One that fits? Or one his opposite, to nullify him?'

Valindra flits through her deck until her stubby emerald finger finds that for which she quests.

You say 'I do not know how the cards work.'

Valindra says 'The Devil.'
Valindra extends the card to Serra.
Valindra says 'It must be this.'

Ilromie whispers 'What's being judged?'

Serra's eyes trace over the ferocious face painted upon the card, and she shivers a little.

Valindra says 'Sneaky Duchess.'

The People's Courtroom
| Stepping into the courtroom, you quickly come to the realization
| that it extends all the way up past the fourth floor of the
| Rest. Thin windows let in small rectangles of light, which
| slowly pass over the many rows of seats as the day grows later.
@ | Several rows of fine mahogany benches sit behind the marble
| railing which separates spectators from players in the Court.
| To either side of a break in the railing sit wide desks where
| the accuser and defender may sit while a smaller stand rests
| against the far wall, where the witness sits while giving
---------+ his testimony. A box with cushioned benches rests to the right,
waiting for a dozen bored Jurors to fill it. A final dais rises nearly to the
first story, upon which sits a tall chair with dark purple cushions for the
presiding judge.

[Exits: (south)]
You see 2 of a magical spring here.
A stack of pancakes is here.
A raised dais stands here with a purple-cushioned chair on it.
(Translucent) Ilromie the Sage of Arcane Power, Polymath of History is here.
(Charmed) A tiny wisp hovers here, shedding its essence as it bobs in the air.
Valindra the Sage of Arcane Power, Lore Keeper of Myth is here.

You smile at her.

Ilromie grins evilly.

Valindra stands up to stretch her legs.
Valindra gets curly judge hair from a satchel embroidered with the crest of Heralds.
Valindra gets a judge's gavel from a satchel embroidered with the crest of Heralds.
Valindra stops using a kite shield bearing the crest of Solace as a shield.
Valindra holds a judge's gavel in her hand.
Valindra stands on a dais.
Valindra strikes the gavel sharply, bringing order to the court.

Ilromie glances around, nervously.

Valindra twirls for Ilromie's benefit, modeling her judge drag.

Ilromie says 'I'm sure I had a good reason for doing what I did!'

You let out a hearty laugh.

Valindra says 'A gift from a god, so I suppose I will judge now. Let me know if you find petitioners who seek my judgment.'
Valindra giggles, her chins wobbling.
Valindra's hair uncurls and the powder fades away, revealing her original color.
Valindra wears a blackened wizard hat on her head.
Valindra stops holding a judge's gavel in her hand.
Valindra shoves the things away unceremoniously as she scampers back down from the dais.
Valindra puts a judge's gavel in a satchel embroidered with the crest of Heralds.
Valindra steps off a dais.

Ilromie says 'In fact, I won the last case argued here.'

You say 'Oh?'

Valindra says 'I am not surprised. What was the case?'

Ilromie says 'The case of the -'
Ilromie glances to the side.
Ilromie says 'Spilled brains.'

You bat your eyelashes.
You say 'Brains?'

Ilromie agrees absolutely.

Valindra says 'Spilled?'

You say 'Whose brains?'

Ilromie says 'Which offensive drow was this now?'

Valindra says 'How spilled?'

You say 'So many questions.'
You let out a hearty laugh.

Ilromie says 'Ceinn?'

You say 'Was it?'

Ilromie says 'I stomped them right out of his skull.'

You wince in agony.

Ilromie agrees absolutely.
Ilromie says 'In fact, it was not my most elegant moment.' <-- ROFL

Valindra says 'You can be vicious. It is a delight.'

You say 'That reminds me. Kali has elegant slippers for you. NOT for stomping.'

Ilromie says 'It was just a hobgoblin!'
Ilromie says 'In fact, I thought I'd find him here with you.'

Valindra eyes Ilromie askance.
Valindra says 'The Rebuked Chimera? Another treat.'

