Ye Olde Abandoned Realms Logs

An Evening of Remembering Part 1

posted on 2022-08-07 01:38:50
Main Hall of the Travellers Rest
Walking into the Main Hall you are hit by a wave of sound. People
laughing and shouting, dancing and generally having fun are everywhere.
Many tables are dotted around the edges of the room, but plenty of space is
left for the dance floor. A large stage has been placed against one wall,
ready for the regular musician to perform when required. Tapestries and
paintings decorate this luxurious hall, along with the expensive looking
candelabras that light the room. The floor around the wooden dance area is
covered in a thick, rich red carpet that looks like it cost the owners a few
pennies. To the north stands the bar, and to the south the restaurant.
Eastwards lies the entrance to the Inn, and to the west is a hallway.

A large sign reads "Performance List!"

[Exits: north east south west]
A magical spring flows from the ground here.
A long oaken table has been set up here, laden with food for a feast.
A comfy looking leather sofa with room for six people sits here.
(Yellow Aura) Trillian the Grand Spectre of Beguilement, Master Scribe of Myth is here.
(Charmed) A tiny wisp hovers here, shedding its essence as it bobs in the air.
Valindra the Poetic Prognosticator, High Herald of Myth is here.
Dwiggans is here, breathing heavily with a gleam of sweat on his brow.
The inn musician stands on stage here, singing away and playing a lute.

Valindra says to you 'Finally.'

Trillian says to Valindra 'So, is it true? Did he... you know.. because you demoted him?'

Valindra gives parchment to Dwiggans.

Dwiggans looks at parchment.

Valindra passes Dwiggans a crinkled parchment she had not been clutching mere moments before.

Valindra says to Trillian 'What now, dear?'

Valindra blinks her tiny eyes as a doll might.

Trillian says to Valindra 'A matter of then, not now, isn't it?'

Dwiggans looks at parchment.

You say 'Am I late?'

Trillian says 'This is all quite intriguing!'

Dwiggans thanks Valindra heartily.

Trillian says 'Or concerning?'

Trillian sits down and thinks deeply.

Dwiggans whispers something to Valindra.

Trillian says 'No no. Intriguing!'

Trillian looks as if he is still trying to decide.

Dwiggans whispers something to Valindra.

Valindra has not paid attention to the room at-large for several moments, her eyes trained on the sausage maker.

Dwiggans bows before you.

Trillian covers the room with golden dust.
A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity starts glowing from the pixie dust.
Valindra starts glowing from the pixie dust.
Valindra rises off the ground.
Dwiggans starts glowing from the pixie dust.
Dwiggans rises off the ground.

You nod at Dwiggans.

The very air around Valindra and Dwiggans scintillates as the little witch threads her hand through the dwarf's.

Trillian slowly floats between Valindra's eyes and the hairiest chest in the room.

Trillian pokes Valindra in the ribs.

Valindra says to Trillian 'You must forgive me.'

Trillian giggles.

Dwiggans furrows his brow at Trillian.

Dwiggans puffs his chest out slightly.

Trillian says to Valindra 'It is quite alright. You've much on your plate! I've a million questions for you but we must do things in the right order!'

Trillian says to Valindra 'Tell me, what is the most important thing of the moment?'

Valindra says to Trillian 'Anyone who doesn't say my wedding is banished or demoted. Or both!'

Valindra peers intently at a tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity.

Dwiggans cackles gleefully at Valindra.

Trillian rotates rapidly in the air to face Dwiggans

Trillian rotate back to Valindra.

Trillian eats a juicy steak with salad.

Trillian says 'Of course! Of course!'

Trillian says 'But you haven't yet invited me!'

Dwiggans says to Valindra 'I be likin' yer moxy.'

Trillian says 'I suppose Dwiggans has... but I quite thought I'd be sitting on your side of the aisle.'

Valindra says to Trillian 'I invited all of Serin. Had you not heard, dear? You have a very special job.'

Dwiggans says to Trillian 'Ye? Sittin'? Ha!'

Valindra clears her throat once more 'And it's not the guestbook. You are to stand for the bride.'

Avenar gets a Raknos blood sausage from a golden chest.

Trillian says 'I do? Splendid!'

Dwiggans says 'Figured ye'd be dartin' this way and that.'

Avenar eats a Raknos blood sausage.

Dwiggans closes his eyes momentarily.
A string of sausages suddenly appears.

Dwiggans looks at the sausage, pupils dilating, and begins breathing heavily.

Dwiggans gets a string of sausages.

Dwiggans eats a string of sausages.

Dwiggans wheezes.

Trillian gasps in astonishment.

Dwiggans drinks water from a tin canteen.

Dwiggans drinks water from a tin canteen.

Dwiggans drinks water from a tin canteen.

Dwiggans closes his eyes momentarily.
A string of sausages suddenly appears.

