Ye Olde Abandoned Realms Logs

Early Days: at Romp's End. Aimless. Guildless... What Now?

posted on 2016-08-03 01:26:02
You wince in agony.

You are dying of thirst!
You are starving to death!
The town clock tolls once as the day begins.
Farael the Herald announces abruptly 'I will now perform 'Trapped,' written by Xazappith.'

Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'Alone in the dark I sit and I scream.'
Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'The terror is real, not only a dream.'
Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'No one can hear me and no one will come.'
Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'I've tried to get out, but there's no place to run.'

You say '..I'm..'

Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'The sun on my face and my shadow on the ground'
Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'Are naught now but memories drifting around.'
Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'The walls close in and my panic grows.'
Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'No way out now, to another realm I go.'

Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'My mouth is dry and my stomach is tight'
Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'I've been here too long and I won't last the night'
Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'I lay here now, too weak to move'
Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'Once a great woman I've nothing more to prove.'

Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'A light appears and draws near to me'
Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'Finally I am starting to see.'
Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'This is the price that I must pay'
Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'For taking a chance and losing my way.'

Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'The light is fading and I'm warm again'
Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'I get the feeling that I'm among friends.'
Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'Floating above my trap I can see'
Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'My poor shriveled corpse splayed before me.'

Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'Without remorse I fly far above'
Farael the Herald recites sorrowfully 'To the waiting arms of a forgotten love.'

Farael the Herald says with a bow 'Thank you. '

You say ''

You say ' sorry.'

You say ' hear that.'

You frown disapprovingly.

Vanisse falls to the ground and rolls around laughing hysterically.

You say 'Awkward?'

Brumblwitz says 'A-A-And a good cup of co-co-coffee too!?'

You are dying of thirst!
You are starving to death!

The Echo Point
| A huge wooden doorway welcomes you into this bright,
| lively circular room. A sign hangs above it, etched with
| the words "The Echo Point: A Place of Free Speech". An
| extravagant wooden stage has been placed in the very
@-*-F| center, down a small set of stairs. Carved onto the sides
| | | of the stage are images of heralds telling stories to
* *-*| those willing to listen, along with various quotes that
| | || have emerged throughout the years. The walls seem unique,
*>F-o| made of marble and stone - covered in numerious pieces
---------+ of expensive paper.

[Exits: east south]
Some velvet lounge chairs have been arranged to face the stage.
Vanisse the Myth Weaver is here.
(Charmed) A wrinkly, brown puppy is here, plodding along beside its master.
Brumblwitz the Initiate of the Arcane Path is here.
Farael the Herald is here, reciting poetry from Serin's past.

Farael the Herald goes to sleep.

You say '..why won't...'

You patiently twiddle your thumbs.

Brumblwitz says 'W-W-Wow that was a sad s-s-song.'
You say '...other toilets get fixe-'

Cyprian stops, something occurs to him.

You say 'I get it.'
You are dying of thirst!
You are starving to death!

Vanisse says 'So sad he fell asleep.'

Brumblwitz agrees absolutely.

You say 'It's a conspiracy to have an excuse to bask in the magnificence of Heraldry!'

You say 'A Serin-wide conspiracy!'

You drink rum from a bottle of rum.
You feel drunk.

You are dying of thirst!
You are starving to death!

Brumblwitz says 'Well he h-h-has been singing a-a-all night.'

Vanisse says 'Oh yes, absolutely.'

Vanisse pats Farael the Herald on his head.

You say 'yOUh seEh tHehy rehawllY Waant tO rehaod WhiLe They gO.'

You attempt to nod at yourself and get dizzy instead.

Farael the Herald snores loudly.

A large, chubby bumpkin bobs in the air between two furiously beating
furry brown wings. He is about the size of a halfling with the rotundity of
a dwarf, and good-natured almost silly features often brightened in a fat
grin. Crumbs dot his chin between patches of untrimmed mousy stubble. His
considerable girth is wrapped in a simple white linen robe tied with a bit
of hemp, from which pouches and flasks and bits of dried, unidentifiable
once-living creatures dangle temptingly.
Farael the Herald is in excellent condition.