You say 'I think he is off in the Wilderness with Wylsin.'

Ilromie nods.

You say 'Valindra and I were discussing how to trap a demon.'

Valindra says 'Girl talk.'

You chuckle politely.

Ilromie lets out a hearty laugh.
Ilromie says 'Earlier we thought that the name was key, is what you've heard.'

You say 'Oh that's right.'

Valindra says 'It is true that one's name is a powerful weapon.'

You say 'The demon spoke its name to me.'

You say 'Ilromie thought it must have been lying.'

Ilromie nods.

Valindra says 'Silver tongues.'

Ilromie says 'Though your point was excellent, perhaps it underestimated you.'

Valindra says 'Hide in plain sight if his name is true weakness? Or a taunt to draw you in further?'

You say 'I do not know.'
You say 'I actually wrote what I thought it was spelled to Ilromie in a note.'
Yuck, try to cover your mouth next time!

Ilromie blinks innocently.
Ilromie pulls out a hefty sheaf of notes and starts flipping through.
Ilromie flips through a few more notes.
Ilromie says 'I'm sure it's here.'

Valindra taps her lip with a stubby emerald finger.

Ilromie finds the note near the middle front of the stack, starts to say something then pauses.
Ilromie says 'In fact, I don't wish to say it out loud either.'

You nod.

Ilromie gets a news pamphlet from a mysterious bag of the Magi.

Valindra holds her finger to her lips.
Valindra says 'I do not think you should say it.'

You nod in enthusiastic agreement with Ilromie.

Wylsin walks in.
A huge, many-coloured dragon flies in.
A spotted owl flies in.
Wylsin gallantly tips his hat.
Wylsin sits down and rests.

Ilromie gives a news pamphlet to Valindra.
Valindra looks at a news pamphlet.
Valindra scrunches the pamphlet in her hand.

You say 'We have been discussing how one might trap a demon.'

Wylsin nods.

You say 'First: an enchanted card with the capability of imprisoning it.'

Wylsin says 'A curious conundrum.'
Wylsin sits down and thinks deeply.

Valindra shuffles her deck of cards dexterously despite her sausage digits.

Wylsin says 'Why a card?'

You say 'Valindra has trapped a powerful witch in one.'

Wylsin raises an eyebrow at Valindra's weird actions.
Wylsin says to Valindra 'Is that so?'

Valindra says 'But she is no demon.'

You say 'It is, as almost everything we do, an experiment.'
You let out a hearty laugh.

Ilromie chuckles politely.

Wylsin chuckles politely.
Wylsin says 'Indeed it may be so.'
Wylsin sits down and thinks deeply.

Ilromie says 'In fact, it is as dangerous as any we have proposed.'

Valindra says 'The Collector of Secrets attended me, Ilromie.'

You nod.

Ilromie says 'In fact, I thought she had disappeared!'

Valindra says 'She . . . spoke strangely . . . of letting them through.'
Valindra blanches, a wan chartreuse.

Wylsin says 'I suppose the place to start would be to determine exactly which type of Demon we may be dealing with. Serra, you say it came from Arcadia?'

You say to Wylsin 'It expressed such to me.'
You nod.

Valindra says 'Demon lieutenants, maybe captains, even a Prince . . . she said.'

Wylsin says 'Excuse my mispronunciation. It comes from Acadia.'

You agree absolutely.
You say 'I cannot imagine it is Vevier herself who wishes such a thing.'

Wylsin sits down and thinks deeply.

Valindra shuffles her deck once more for good measure before shoving the deck into a pouch dangling at her waist.

Ilromie sits down and thinks deeply.
Ilromie flips open her Tome and starts turning pages.

Wylsin says 'I have never had the occasion to speak with her, so I cannot intelligently theorize upon her motivations.'

Valindra looks around the room furtively.

You say 'My mentor, Markus, has told me nothing but good things of her. And surely... she was the deity who kept him from perishing in Acadia.'