Dwiggans stops wielding the dagger of Yog-Sothoth.
Dwiggans wields 'Durindel', the Sword of Flame in his off-hand.

Trillian says 'Stand for the bride! How wonderful! I am quite capable of standing.'

Valindra says to Trillian 'And if I don't get the bachelorette party of my dreams, expect nightmares.'

Dwiggans delicately touches Durindel to the sausages, searing them to perfection.

Dwiggans gets a string of sausages.

Dwiggans gives a string of sausages to Valindra.

Valindra opens her mouth expectantly.

Dwiggans nods at Valindra.

Trillian says 'What, er, does that entail? It will be my first goblin wedding. Or dwarf wedding. Or Serin wedding!'

Dwiggans drops the string of sausages into Valindra's mouth.

Valindra slowly floats to the ground.
Valindra stops glowing.
A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity stops glowing.
Dwiggans slowly floats to the ground.
Dwiggans stops glowing.

Trillian looks at a tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity.

Avenar gets a slice of dark chocolate wedding cake from a golden chest.

Valindra says to Trillian 'We are navigating unfamiliar territory. I know how I'd curse it, but that no longer strikes me as appropriate.'

Valindra says to Trillian 'You may direct all questions to my officiant, Avenar.'

You say 'So many preparations...'

Valindra turns the considerable weight of her attention upon you.

Trillian pales slightly.

Trillian says to you 'Be kind my godly master!'

Dwiggans says 'I'll be doin' a pub crawl meself. Courtesy o' Hamp.'

You say 'Well I have been working on an agenda.'

Valindra says to Dwiggans 'Will Corso perform?'

Trillian salutes you briskly.

Dwiggans says to Valindra 'Me thinks so. Haven't heard from him in a wee bit.'

Valindra says to Dwiggans 'I've barely heard from myself of late.'

Trillian says to Dwiggans 'You salute sea Kings, right?'

Dwiggans says to Valindra 'I'd like him to perform a savory beat fer me dance I be preparin''

Dwiggans says to Valindra 'Been a little less present meself o' late. Hopin' to change that.'

Trillian says to you 'So what does standing for the bride mean?'

Trillian says to you 'I shall do anything for my mistress other than be a bore!'

Valindra drapes herself on the sofa like a cat. She pats the empty spot next to her.

Ilromie enters the room.

Ilromie bows deeply.

Dwiggans bows before Ilromie.

Trillian moves towards the sofa then pauses and glances at Dwiggans.

Ilromie smiles at Dwiggans.

Valindra says to Ilromie 'You should wear a bell!'

Valindra doesn't quite jump, but she fusses a little.

Ilromie says 'Never.'

Trillian shrugs helplessly.

The imprint of Valindra's lips on Ilromie's cheek begins to smoke slightly.

You say to Valindra 'Here is what I have so far.'

Trillian sits down and rests on a comfy looking leather sofa.

You say 'A walk down the aisle, an introductory speech by yours truly, an exchange of rings, stating of vows and curses, and then off to the Rest for the celebration which will include many forms of art.'

Trillian cuddles in next to Valindra

Valindra smiles slyly.

Valindra whispers something to Ilromie.

Valindra snakes her arm around Trillian.

A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity snores loudly.

Dwiggans plops down next to Valindra. You hear joints creak and crack. The sofa holds...for now.

Valindra says 'Vows and Curses.'

Valindra says 'Do we know who's cursing?'

Ilromie whispers something to Valindra.

Dwiggans says to Trillian 'Out o' the way, little one!'

The sofa quakes dangerously under the combined weight of Dwiggans, Valindra, Trillian, and Hibbadibbity.

Trillian nestles deeper quite nearly disappearing beneath goblin folds.

Trillian in muffled tones 'You'll barely know I'm here.'

You say 'After sitting on the floor last time, I bring my own chair now.'

You drop an oversized chair.

You sit on an oversized chair.

Valindra says 'Make some room for my sister.'

The muffled giggle of Trillian emerges from beneath Valindra.

Ilromie eyes the crowded couch imperiously.

Ilromie says 'I think I shall retain my upright position.'

Ilromie adjusts her cape.

Valindra looks at Ilromie.

Trillian says in muffled tones 'Come, come Illy. More the merrier!'

Dwiggans says to Ilromie 'Plenty o' room. Couch be stronger than an ancient oak. Nothin' to worry 'bout!'

Valindra says to Ilromie 'My sister is so chic.'

Valindra says to Ilromie 'Will you make the wedding?'

Dwiggans looks at Ilromie.

Valindra says to Ilromie 'Are you going to sing?'

Valindra says to Ilromie 'At my wedding?'

Ilromie turns her shoulder to display the cape.

Ilromie says 'Sing?'

Valindra bats her tiny eyes coquettishly.

Valindra says to Ilromie 'Well, do something. A poem.'

Ilromie says 'I am no bard.'

Trillian pops a head out.

Valindra says to Ilromie 'A curse? But don't get crazy.'