You say '..What KiND aofF Zsztory diId yoOoUh tell tHat OonEh?'

You are dying of thirst!
You are starving to death!

You say '..sleeps like a pro.'

Vanisse says 'I didn't do anything!'

You raise an eyebrow at the notion.

Vanisse says 'He just keeled over.'

Vanisse peers intently at Farael the Herald.

You are dying of thirst!
You are starving to death!

Brumblwitz pats Farael the Herald on his head.

Farael the Herald snores loudly.

Brumblwitz sits down and rests.

Brumblwitz drinks rum from a bottle of rum.
You say 'Do you have that effect?'

You say 'Swoon factor?'

Vanisse says 'Of people fainting in my presence? I hope not.'

It is already empty.

Brumblwitz giggles.

You drop a bottle of rum.
A bottle of rum shatters into fragments.

Brumblwitz gasps in astonishment.
You are dying of thirst!
You are starving to death!
The town clock tolls twelve times as noon approaches.

You say '..'

Vanisse says 'Litter!!!'

Vanisse points at you. How rude!

Cyprian turns around and darts forward to jump over behind a lounge chair.

Brumblwitz says 'Th-Th-That's a no no!?'

You yell 'I was going to offer it up.'

You say 'Honest!'

You are dying of thirst!
You are starving to death!
Shattered pieces of a bottle of rum crumble into dust.

Vanisse sighs.

You say '..that's cheap glass alright..!'

You say 'I'll clean it up!'

You say '..when I'm sure I won't be smitten..'

You say ' if hiding over here would change that..'

You mutter quietly to yourself.

Brumblwitz giggles.

Vanisse says 'I save the large lightning bolts for mentions of my age.'

You are dying of thirst!
You are starving to death!

Vanisse finds herself the most agreeable being alive.

Brumblwitz smiles happily.

You say 'I'd never be that stupid.'

You say 'You can pick on women...but don't cross that age boundary.'

You shake your head.

You shake your head.

You say 'Ever.'

You are dying of thirst!
You are starving to death!

Vanisse says 'I had a High Herald once who would climb on my shoulders and point out my white hairs.'

Brumblwitz nods at you in agreement.

You say 'All in good fun though, you should keep it.'

Vanisse says 'That didn't end well.'

You say 'I forgot to blink just now.'

You are dying of thirst!
You are starving to death!

Cyprian leverages weight along the back of a lounge chair and hops over it.

You say 'Still alive?'

Brumblwitz says 'I-I-I never remember to b-b-blink.'

You peer intently at Brumblwitz.
You are dying of thirst!
You are starving to death!

You say '.you're serious.'

Brumblwitz agrees absolutely.

Vanisse closes her eyes momentarily.
A magical spring flows from the ground.

Vanisse says 'Dry eyes?'

You are dying of thirst!
You are starving to death!
The town clock tolls once as the evening begins.

You say 'Actually he might start tearing up soon.'

A ray of light shines down briefly nearby, then vanishes.

Vanisse chortles mischieviously.

Brumblwitz says 'I don't th-th-think about it. They j-j-just do it on their o-o-own.'

Cyprian interrupts himself, schmoozing takes discretion.

You can't find it.

You drink ale from a mug of ale.
You are thirsty.
You are hungry.

You are thirsty.
You are hungry.

You drink water from a magical spring.
Your thirst is quenched.

You say 'So I'm a nominee. Who am I up against? Or do we all just cast lots and wait on luck to make the decree?'

You are sober.
You are hungry.

You say 'Flipping coins doesn't sound all that bad...actually.'

Brumblwitz says 'Y-Y-You have to go give some c-c-coins to the D-D-Door keep.'

You are hungry.

You say 'Bribery, then.'

Brumblwitz shrugs helplessly.

Cyprian says, flatly.

Vanisse says 'It costs 20,000 gold.'

