Dothemman the Faithless Knight
Dothemman created on 03rd of June 2022, and is currently 32 years old (112 hours played).

Title: the Faithless Knight
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: drow dark-knight

Background history:


Dothemann appears to be a particularly tall drow. His body is lean and muscular. His mildly blemished skin has a darkish hue and his large oval eyes are a deep brown. While Dothemann has well kempt facial hair, his medium length black hair seems carelessly ungroomed. Jagged lumps of hair spring upwards in every direction above his forehead. He has a full set of teeth and a devilish smile surrounded by a goatee. On his right shoulder is a rough branding scar of a crowned figure hoisting a large sword above his head.

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