Ye Olde Abandoned Realms Logs


posted on 2020-05-13 19:30:53
Been fighting Trovo back and forth around Drkshtyre, he steps into his own trap, seemingly unaware that he has no recall pots.


A mighty Executor of Valor, the most valiant and courageous of them all - instead of fighting a naked shaman decides to get a lowbie noble to out of range assist in PK in order to avoid a potentially deadly fight. Is this is what we have come to?

The spider web

[Exits: none]
(White Aura) Trovo is here.

Trovo drops a sleeping bag.

Trovo goes to sleep in a sleeping bag.

Trovo wakes and stands up.

Trovo looks in a heavy backpack.

Trovo closes his eyes momentarily.
Trovo bows his head and is filled with a virtuous light.

Trovo goes to sleep in a sleeping bag.

Trovo wakes and stands up.

Trovo looks in a heavy backpack.

Trovo goes to sleep in a sleeping bag.

The ringmaster yells 'Roll up, roll up! The circus is open, awaiting you!'

Trovo wakes and stands up.

Trovo goes to sleep in a sleeping bag.

Trovo wakes and stands up.

Trovo gets a sleeping bag.

Trovo drops a sleeping bag.

Trovo goes to sleep in a sleeping bag.

Trovo wakes and stands up.

Trovo gets a sleeping bag.

Trovo closes his eyes momentarily.
The Queen Spider yells 'Food!'
Ronk yells 'Help! I am being attacked by the Queen Spider!'

Trovo drops a sleeping bag.

Trovo goes to sleep in a sleeping bag.

The white aura around Trovo fades.
The ringmaster yells 'Roll up, roll up! The circus is open, awaiting you!'

Trovo wakes and stands up.

Trovo gets a sleeping bag.

Trovo closes his eyes momentarily.
Trovo is surrounded by a white aura.

Trovo closes his eyes momentarily.

Trovo drops a sleeping bag.

Trovo goes to sleep in a sleeping bag.

Ronk yells 'Demons of the Underworld, bring forth your destruction!'

Trovo wakes and stands up.

Trovo goes to sleep in a sleeping bag.

Trovo wakes and stands up.

Trovo goes to sleep in a sleeping bag.

Baloof walks in.

Baloof gives a perfect potion of recall to Trovo.

The Gods protect Trovo from Baloof.

Trovo wakes and stands up.

Trovo gets a sleeping bag.

Ronk yells 'Hey now.'

Trovo quaffs a perfect potion of recall.
A ray of light from above envelops Trovo.
Trovo disappears.


  1. While I did boo it, idk that I would have sat there and died if you didn't immediately take advantage of him being exposed.
    1. This.
    [reply to kento]
  2. yea i guess i took too long spelling myself up instead of just charging in. But I did only have a small buckler and chieftain scepter and never swimmer. Had like what, 10 damroll and bronze dragon set so I wanted to get my spells up before going to suicide to him.

    But considering the little noble took time to go to potion shop, buy a potion and get it there, he must have asked for his help instantly as he stepped in there (he tried to summon and trap me in there at first place).

    When I asked him why would he get an out of range lowbie to save his life (tbh it woulda been me who woulda died, with 90% certainty), he just said that I'm just looking for easy kills, which i found hilarious.

    No hard feelings, it just felt like such a stupid, out of place play by him. Like I was literally no threat to him in the first place. He was destroying me when I was hitting him for injures, heh.
    1. Well... Nothing surprising. Trovo was losing a fight and he ran straight to his cabal guardian and sat there to heal up. Times have changed, all these are perfectly acceptable. There is no honor in death. :D
    2. well i know who plays Nyth now lol
    3. Just kidding I always think I know and then Im always wrong
    4. Awesome! Lovin' it lol
    [reply to ronk]
  3. Are you seriously complaining that you didn't get to march to your death? Or that I didn't just sit there and wait for you to come to me? Call me a coward but after I get out of there the only thing that you do is run. We can all talk as much shit as we want, but it doesnt mean a god damn thing.
    1. A lot of us come from a time when men were men and you were never allowed to run to your cabal for any reason. If someone invaded you had to defend you couldn't sit at your guardian. I don't know when that shit changed but its bullshit and shouldn't be allowed.