You cackle gleefully.

Brumblwitz says 'P-P-Patronage.'

You say 'True to the venue.'

You are hungry.

Brumblwitz says 'I th-th-thought it was te-te-ten thousand!?'

You say 'I guess I better find a way to start making more coin.'

Vanisse says 'Oh. I might be misremembering.'

You say 'Who hired Vikka?'

Vanisse says 'You could earn it really playing poker!'

You say 'Would they hire me?'

Brumblwitz gives you 10000 gold.

You say 'Gambli-'

Vanisse says 'Or that.'

You are hungry.

Cyprian's jaw drops.

Brumblwitz says 'Th-Th-There you go.'

You yell 'You're KIDDING!'

You gasp in astonishment.

Brumblwitz shakes his head.

Brumblwitz smiles happily.

You are hungry.
The town clock tolls twelve times as midnight arrives.

Brumblwitz drinks water from a magical spring.

Brumblwitz fills a water jug with water from a magical spring.

Brumblwitz stands up.

Cyprian jerks his attention back toward Vanisse, thanking Brumblwitz with a gesture.

Brumblwitz utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.

You say 'Gambling.'

Vikka the serving girl walks in.

Brumblwitz utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

Vanisse agrees absolutely.

Brumblwitz gets a magic mushroom.

Brumblwitz eats a magic mushroom.

Brumblwitz utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

You are starving.

You say 'I guess you get nothing if you aren't willing to risk everything.'

Brumblwitz gets a magic mushroom.

Brumblwitz eats a magic mushroom.

Vanisse says 'This is Seringale's finest licensed establishment.'

Vanisse chortles mischieviously.

You say 'This very one..?'

You peer around yourself intently.

Brumblwitz agrees absolutely.

You are starving.

You say 'It's FATE.'

You yell 'Fate!'

Vanisse says 'Tis why all the bards make it their home.'

Vikka the serving girl walks east.

You say ' feels like...'

You are starving.

You say ''s been, neglected.'

Brumblwitz gasps in astonishment.

You say 'Or is it just a reflection in me I'm ignoring.'

You shrug.

You say 'I didn't give that remark too much thought.'

Brumblwitz says 'Wh-Wh-Why would you say that!?'

You say 'Honetly.'

Yuck, try to cover your mouth next time!

You say 'Honestly.'

Vanisse says 'Well, the customers come and go.'

You are starving.

You say 'Oh sure. I meant foolery.'

You say 'Willing foolery.'
Vanisse says 'They gather when they wish to have some fun, but most are usually bloodying themselves in a trench somewhere.'

Vikka the serving girl walks in.

Cyprian covers his mouth.

Brumblwitz shudders at the horror and represses tears.

You say 'Bloodying.'

You chuckle politely.

You are starving.

Vanisse says 'Being chased by giants and dragons and suchlike. Or each other.'

You say '"Hi, Bloody, I'm hoooome!"'

Vanisse snickers softly.

Brumblwitz says 'Blood and t-t-trenches. B-B-Both sound terrible.'

Vanisse says 'Some are quite fond of the fighting.'

You say 'Dragon rum. Such a thing exist?'

Vikka the serving girl walks south.

You are starving.
The town clock tolls once as the day begins.

Brumblwitz nods.

DAMN! You snap your fingers.

You say 'Drat.'

You say 'Probably the millionth to that idea..'

Vanisse has created a firebreather volcano!

You cheer Vanisse on and wish her good luck!

Vanisse says 'There's this!'

Vanisse drinks firebreather from a firebreather volcano.

You are starving.

Vikka the serving girl walks in.

You say 'Can you teach me to do that in reverse?'

You point at Vikka the serving girl.
Vikka the serving girl slaps you.

You say 'To he-'

You say 'Ow...'

Vanisse says 'Turn her into a volcano?'

Vanisse blinks innocently.

Brumblwitz lets out a hearty laugh.

You shake your head.

You are starving.