Trillian looks at Ilromie.

Dwiggans says to Ilromie 'That be a fine lookin' cape ye wear. Never seen its equal.'

Trillian nods.

Trillian nods.

Ilromie raises an eyebrow.

Valindra says to Dwiggans 'Its equal does not exist.'

Dwiggans closes his eyes momentarily.
A string of sausages suddenly appears.

Dwiggans delicately touches Durindel to the sausages, searing them to perfection.

Dwiggans closes his eyes momentarily.
A string of sausages suddenly appears.

Dwiggins closes his eyes momentarily.
A string of sausages suddenly appears.

Ilromie says 'You do not think it would be fair and proper replayment for the curse laid upon me and my groom?'

Dwiggans delicately touches Durindel to the sausages, searing them to perfection.

Dwiggans sits on a comfy looking leather sofa.

Valindra says to Ilromie 'In my defense, most of my curses don't work.'

You say 'I envision a room of gathered gods after this wedding looking over the raised blessings and curses and asking each other how and in what order they all should be addressed.'

Ilromie says 'I can name two which have been highly effective.'

Valindra looks down to her stubby hands.

Valindra says to Ilromie 'Wylsin lost his eye?'

Ilromie grimaces painfully at the thought.

Dwiggans lets something a long, slow rumble. The sofa vibrates deeply.

Dwiggans says 'Scuse me.'

You shake your head.

Ilromie says 'He was attempting to decipher Olgarda's grimoire.'

Valindra inhales experimentally.

Trillian says 'An improvement I say! All wizards are powerful in proportion to the cookiness.'

Trillian nods.

Trillian nods.

Valindra says to Ilromie 'That'll get you every time.'

Ilromie says 'Excuse me, I must attend my duty to the Knights.'

Ilromie leaves east.

Trillian says to Valindra 'Say, what happened to that toad? I was quite hoping to make a pet of it.'

Dwiggans coughs loudly.

Valindra says 'My sister is gone.'

Dwiggans says 'Where she be runnin' off to?'

Trillian says 'Quite soft of step that one.'

Valindra says 'To help the knight.'

Valindra says 'Or perhaps stop him from attacking me? Who can say.'

Trillian says 'But the toad, the toad! Where is it? We shared a moment I tell you. A shared moment!'

Valindra says to Trillian 'I think Wylsin has it.'

Valindra says to Trillian 'He lost an eye.'

Valindra says to Trillian 'So you should be careful.'

You say 'I would suggest not bothering any toad.'

Valindra says to Trillian 'I forbid it.'

Dwiggans nods in enthusiastic agreement with you.

Valindra says to Trillian 'Do you hear me?'

Valindra says to Trillian 'Over my dead body, which can be arranged.'

Trillian says to Valindra 'Forbid me? To hop about with the toad? How disappointing!'

Trillian says to Valindra 'But I trust you know best.'

Trillian mutters under his breath 'We really did hit it off though...'

Valindra says to Trillian 'Of course you did, dear.'

Valindra yells 'Hurry up.'

Trillian says to Valindra 'How does it feel anyway? To be free of Olgarda? Do you feel less complete? Or at least less full?'

Valindra yells 'Faster!'

Elewyn walks in.

Elewyn walks west.

Elewyn walks in.

Valindra says to Elewyn 'Finally!'

You let out a hearty laugh.

Dwiggans scans east.

Trillian says 'Elly!'

You say 'She ran right past us she was moving so quickly.'

Elewyn giggles.

Trillian says 'Hi Elly!'

Dwiggans bows before Elewyn.

Elewyn says 'It almost sounded like there was a problem.'

Trillian says 'It has positively been ages!'

Elewyn says 'Aye.'

A comfy looking leather sofa is occupied by Valindra, Dwiggans, Trillian, and Hibbadibbity. It groans under their combined weight.

Dwiggans says to Elewyn 'Hullo!'

Elewyn looks at Dwiggans.

Elewyn says to Dwiggans 'Hello there.'

Valindra says to Elewyn 'I have missed you, dearie.'

Dwiggans says 'I can make room on this here sofa if ye wish to sit. Knees be botherin' me anyway.'

Valindra says to Elewyn 'You have been gone from my clutches for so long.'

Dwiggans stands up.

Elewyn gets a string of sausages.

Elewyn eats a string of sausages.

Valindra says 'Make some room for my friend!'

Elewyn sits on a comfy looking leather sofa.

Valindra gestures to the warm spot Dwiggans left on the sofa.

Valindra whispers something to Elewyn.

Trillian burrows deeper and emerges on Valindra's other side.

Dwiggans leans over as if to stretch down and touch his toes. He doesn't even come close.

Elewyn whispers something to Valindra.

Dwiggans nods at Valindra.

Valindra says to Elewyn 'Good to see you. It's been a spell's age.'

Elewyn says to Valindra 'Depends on the spell. I'd say longer.'