A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity awakens upon her perch on Serra before fluttering down to the little goblin witch.
Valindra says 'As I said, she spoke strangely, in a different voice, with different eyes, and then seemed not to remember.'

Ilromie says 'In fact!'
Ilromie taps the page.

You blink innocently at Ilromie.

Ilromie says 'I have here the first thing you ever wrote about her.'

Valindra looks up at Ilromie expectantly.

Ilromie recites 'Collector of Secrets, Goddess of Air, Patron Goddess of Heralds, Literally buys and sells secrets, Offers tea and muffins (occasionally poisoned)'

Kali bows deeply.

Wylsin gallantly tips his hat to Kali.

You say 'That is indeed what I knew of her.'

Ilromie smiles at Kali.

You smile at him.

Valindra says 'I shall get you all bells.'

Kali says 'Thank you for inviting me.'

You let out a hearty laugh.
You say to Valindra 'That would be excellent.'

Valindra says to Kali 'Rebuked Chimera, a treat, a treat.'
Valindra drums her stubby emerald fingers together in excitement.
Valindra looks at Kali.

Kali clenches his jaw and nods.

Valindra whispers something to Ilromie.

Ilromie smiles at Valindra.

Kali says 'What is the topic of discussion?'

Valindra has to really strain to reach Ilromie's ear, but, whatever she says must be worth it.

You say 'Vevier has been doing some strange things.'

Kali says 'Please forgive me for likely missing a great deal of it.'

Wylsin says 'Perhaps Kali can indeed provide some insight, given his recent..predicament.'

Valindra gets a delicious sandwich.
Valindra gives a delicious sandwich to Kali.
Valindra says to Kali 'Are you hungry, dear?'
Valindra eyes Kali expectantly.

Wylsin says to Kali 'Were you to attempt to entrap an Acadian Demon, how might you attempt it?'

Kali nods at Valindra.
Kali says to Valindra 'I am always hungry.'

Valindra smiles, chins wobbling.

Kali frowns in thought at Wylsin's query.
Kali says to Wylsin 'Why would you think that I have any specific knowledge in relation to that question?'

Wylsin raises an eyebrow.

Kali says to Wylsin 'Are you insinuating that I have myself been overtaken by a Demon of Acadia?'
Kali frowns.

Valindra wags her eyebrows suggestively at Kali.

Wylsin says to Kali 'You have been, and still are subject to, and great upheaval--no of course not.'

Kali shifts the weight of his sins around his shoulders.

Valindra comforts Kali.

Kali says 'I have not been assaulted by any demon, my friend, but by the Great Tormentor himself.'

Wylsin says to Kali 'Given all the adventures we have undertaken as of late, I thought you might have some insight in attempting to rid oneself of unwelcome subjects.'

Kali taps his chin in thought.

Valindra says 'Perhaps if I judged the sins of Kali Windbreeze, the gods would let you rest again. Vevier gave me a wig and a gavel. We could petition the gods for a trial.'
Valindra says 'We could sell tickets.'
Valindra blinks her tiny, watery eyes.

Wylsin says to Valindra 'That would be a most interesting process.'

You say 'I have offered another path, but we await word from my Lord.'

Valindra nods, chins wobbling.

Wylsin says to Valindra 'However I'm not certain that the purveyor of Kali's punishment would be interested in such an exercise.'

Valindra says 'The Implementor of Blood? He might like a trial.'
Valindra says 'I have spied him from the corner of my eye.'

Wylsin says 'It's possible, but I feel it's unlikely. I could be mistaken, certainly.'

Valindra says 'I just want to wear my wig and bang my gavel and judge another's immortal sins.'

Wylsin says 'Also many of the potential character witnesses have left these lands.'

You chuckle politely.

Kali says 'In Lord Kedaleam's absence, I would welcome such a trial.'

Valindra pouts, and the wisp on her shoulder flutters anxiously before settling again.