You say 'Make her disappear.'

Vikka the serving girl glares around icily.

You say 'Where conversely you made that appear.'

Vikka the serving girl says 'No!'

You say 'Kidding, kidding!'

Vanisse says 'I could, in fact.'

Vikka the serving girl says 'You wouldn't dare!'

Cyprian takes a decisive step away from Vikka.

You are starving.

You say 'Oh, no-no.'

You say 'Not necessary.'

Vikka the serving girl says 'I sell all the hamburgers!'

A greasy hamburger flies from Vikka the serving girl into the hands of Vanisse.

Vanisse eats a greasy hamburger.

You say 'I was just being funny.'

Vikka the serving girl disappears in a mushroom cloud.

Vanisse bows deeply.

You say 'And what would Serin do WITHO-'

You are starving.

You say 'Well then.'

You say '..that was..'

Brumblwitz gasps in astonishment.
You say '..actually splendid to watch.'
Vanisse dusts off her hands.

You clap at Vanisse's actions.

You whistle appreciatively.

Brumblwitz agrees absolutely.

You say 'Tall hat?'

You say 'Rabbits?'

Vanisse says 'Pssh.'

You say 'I chase a lot of those.'

You are starving.

You say 'I talke about yellow and black in the same breath.'

You say 'I bore them all to death.'

Vanisse reaches her hand upwards and snatches a screaming gnome named 'Stinky' out of thin air.

Vanisse eats a screaming gnome named 'Stinky'.

You are starving.
The town clock tolls twelve times as noon approaches.

Brumblwitz shudders at the horror and represses tears.

Vanisse says 'Oh. Excuse me.'

Cyprian's eyes blink several times.

Vanisse says 'Had the nibbles.'

You say '..wait..'

You say 'Did ..'

Cyprian squints.

You say ' just..'

You say '...'

You are starving.

You say 'Pop a gnome into your mouth?'

Brumblwitz agrees absolutely.

You say '..and digest it?'

Vanisse says 'I love gnomes.'

Vanisse finds herself the most agreeable being alive.

You say '....that's.'

You say '...some ..'
You are starving.
The hairs on your skin rise as a static charge ripples through the area.
You hear the sound of tinkling laughter coming from nearby.

Brumblwitz says 'We l-l-love you too V-V-Vanisse!?'

Vanisse must like Brumblwitz a great deal to beam at him so broadly!

You say '....'

You say '..that's love that kills.'

You say 'Literally.'

You say 'Wow.'

You peer intently at Brumblwitz.

You say 'Honor for you, sir?'

You are starving to death!

You say 'Say the smart thing.'

You say 'Kidding. I know you would.'

Vanisse says 'I only eat the ones that aren't becoming Heralds.'

Vanisse peers around herself intently.

Brumblwitz gasps in astonishment.

You say '..ouch.'

You wince in agony.

You are starving to death!

Brumblwitz cheers and sings... he is just BURSTING with joy!
You say 'Brumblwitz!'

You say 'What are you waiting for!'

You say 'Be a Herald!'

You glare icily at him.

Vanisse says 'He's already applied, so he's safe.'

Brumblwitz says 'O-O-OK!?'
Vanisse lets out a hearty laugh.

You jump in the air and give a BIG high five to Brumblwitz!

You are starving to death!

Brumblwitz smiles happily.

You say 'So I'm safe by default.'

You say 'Right?'

Brumblwitz sits down and thinks deeply.

You say 'Please don't think...that means it's not 100%'

You mutter quietly to yourself.

You are starving to death!
The town clock tolls once as the evening begins.

Vanisse says 'Well, you're not a gnome.'

You agree absolutely.

Brumblwitz says 'Th-Th-That's a good question. B-B-But what is s-s-safety!?'

Cyprian blinks s l o wly.

You say '..the absence of harm..?'

Vanisse has created a stuffed bear!

You are starving to death!

Vanisse gives a stuffed bear to Brumblwitz.

You let out a hearty laugh.