You say to Valindra 'White cake or black?'

Dwiggans plops down next to Valindra. You hear the sofa's death throes.

Valindra says to Elewyn 'I meant curse.'

Elewyn says to Valindra 'Right.'

Valindra positively crawls into Dwiggans' lap.

Trillian says to Elewyn 'Say, I've been trying to think of how to revive our boards and publications and your battle report got me thinking. What do you think about releasing those as publications? Same with cabal current events?'

Trillian says to Elewyn 'Then we save the cream of the crop or a recap for the Mystique?'

Valindra says to Trillian 'Great idea.'

You nod in enthusiastic agreement with Trillian.

Elewyn says to Trillian 'Good idea actually.'

Valindra says to Trillian 'Don't know why you're talking to her.'

Elewyn says 'I wrote the recent battle report.'

Elewyn shrugs helplessly.

Valindra pinches Trillian with cruel fingers. It feels like home.

Trillian says to Valindra 'Basic reporting your Highness. Source then author then editor.'

Dwiggans puts his arm around Valindra. Dwarf musk fills the air.

Dwiggans gets a string of sausages.

Dwiggans eats a string of sausages.

Trillian says to Valindra 'If either of the first two are unwilling no sense troubling you with the concept!'

Valindra says to Elewyn 'I guess so. But I have hardly seen you!'

Elewyn says to Valindra 'Aye, I'll be about more in coming Renewals.'

Valindra says to Elewyn 'Attend me more often, for I miss your face . . . and your wings. All that stuff.'

Valindra looks at Elewyn.

Elewyn looks at Valindra.

Trillian says 'So we agree then with High Herald blessing?'

Trillian says 'Publications for battle reports and cabal affairs?'

Valindra says 'Start a zine, Trillian.'

Trillian says 'Splendid!'

Valindra says 'Doesn't have to be battle reports exclusively.'

Trillian says 'I did find the cabal affairs difficult last Mystique what with how dated some of the major events were.'

Valindra says 'Current events, I always say.'

Trillian says 'A faster cadence will serve us well!'

You say 'Anything that has a timely nature to it.'

Trillian nods.

Trillian nods.

Valindra says 'Yeah. Trillian's zine!'

Valindra says 'Come up with a better name than that.'

You say 'I would not have said that Valindra.'

Trillian giggles.

Valindra says to you 'What, dearie?'

Trillian says 'We all know I am loathe to take credit.'

Trillian says 'But if I must...'

You say 'We shall wake up to three hundred pages of...zine.'

Trillian stops using the Light of Immortal Favor.

Trillian lights the Light of Immortal Favor.
Trillian is greeted by enthusiastic applause as he steps Into the Limelight!
Trillian stops glowing.

Trillian hums merrily.

Dwiggans says 'Any o' ye seen m'lord Phostan 'bout the realms o' late?'

Elewyn shakes her head.

Dwiggans says 'Been an age, me thinks.'

Valindra says to you 'He is peak pixie, dear. It doesn't get better than this.'

You chuckle politely.

You say 'I suppose not.'

Trillian says 'Are we quite sure Phostan exists?'

Elewyn says 'Then again, I haven't been around much...'

Elewyn shrugs helplessly.

Valindra says to Dwiggans 'No. I was thinking about him the other day though.'

Trillian says 'I feel that one is trending into my domain.'

Valindra says 'Something about my box.'

Dwiggans says 'Writin' him a scroll 'bout the upcomin' matrimony.'

Valindra says to you 'I can't remember.'

Valindra says to you 'Avenar, what do you remember?'

The nondescript box in Valindra's hands quakes slightly.

Avenar goes silent for a long moment and remains very still.

Elewyn says 'Ah, Villidan has left us it seems.'

Trillian says to Valindra 'What box? A new one?'

Trillian looks at Valindra.

Valindra croaks 'Mama gave me a memory box.'

Trillian says 'What does it do? Can I crawl in and have a look about the dreams inside?'

Trillian vibrates with excitement.

You say 'That would have consequences.'

Trillian says 'I love consequences!'

Trillian giggles.

Valindra says 'I myself have put a ward on the clasp of the box.'

Valindra says 'It says 'Do not open unless under great duress.''

Valindra says 'But I do not know what that means. Should we shake it?'

Valindra shakes the box vigorously.

Trillian hops up and down hopefully.

Valindra gives you a solid box.

Valindra says to you 'You hold it.'

You say 'It is not a toy.'

Valindra says to you 'I can't hold it anymore.'

Valindra says to you 'You hold it.'

You say 'This box is imbued with most substantial divinity.'

Trillian says 'All things are toys Avie. Some are just more fun than others!'

Valindra says 'It was a gift from mama. For the wedding, I assume.'

Trillian says to Valindra 'I haven't heard you speak of your mother before. Has she visited recently? Did I miss the chance to meet her?'

You chuckle politely.