You say 'Have you written to him directly?'

The elf before you is tall and lean, yet well-muscled. His fair skin is
smooth and perfectly unblemished. His handsome face is perfectly
symmetrical with a thin jaw line and a delicate nose. His lips are neither
thin, nor lush, and are set in a slight frown. His face is completely
hairless, other than his delicate eyebrows that are slightly angled in
concentration. Long, smooth, blonde hair runs majestically past his neck
and shoulder blades. His clear blue eyes have a mischievous sparkle to
them. He has a troubled look upon his face, as if he carries a great weight
upon his strong shoulders.
He has unlocked many secrets of the world.
Kali is in excellent condition.

Kali is using:
<pile o' elf stuff>
<worn about body> (Unidentified) the many sins of Kali Windbreeze

Kali says 'I have written him and spoken to him directly.'

You say 'What did he say?'

Kali frowns in concentration.
Kali says 'Many things.'
Kali says 'None encouraging.'

The door south of you opens.
Milothgar walks in.

Valindra says 'The Rest has not seen such company in ages.'

You chuckle politely.

Wylsin looks at Milothgar.

You say 'Indeed.'

Milothgar looks at Wylsin.

Wylsin says 'Salutations Milothgar.'

Valindra says 'Must I model my garb once more?'

Kali says 'In one instance, he noted that I shall not find the light no matter how many sycophants pledge for me.'

Valindra gets curly judge hair from a satchel embroidered with the crest of Heralds.

Kali says 'Paladins, specifically.'

Valindra removes a blackened wizard hat from her head.
Valindra's hair twists up into powdered curls.

Milothgar says 'Salutations.'

Valindra gets a judge's gavel from a satchel embroidered with the crest of Heralds.
Valindra stops using a kite shield bearing the crest of Solace as a shield.
Valindra holds a judge's gavel in her hand.
Valindra stands on a dais.
Valindra strikes the gavel sharply, bringing order to the court.

Wylsin says to Valindra 'And only half of them invited.'
Wylsin smirks.

Milothgar looks at Valindra.

You say 'Lord Kedaleam said this?'

Milothgar looks at you.

Valindra says 'Wylsin, will you be my bailiff?'

Kali says 'In another instance, he made it very clear that I would be cast out from the light until I admitted my sins.'

Glolath gossips: 'To all of Serin.'

Kali shakes his head.
Kali says to you 'The Great Tormentor.'

You say 'Ah.'

Glolath gossips: 'Too long has Seringale been controlled by the Justices.'

You say 'I know Lord Davairus's views already.'

Valindra looks at Milothgar.

Glolath gossips: 'Are you getting all this, Valindra?'

You say 'I wish to know if you have directly contacted my Lord.'

Wylsin says to Valindra 'I would be forced to recuse myself. I count Kali as a friend and would not wish to bias my impartiality.'

Glolath gossips: 'Far too long.'

<HERALD> Valindra gossips: 'I am not accepting dictation requests.'
<HERALD> Valindra gossips: 'Well.'

Glolath gossips: 'What we need is a Mayor.'

<HERALD> Valindra gossips: 'What are you paying, dear?'

Kali shakes his head.

Milothgar looks at Kali.

Kali says to you 'I have not spoken with Lord Kedaleam.'

Glolath gossips: 'I submit, as a former highly decorated member of Justice's leadership team that I could bring this wonderful city into a new age.'

Kali says 'I must confess that I was struggling with the question of identity.'

Glolath gossips: 'A New white dawn.'

Kali says 'How closely is one's identity tied to one's name, afterall?'

Ilromie says 'Excuse me.'

Kali grunts as he begins to struggle with his belongings.

<HERALD> Odile the Crier: 'Glolath has been barred from the tavern by Ilromie.'

You let out a hearty laugh.

Kali lets out a hearty laugh.

Wylsin smirks.