Vanisse says 'Safety.'

You say 'I liked that!'

Vanisse beams at herself, obviously pleased.

You say 'That was funny!'

Brumblwitz snuggles a stuffed bear close to his chest.

You hear an intense humming from nearby.
You are starving to death!

You say ' really snuggled that...'

Brumblwitz agrees absolutely.

Cyprian stares at brumblwitz.

The hairs on your skin rise as a static charge ripples through the area.
You are starving to death!

Vanisse lets out a hearty laugh.

Brumblwitz giggles.

You say 'Right then. I'll just..clean up the remains of that bottle of rum...'

Cyprian kneels to the floor.

You say '...feign use.'

You are starving to death!

Brumblwitz lets out a hearty laugh.
You say 'Heraldry.'

Vanisse nods.

You say 'When does Brumblwitz receive a notice of yea or nay.'

You are starving to death!

Brumblwitz sits down and thinks deeply.

Cyprian starts cupping a hand around the shards, swiping them carefully into the other.

You are starving to death!
The town clock tolls twelve times as midnight arrives.

Vanisse says 'Well, first we'll need to set him some applicant tasks. I would like Blyx to have a chance to set them if she wants, since she is the current High Herald.'

You say '..probably confidential. I tend to just ask things...'

You say '..oh. Not confidential..?'

Brumblwitz rubs his hands together in greedy anticipation.

You are starving to death!

Cyprian gathers the last of the remains of a shattered bottle of rum.

Cyprian stands up.

Vanisse says 'After that, we'll review as he completes the tasks we dream up.'

You say 'High Herald.'

Vanisse nods.

A tuft of frizzy silver hair, standing straight up, nearly doubles this
tiny man's height. Bushy eyebrows arch up giving him an expression of
constant surprise. His kind brown eyes look back at you with sparkle. A
beard that seems to mirror the hair on his head reaches down and curls up
just before it touches the ground. He has skin that resembles a finely
tanned deer's hide, covered in fine whitish hairs.
He has travelled quite a lot.
Brumblwitz is in excellent condition.

Brumblwitz is using:

You are starving to death!

You say 'Well, I think he'll do just fine.'

You point at Brumblwitz.

Brumblwitz thanks you heartily.

You are starving to death!

Vanisse says 'I agree, I'm sure he'll be a great Herald.'

Brumblwitz gasps in astonishment.

You say 'He did help me without blinking an eye.'

You say 'Earlier.'

Brumblwitz thanks Vanisse heartily.

Vanisse beams a smile at Brumblwitz.

You say 'Showed me the way to a library.'

Brumblwitz nods.

Vanisse says 'Oh? Another book lover?'

You say 'Nearby that Traveller's rest...I just..already..said ...talked ..'

You are starving to death!

You say '..about.'

You say 'I feel redundant suddenly.'

Vanisse lets out a hearty laugh.

Brumblwitz giggles.

You say 'But yes.'

Vanisse peers at you intently.

Brumblwitz stops wielding a bronze dagger.
You say 'Books.'

You are starving to death!

Brumblwitz holds a stuffed bear in his hand.

Vanisse says 'Perhaps YOU might want to be a Herald.'

You say 'Some bore me to tears...but they still deserve to be read.'

You shake your head.

Brumblwitz says 'B-B-But why not!?'

You are starving to death!
The town clock tolls once as the day begins.

You say 'I aspire to nothing but be myself, really.'

Brumblwitz nods.

You say 'If by virtue of that, I land something in addition.'

You say 'Grand.'

Brumblwitz says 'A n-n-noble aspiration.'

You say 'If not. I'm still the same olf fool.'

Yuck, try to cover your mouth next time!

You are starving to death!

You say 'Old fool.'

It is already empty.

A plume of smoke billows from the nearby nexus.

You drink ale from a mug of ale.
You are sober.
You are hungry.

You say 'I say it endearingly.'

You say 'Of course.'

You are hungry.

Vanisse nods.