Valindra says to Trillian 'Do not be sweet, dear. The Collector of Secrets.'

Valindra says 'That is a box for collecting secrets.'

Valindra says 'Did I put one in there?'

You say 'Not exactly.'

Trillian says 'Ahh, that one!'

Valindra bats her toadlike eyes coquettishly.

Valindra squeezes Dwiggans fondly.

Trillian says 'I wonder what she thinks of one such as I? I've been a secret maker but rarely have I been accused of being a keeper...'

Valindra says to Trillian 'Keeper in a cage, I say.'

Dwiggans says 'What's that now? I miss somethin'?'

Avenar examines the box closely, his golden eyes lighting up a little brighter.

Valindra says to Trillian 'She would like you, mischief man.'

Dwiggans says 'Deep in me scroll.'

Trillian giggles.

You say 'I wonder...'

Valindra says to Dwiggans 'Just squeezing you to feel something, dear.'

Valindra says to Dwiggans 'Soon, our stars will cross forever.'

Dwiggans sits on a comfy looking leather sofa.

Valindra sits on a comfy looking leather sofa.

Dwiggans scoots a little closer to Valindra with some concerted effort.

Trillian says to you 'So you mentioned the arts for the after party. Should I be preparing something?'

Dwiggans smiles at Valindra.

Dwiggans says to Valindra 'I be quite lookin' forward it.'

The imprint of Valindra's lips begins smoking on Dwiggans', Trillian's, your, and Hibbadibbity's cheek at precisely the same time.

You say 'Yes indeed.'

You say 'A poem would be wondrous.'

Trillian says 'Sir Dwiggans, Val, care to lend me any inspiration? Any topics you'd like covered?'

Valindra says 'I will compile a book of poems for the wedding.'

Trillian says 'I maintain the right to liberties, as ever!'

Valindra says to Dwiggans 'Will you show Trillian that parchment?'

Trillian looks to Dwiggans, eyes positively sparkling.

Trillian begins shimmering with pixie dust in a glittering aura. He's really laying it on thick.

Valindra pinches Dwiggans's bottom and grins.

Trillian eyes grow increasingly wide looking more and more childlike by the moment.

Trillian feints dramatically in Dwiggans lap as if he needs to be saved.

Trillian writhes in mock agony inching ever closer to Dwiggans' pockets.

Trillian giggles.

Dwiggans scoots away from Trillian slightly.

Valindra says to Trillian 'My groom will be so embarrassed.'

Valindra says to Trillian 'You scamp.'

Trillian says 'He's really into that note! Putting his whole heart into it.'

Trillian says 'I shouldn't distract an author at his works. I know better.'

Dwiggans says 'Bah!'

Valindra snickers with Trillian about their shared secret.

Dwiggans says 'The parchment.'

Dwiggans says 'Here ye go.'

Dwiggans says 'Sorry 'bout that.'

Trillian hums merrily.

Ilromie enters the room.

Elewyn looks at Trillian.

Dwiggans says 'Mind be focused elsewhere.'

Trillian says 'Don't be! It was quite fun!'

Trillian giggles.

Dwiggans says 'Not disrespect, I assure ye.'

Dwiggans gives parchment to Trillian.

Dwiggans says 'Careful with that now.'

Trillian hops up off of Dwiggans lap.

Dwiggans says 'Lookin' to have that back when yer through.'

Valindra says 'Do be careful. That may be the only copy.'

Trillian hops up and down shaking his arms and legs out.

Valindra says 'I might need it back one more time myself.'

Trillian looks at parchment.

Dwiggans says 'No spillin' er pixie dustin' on it er the like.'

Ilromie says 'Copy?'

Valindra says 'Make a copy!'

Dwiggans nods at Valindra.

Valindra says to Ilromie 'Bell, dear.'

Ilromie steps lightly closer to the paper, trying to catch a glimpse.

Dwiggans says to Valindra 'O' course.'

Valindra says to Ilromie 'I think I showed you.'

Ilromie says 'Were I to may my presence more obviously known, I would miss the discussion of secrets.'

Valindra says to Ilromie 'It was my love poem for Dwiggans.'

Valindra says to Ilromie 'Didn't I show you that?'

Trillian whistles appreciatively.

Ilromie says 'I do not believe so.'

Valindra says to Ilromie 'I gave Avenar the secret box from mama.'

Dwiggans says to Trillian 'Yer askin' fer a topic fer yer poem to be recited at our weddin'? Get that right?'

Trillian says 'A moment!'

Trillian stands up.

Trillian walks west.

Trillian walks in.

You say to Dwiggans 'Yes, that is right.'

Trillian looks at parchment.

Dwiggans says to Valindra 'Quite fond o' that. I'll be keepin' it close. Always.'

Trillian looks at parchment.

Ilromie says distantly 'The box?'

Valindra says to Ilromie 'Shit.'

Trillian gives parchment to Ilromie.