You say to Kali 'I can entreat on your behalf, but the sincerity must come from your own words, not mine.'
You say 'As for the name... it is a demand from Davairus, not my Lord.'

Kali gives Milothgar some gold.

Milothgar frowns.

Ilromie nods in enthusiastic agreement with Milothgar.

Milothgar says 'I do not require the gold.'
Milothgar gives Kali some gold.

Kali says 'Are you sure?'

Milothgar says 'It doesn't feel right.'

Kali shakes his head.

Valindra whispers something to Ilromie.

Kali says 'There are absolutely no expectations or obligations attached.'

[ H-Elf ] Ritorin the Master of the West Wind
[ Illit ] <PK> (BARRED) Glolath Ghaik the Grand Spectre of Beguilement
[ Gobln ] <PK> <HERALD> (Lore Keeper) Valindra Skitterwit the Sage of Arcane Power, Lore Keeper of Myth
[ Human ] Azaneal the Knight of Legion
[ Human ] Milothgar Viarasch the Talon of the Eagle, Squire of Valour
[ Elf ] <PK> (OUTCAST) Kali Windbreeze the Rebuked Chimera
[ Gnome ] <PK> <MYSTIC> (Doyen) Wylsin Plindane the Sage of Arcane Power, Doyen of Arcane
[ Elf ] <PK> <SCHOLAR> (Polymath) Duchess Ilromie Illistarre the Sage of Arcane Power, Polymath of History
[50 Storm Hea] <PK> <SCHOLAR> (Doyenne) Serra the Paradigm of Water, Doyenne of Religion
Players found: 9
[WARLORD] The clamour of War prevails.
There are 9 characters on; the most on this past month was 17.

Valindra whispers something to Ilromie.

Kali says 'I have more than enough coin.'
Kali says 'And you are a young squire.'

Ilromie thanks Valindra heartily.

Kali says 'I know that one in your position has need of coin.'

Valindra says 'You should bribe me to throw the trial, Windbreeze.'

Kali says 'Please, you owe me nothing and need never pay it back.'

Valindra smiles as a toad might.

Kali scratches his head, looking very confused.

Valindra says 'I would not accept. Of course!'

Kali says 'I did not pass you my purse, Valindra.'

Valindra says 'But it is good to offer.'

You let out a hearty laugh.

Valindra flexes her stubby emerald fingers.

Milothgar says 'Yes but.'

Kali mutters something quietly to himself.

Valindra's hair uncurls and the powder fades away, revealing her original color.
Valindra wears a blackened wizard hat on her head.

Milothgar says 'Never mind. It's not my place.'
Milothgar drops some training arrows.
Milothgar sacrifices some training arrows to Ceridwel.

Valindra puts curly judge hair in a satchel embroidered with the crest of Heralds.

Kali says 'You are free to speak your mind Milothgar.'
Kali says 'I will not take offense, and I will not pressure you to take coin that you do not want.'

You say 'I am sorry to make an abrupt exit, but I must rest. My old bones are creaking.'
You say 'I hope to keep informed of any developments.'

Ilromie agrees absolutely.
Ilromie smiles at you.
Ilromie says to you 'It was good to see you, my friend.'

Milothgar bows before you.

You say 'Be well, everyone.'

Kali bows before you.

Wylsin gallantly tips his hat to you.

Valindra squeezes Serra's leg.

<SCHOLAR> Xerties the Sage: 'Farewell Serra, may the winds guide you to a swift return.'


  1. In fact, it takes a ton of work to edit down rp logs like this. It's worth the effort, thanks Serra. I can't wait to see what comes next. (She says with no sense of foreboding at all.)
    1. I really appreciate everybody who's been riffing along and creating these stories as we go. Can't believe it all stemmed from a little seed in a book months ago and it definitely wouldn't have gotten this far without everyone involved. I just wish I could process logs faster so they could come out in a more timely fashion.

      I am also very much looking forward to what people come up with next!
    [reply to Ilromie]

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