You say 'If you ask me though..'

You say '..I'd plainly say the idea scares me.'

You shrug.

It is already empty.

It is already empty.

You are hungry.

You say 'I keep trying to drink empty mugs!'

You put a mug of ale in a worn knapsack.

You put a mug of ale in a worn knapsack.

It is already empty.

You raise an eyebrow at the notion.

You say ''...another?'

You put a mug of ale in a worn knapsack.

Brumblwitz gives you a bottle of rum.

You say 'Ah, thank you.'

You say 'Everything is fine, now.'
You are hungry.

You say 'No alarms.'

You snicker softly.

Brumblwitz smiles happily.

Brumblwitz gets a bottle of rum from a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

You say 'How many do you have...?'
Vanisse says 'What scares you?'

Brumblwitz shrugs helplessly.

You are hungry.

Brumblwitz says 'E-E-Enough!?'

Cyprian halts the inquiry to answer Vanisse.

Vanisse has created a mushroom!

You say 'Heraldry.'

Vanisse gives a mushroom to Brumblwitz.

Vanisse says 'Oh? Why's that?'

Brumblwitz's pupils dilate and he begins to look around in dazed wonder.
Brumblwitz eats a mushroom.
Brumblwitz chokes and gags.
Brumblwitz's poison scratches him.

Vanisse chortles at her own joke. Don't bother.

You are hungry.
The town clock tolls twelve times as noon approaches.

Brumblwitz stares off into space, lost in thought.

Brumblwitz agrees absolutely.

Brumblwitz stares off into space, lost in thought.

Brumblwitz says 'Wo-Wo-Wow!?'

You are hungry.

You say 'Well, it..actually kind of speaks for itself in that one word.'
Brumblwitz guffaws uncontrollably.

Brumblwitz lets out a hearty laugh.

Brumblwitz falls to the ground and rolls around laughing hysterically.

Vanisse has created a mushroom!

Vanisse gives you a mushroom.

You say 'A heraldry. Like what's found on a shield.'

You say 'At the forefront of a battle.'

Brumblwitz tries to wipe the tears from his eyes.

You are starving.

You say 'Only in this context...'

Brumblwitz stares at you with a happy blank expression.

Vanisse chortles mischieviously at Brumblwitz.

Brumblwitz stares at the ceiling.

You are starving.

Vanisse says 'Well, we are actually the storytellers and news gatherers of Serin.'

Brumblwitz stares off into space, lost in thought.

You say ''s a war for influence, literacy and cataloguing tales of Serin for time immemorial.'

Brumblwitz squirms suddenly.

Vanisse nods.

You are starving.

Vanisse says 'We do our fighting with the mighty quill.'

Brumblwitz stares at you with a happy blank expression.

You say 'I feel like it's not even *that* simple, either, though.'

Brumblwitz blinks innocently.

Brumblwitz looks around distractedly.

Brumblwitz gasps in astonishment.

You are thirsty.
You are starving.
Brumblwitz's feverish gaze returns to normal.

Brumblwitz says 'Th-Th-That was intense!?'

You say 'I guess I fear what I haven't seen entirely of..'

You are thirsty.
You are starving.
The town clock tolls once as the evening begins.

You drink rum from a bottle of rum.

Brumblwitz utters the words, 'oculoinfra uizug'.

You say 'Fear breeds respect, though, doesn't it.'

You say 'So maybe it's a good thing.'

You shrug.

You are thirsty.
You are starving.

Brumblwitz says 'What d-d-did I miss!? '

The Echo Point
| A huge wooden doorway welcomes you into this bright,
| lively circular room. A sign hangs above it, etched with
| the words "The Echo Point: A Place of Free Speech". An
| extravagant wooden stage has been placed in the very
@-*-F| center, down a small set of stairs. Carved onto the sides
| | | of the stage are images of heralds telling stories to
* *-*| those willing to listen, along with various quotes that
| | || have emerged throughout the years. The walls seem unique,
*>*-o| made of marble and stone - covered in numerious pieces
---------+ of expensive paper.