Valindra says to Ilromie 'She doesn't remember. I must have put something good in there.'

Trillian gives parchment to Dwiggans.

Trillian gives parchment to Valindra.

Valindra says 'Don't tell me what it is!'

Valindra looks at parchment.

Dwiggans says to Trillian 'What say ye to a poem 'bout forgin' the bond o' love?'

Trillian says 'You did ask for copies, yes?'

Valindra says to Trillian 'Such an accomplished Master Scribe.'

Valindra must like Trillian a great deal to beam at him so broadly!

Trillian giggles.

You whisper to Ilromie 'Valindra placed a feather from Villidan inside, such that she does not remember the Master Scribe.'

Trillian says 'Your wish is my command mostly!'

Dwiggans looks at parchment.

Trillian gets a string of sausages.

Trillian eats a string of sausages.

Valindra says to Trillian 'My favorite little pixie. I want to gobble you up.'

Valindra makes great gulping motions.

Trillian says to Valindra 'You did once! One of my many questions for you.'

Ilromie frowns at a sudden thought.

Ilromie gives parchment to Valindra.

You whisper to Ilromie 'I warned her against using the box simply to forget things as it may have other consequences.'

Valindra looks at parchment.

Valindra says to Ilromie 'Are you coming to the wedding?'

Trillian says to Dwiggans 'A poem of the forging of the bond of your love?'

Trillian says to Dwiggans 'That is so intimate! I would need to interview you both to do it any justice.'

Ilromie says 'The timing is before the storm?'

Valindra says to Ilromie 'You'll arrive just in time for curses, I hope.'

You say 'Yes, just before the next Vamana storm.'

Dwiggans says to Trillian 'Not our love in particular, no.'

Ilromie says 'I shall.'

Dwiggans says to Trillian 'Tryin' to work in me own love o' the forge. That be all.'

Dwiggans stands up.

Dwiggans closes his eyes momentarily.
A string of sausages suddenly appears.

Elewyn tries to run too fast and stumbles.

Elewyn walks east.

Dwiggans looks at the sausage, pupils dilating, and begins breathing heavily.

Dwiggans gets a string of sausages.

Dwiggans eats a string of sausages.

Dwiggans wheezes.

Trillian says to Dwiggans 'I see, I see. I shall consider it! Although I warn you my kind isn't as rife with emotions as yours. I do struggle to understand everybody sometimes!'

Dwiggans sits down on the sofa as gracefully as he's able, which is ungraceful at best.

Trillian says to Dwiggans 'But I shall try my best!'

Valindra says 'It is going to be one for the ages. Curses and booze galore.'

Ilromie says 'Who will officiate?'

Valindra says 'Avenar, of course.'

Ilromie says 'My wedding was overseen by our local masterbard.'

Valindra says 'I have not had a master bard in some time.'

Ilromie says 'Perhaps we shall hold his memorial prior to the wedding. Grief before joy, for once.'

Valindra says 'I get by with healers and illusionists.'

Valindra says 'Hmm?'

Trillian says 'Avenar the officiant! A man given a seat amongst the Gods and the stars for no reason other than so that he could wed Valindra and Dwiggans.'

Ilromie steels her gaze upon Valindra.

Ilromie says to Valindra 'Have you not?'

Dwiggans shifts up close to Valindra, sofa creaking violently.

You say to Trillian 'I admit I was not prepared for the divine duty of helping select a cake flavor.'

Trillian whispers something to Ilromie.

Valindra says to you 'But you are so good at it, dearie.'

Trillian says to you 'Take it in stride. You can do it! You're lucky to be such a big part in the myth of the Rhyme Schemer.'

You say 'Well that much is obvious.'

Dwiggans says to Trillian 'What say ye to a poem 'bout the intertwinin' o' Light and Dark?'

Dwiggans says to Trillian 'An open canvas for ye.'

Trillian says to Dwiggans 'Ah such dramatic theming there! Now that is something I am far more suited to!'

Dwiggans nods at Trillian.

Dwiggans says to Trillian 'Then have at it!'

Valindra says 'Finally, they reach terms.'

Dwiggans nods at Valindra.

Trillian says to Valindra 'I don't suppose you'd be willing to tell me more of your... past relations... Light replacing dark could really add to the intrigue!'

Valindra says to Ilromie 'A new Justice. How droll.'

Dwiggans says 'Hope ye all be ready fer a feast.'

Dwiggans says 'Sausages far as the eye can see.'

Ilromie says to Valindra 'They do not ever last long.'

Valindra says to Dwiggans 'Avenar is a great cook.'

Ilromie says to Valindra 'But we have more important matters to discuss.'

Valindra says to Ilromie 'Tell me, sister.'

Ilromie says to Valindra 'You are neglecting your duty to the pillar of Tragedy.'

Valindra juts out her chins defiantly.

Ilromie says to you 'Return the box.'

Dwiggans says to Ilromie 'Very few things be more important than food, if ye ask me.'