      So when a cabal leader does it, some of us think its embarrassing. But on the flip side now we all get to do it!
    2. Dude ozaru, he's talking about the log and not replying to me. LOL. ^^ your reply was completely off topic.
    [reply to Trovo]
  4. There's nothing for the Immortals to do here because they already blew two recall potions plus they look like dumbasses, level 50 Knight needing help getting rescued from a no-exit. Hilarious!
      [reply to Davairus]
    1. I've see what makes you cheer. Your boos mean nothing to me.
        [reply to Trovo]
      1. "HELP KNIGHT"

        The Knights of Valour devote their lives to the path of Light and Righteousness. They are the most honorable and bravest people of the land. The Knights of Valour are an aggressive militant group that seeks out and destroy the Evils of the land. They have no mercy or pity for any Evil that walks the land. They will not rest until all the Shadows and Evil are dead. Yet, through their honor, they are not too proud to help those in need and protect the weak. Only the bravest and most honorable, who wish to devote their life to the path of Light and hunt Shadows can become a member of the Knights of Valour.
          [reply to Vhrael]
        1. Oh come on. As if I haven't marched to my death at least 20 times now. One instance where I got help against someone who didn't capitalize on an idiot moment is really gonna be the only time I get the spotlight?
            [reply to Trovo]
          1. So.. call me crazy here, but I'm not seeing anything wrong with what Trovo did. Knights are relentless in their hunt against evil. So the Executor made a mistake and found himself in a room with no exits and no recalls on him. So... he sits and starves to death and waits for the Evil to spam-sac all his stuff? No, he calls for aid (as good guys are want to do), and gets back to the hunt. Sure, it's a #feelsbad moment, but what's worse perhaps is that the evil didn't take advantage.

            If you want to die for the sake of making a mistake, that feels more in the Warlords domain. Otherwise, in the war of Good vs. Evil, this wouldn't feel like a 'noble sacrifice' if Trovo were to let himself die. Instead it kind of just feels like he would die for the sake of stupidity.

            Just my opinion, but I think this is totally in character.
            1. Yeayyy. RP doesn't really cut it when you kinda bending/breaking Rule 4.
            2. *DOH* Yup forgot about good ol' rule #4.
            3. We don't necessarily know it is assistance rule violation. Trovo was in that no-exit for so long he was up to full hp. It is possible his adrenaline wore off, or was shortly going to. Also, we shouldn't be overlooking the RP of it. Of course rules trump RP when push comes to shove, but if I was the low level lightwalker there, I would rather be slain/denied by the Immortals than do nothing there. Self-preservation is important.. but goods also often believe in causes greater than themselves, which for a noble is of course the Knights of Valour. I'm sure he wouldnt do it, but there could be an executor of Valour who simply exiles Baloof as punishment for not helping there. Also, basically common sense. The rule is really not going to prevent goods doing stereotypically good things, like helping someone out of a no-exit. Even if you were taking a risk of being slain, you would still do it. If you wanna sit and just watch, you pick a neutral alignment.
            4. Hence I said...bending. I wouldn't do much if I saw this on my Imm, as I don't know the whole story. I would just shake my head probably at the current context.
            [reply to lionSpyre]
          2. Anyone else feel like a cabal leader explaining themselves on a logboard is kind of shitty? It’s like brah, you know your character. Right or wrong it’d be better to deal with it in game. Explain to imms if it comes to it, which it obviously won’t. RP it out with other characters in game and don’t talk about it OOC to keep the mystique.

            And even in game Trovo’s RP sucks. One dimensional, no plot, no over arching theme or creativity, no goal other than “hey, you should oath.” And he pretty much is OOC in game. I wouldn’t care as much, but he is a cabal leader.
            1. You're entitled to your wrong opinion.
            2. I N J U S T I C E!!
            [reply to Mikoos]
          3. There is nothing in this log that is illegal or against Rule 4. There is no combat in this log. According to this log, Trovo was stuck in a web, and that's it. Wide open for interpretation. If you feel someone is breaking game rules please file an INQUIRY as opposed to a shitty attempt at making them look bad on the log board. Same thing goes for all this talk about Knights entering the path to hide during combat. The Knights all heard it from me this is grounds for immediate uninduction - so either they're not doing it and you guy are just trolls, or, they're doing it and will be uninducted - but nothing's going to happen without proof or unless an imm sees them doing it. There are enough imms around these days that shits gonna get caught, believe me.
              [reply to Ceridwel]
            1. Bladefury BANNED [reply]
              0 , 1 , 0 .
              Lol at this the entire time I played as conundo i cant think of a time i stepped into a no exit and needed help
              1. Trovo
                1 , 0 , 1 .
                Having had some recent warlords, I can think of some powers that might help with that.
              2. Bladefury BANNED
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                It would be cool if we had that power like rangers i think that tells you and stops you when your going to go into a no exit idk if it should stop you when you flee
              [reply to Bladefury]

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