[Exits: east south]
A dangerously boiling pustule has erupted from the ground here.
A magical spring flows from the ground here.
Some velvet lounge chairs have been arranged to face the stage.
Vanisse the Myth Weaver is here.
(Charmed) A wrinkly, brown puppy is here, plodding along beside its master.
Brumblwitz the Initiate of the Arcane Path is here.
Farael the Herald is sleeping here.

Vanisse says 'I would recommend you to seek Blyx out, if you see her around. She can give you her perspective of Heralds and would be happy to share her experience.'

You are thirsty.
You are starving.

Brumblwitz drinks water from a water jug.

Brumblwitz drinks water from a water jug.

You say 'Oh, I'd certainly enjoy whatever she has to say.'

Brumblwitz drinks water from a water jug.

You say 'Heraldry or otherwise.'

You are thirsty.
You are starving.

Vanisse says 'Some of what we do is not readily obvious to the public, since we do a lot of preparation and brainstorming and event planning behind the scenes.'

Brumblwitz says 'Bl-Bl-Blyx seems really n-n-nice!? We launched gr-gr-gremlins at each other!?'

You are thirsty.
You are starving.

Vanisse says 'But it is pretty fun and mostly painless.'

Vanisse grins evilly.

You say '"Mostly"'

You say 'She highlights.'

Brumblwitz says 'M-M-Mostly!?'

Brumblwitz giggles.

Cyprian rears a palm back and slaps Brumblwitz with a resounding WHAP in his upper back.

You say 'This one too.'

You are thirsty.
You are starving.

Yodi the wrinkly, brown puppy pounces around menacingly.

Vanisse says 'Oh, you'll see.'

Vanisse must like Brumblwitz a great deal to beam at him so broadly!

You say 'I'm sure he has a lot of interesting things to tell.'

Vanisse agrees absolutely.

You are thirsty.
You are starving.
The town clock tolls twelve times as midnight arrives.

You say 'Fine print. Do you like fine print?'

Brumblwitz looks in a Big Ol'Pack Sack.

You drink rum from a bottle of rum.

Brumblwitz sits down and rests.

Brumblwitz drinks rum from a bottle of rum.

You are thirsty.
You are starving.

Vanisse says 'Well, anyway, things to think about. I'm sure you have plenty to mull over.'

Vanisse nods at you in agreement.

You say 'Plenty.'

Brumblwitz agrees absolutely.

Yodi the wrinkly, brown puppy wags its tail and glares at you.

You say 'It was a unnerving surprise.'

You are thirsty.
You are starving.

You say '..for the better.'

Brumblwitz stands up.

You bow deeply.

Vanisse says 'I'll leave you in this deli... wonderful gnome's company.'

Vanisse chortles mischieviously.

Brumblwitz utters the words, 'qcandusahz yaae'.
A magic mushroom suddenly appears.

You smirk at her saying.

Brumblwitz smiles happily.

Vanisse says 'See you around!'

You say '"Delightful"'

Vanisse waves happily.

Brumblwitz waves happily.

The world bends and quivers as Vanisse vanishes with a quiet >POP!<

The world bends and quivers as Vanisse vanishes with a quiet >POP!<

You nod.

You wave.

You are parched.
You are starving.
Brumblwitz's hunger hits him.
A magical spring dries up.

Brumblwitz gets a magic mushroom.

Brumblwitz eats a magic mushroom.

You say 'Well then..'

You say 'I'm ready to have a heart attack about now...'

Brumblwitz says 'I l-l-like her!?'
Cyprian falls back into a lounge chair.

You sit down in a velvet lounge chair.

You are parched.
You are starving to death!

You say '..yes well..'

A plume of smoke billows from the nearby nexus.

You say ''s not like I lived my life up to now regularly consorting with DIVINES.'

Brumblwitz agrees absolutely.

You say 'I almost soiled myself.'


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