Valindra says 'I am the Handmaiden of Tragedy.'

You say 'I thought this might happen.'

Trillian clicks his tongue with the tsking noise children make when someone is scolded by a teacher.

You say 'She is right Valindra. I am sorry.'

Ilromie spares Dwiggans a glance.

Dwiggans says to Ilromie 'And by food I be meanin' sausages specific.'

You give a solid box to Valindra.

Valindra opens a solid box.

Trillian gasps in astonishment.

Trillian attempts to peer over the lip.

The fabric of reality quakes as Valindra remembers.

Ilromie shudders as the power of the box is released into the room.

Valindra says 'What the fuck is the stupid box for then if you're always going to make me remember?'

Dwiggans looks around the room suspiciously.

Valindra slams the box down into the ground, and one of its corners chips off.

The box sizzles and smokes. Valindra looks on unflinching.

Trillian grabs the chip and tucks it away in his pocket. Discretely. Ish.

Dwiggans peers intently at Trillian.

Dwiggans comforts Valindra.

Valindra says 'What is it for?'

Valindra says 'Somebody tell me.'

Valindra's eyes are white.

Trillian looks at Avenar expectantly.

Ilromie says 'Handmaiden, Sister. We cannot hide from loss.'

Trillian says 'So... It is a forgetting box then? You know the bard once more?'

Ilromie says 'We are not the as the foolish masses, to cover our eyes and hide from our pain.'

You say 'Some things you must face.'

Valindra says 'Then what is it for?'

Valindra says 'Can I trap Phostan?'

Trillian takes a deep breath.

Trillian says to Valindra 'Then tell me if you remember! Was it my fault? Did my getting promoted push him over the edge? Could I have saved him by saying no?'

Valindra says to Trillian 'It had nothing to do with you.'

Ilromie looks at Valindra expectantly.

Elewyn flies in.

Elewyn swoops down and lands upon the ground.

Valindra says 'Back so soon.'

Trillian nods slowly as if trying to believe it.

Elewyn says 'Sooner than the amount of time I was gone...'

Elewyn smirks.

Valindra says to Trillian 'He was doomed from the start.'

Ilromie nods to Elewyn, but keeps the rest of her attention on Valindra.

Trillian says to Valindra 'More prophecy?'

Valindra says to Ilromie 'Why am I always making you uncurse me?'

Valindra says to Ilromie 'I am such a needy sister.'

Ilromie says 'Such is the curse of mine,'

Ilromie says 'Were we yet three, such duty would fall upon her.'

Valindra blanches a little as she nods at Ilromie.

Valindra is now a wan chartreuse.

Elewyn glances at Valindra.

Ilromie whispers something to Valindra.

Trillian says 'I've been meaning to ask about that... 3 does seem to be the thing with you all. Is it not?'

Valindra whispers something to Ilromie.

Elewyn shrugs helplessly.

Trillian says '3 sisters now 2. And Valindra was 3 as well now 2, yes?'

Trillian says 'Are there... consequences?'

Ilromie blinks innocently.

Valindra says bitingly 'There are always consequences.'

Ilromie says 'A compelling parallel.'

Trillian says 'It does seem worth asking. After all, your sight is diminished is it not? As two?'

Dwiggans says 'Fate is what ye make it, in me eyes.'

Valindra says 'Lovely as it has been to see all you, I must most graciously adjourn.'

Valindra smiles sweetly, slyly.

Trillian says to Dwiggans 'I'm not so sure. History certainly. But fate? Trickier.'

Ilromie says 'With two, our powers lack balance. We can but rage against each other, to little outcome, if luck does not bode our way.'

Valindra says 'Please accept my most sincere whoops.'

Valindra has left the realms.
A tiny wisp named Hibbadibbity slowly disappears.

Ilromie frowns.

Trillian frowns.

Dwiggans says 'Abrupt be her style, to be sure.'

Trillian says 'A departure lacking her normal flair.'

Elewyn shrugs helplessly.

Trillian says 'Are you two quite certain it was worth making her remember.'

Trillian raises an eyebrow.

Dwiggans puts parchment in a handy haversack.

Trillian pats Dwiggans on his head.

Trillian says 'You've got your work cut out for your, friend.'

Dwiggans nods in enthusiastic agreement with Trillian.

Dwiggans says 'Nothin' I can't handle.'

Trillian says 'What charming bravado!'

Dwiggans says 'Not gonna let a little uncertainty deter me.'

Dwiggans throws back his head and cackles with insane glee!

Dwiggans puffs his chest out slightly.

Ilromie says 'Villidan deserves far more than the be willfully forgotten.'

Trillian says 'I'll have to take your word for it. I didn't know him.'

Ilromie says 'In fact, I find such a thing abhorrent.'

Dwiggans says 'Me thinks I'll be takin' me leave as well.'

Dwiggans yawns.

Trillian says 'High marks for theatrics, but poor form for purpose in my book.'

Dwiggans bows deeply.

You nod in enthusiastic agreement with Ilromie.

Trillian says 'A bird aflame. But why?'

Dwiggans says 'Farewell.'

Ilromie says 'He was often wandering since you joined the Consortium.'

Trillian nods.

Trillian nods.

You say 'The legacy of Heralds is to be remembered through what you scribe and how you lived.'

Trillian says 'I seem to rarely get to spend time with those in our ranks. Curses all around for us it seems.'

Dwiggans has left the realms.

Ilromie says 'He was instrumental in my own wedding and reception.'

Trillian says 'I suppose with myself not knowing him there are currently none but Val who could handle the tragedy from a place of study.'

Ilromie says 'In fact, he both performed the private ceremony and planned the reception. The hall just outside was built for the purpose.'

Trillian says 'But it does seem a bit cruel.'

Ilromie says 'Cruel?'

Trillian says 'As she said, what other purpose does the box have? She could have opened it after her wedding day.'

Trillian says 'So many burdens and the one she tries to set down for a spell those she loves most makes her pick right back up.'

Ilromie says 'We do not get to choose when those we love part from our sides.'

Ilromie grits her teeth.

Trillian says 'Perhaps not uncalled for. But a bit cruel.'

Ilromie says 'It is disrespectful.'

Elewyn walks north.

Trillian says 'To put your opinion over yours sisters? I quite agree.'

Ilromie raises an eyebrow.

Ilromie says 'To deny the memory of a Master Scribe as the High Herald.'

Ilromie says 'I did not promote her so that she could engage in petty games.'

Ilromie says 'Choosing what is and is not truth.'

Ilromie says 'In fact, she is lucky I did not demote her for such arrogance.'

Trillian shakes his head.

Ilromie paces across the room.

You say 'Valindra made that choice in a fit of anguish.'

Trillian says 'You History devotees are so arrogant. Never respecting Myth as an equal.'

Trillian says 'People choose truth all the time. It is how they live.'

You say 'I wonder if some time to absorb Villidan's memory will calm her.'

Trillian says 'It is a malleable thing.'

Ilromie says to Trillian 'You are a study of tragedy yourself. Tell me what that means to you.'

Trillian says 'My study is quite young. It doesn't come naturally to the pixies. Amusement dominates our emotions. I minored in tragedy when I felt it for the first time at the death of Ravia.'

Trillian says 'I do quite think it might be one of the driving forces of the world.'

Trillian says 'Quite nearly.'

Trillian says 'But I still have more studying to do.'

Trillian giggles.

Ilromie says to Trillian 'I agree.'

Ilromie says to Trillian 'You have much yet to learn.'

Ilromie says 'By definition, tragedy is the early arrival of grief.'

Trillian says 'Of course, of course. The pen is fresh to the page. It is why I'm still here!'

Ilromie says 'We cannot choose when it strikes, for none will choose to face suffering face on.'

Ilromie pauses the pacing near the door towards the Grove.

Trillian says 'Oh dear. That won't do at all. That makes it sound a symptom of ourselves rather than a force at large. I shall have to work to change that one.'

Trillian says 'Valindra forgetting her grief does not remove the tragedy. If anything it only layers on another.'

Trillian says 'And now a third.'

Trillian says 'How you sisters love threes.'

Trillian hums merrily.

Ilromie says 'Three often brings a power greater than the sum of its parts.'

Ilromie says 'You claim my actions are a tragedy itself?'

Ilromie turns to look upon Trillian again, her eyes narrow.

Trillian says 'Ask the prophet.'

Trillian says 'Quite possibly.'

Trillian says 'We shall see how Valindra weathers the storm.'

Trillian says 'As she said, everything has consequences.'

Ilromie says 'We are all defined by the events of our lives, both the highs and the lows.'

Ilromie says 'To deny such is to deny our mortality.'

Ilromie glances at you.

Ilromie says 'Or immortality, as some may enjoy.'

Trillian says 'And the box was gifted by one who has transcended it.'

Trillian says 'Auspicious that.'

Trillian says 'Deny the box. Deny the game. Deny the her wants. Hope its no shame.'

Trillian hums merrily.

Trillian says 'We shall see!'

Trillian says 'I do love consequences!'

Trillian giggles.

Trillian says 'You've given me much to think on this night! I best dream on it.'

Ilromie says 'We shall.'

Trillian waves at Ilromie cheerfully.

Ilromie says 'Go and dream, Trillian.'

Trillian says 'Avie! Always a pleasure.'

Trillian looks at you.

You nod at Trillian.

Trillian snaps his fingers.

Trillian says 'Still brighter.'

Trillian shrugs helplessly.

Trillian says 'Maybe one day...'

Trillian walks west.
Tags: #herald, #rp


  1. Deny the box. Deny the game. Deny her wants. What a shame!
      [reply to Valindra]

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