Grimple the Sage of Arcane Power > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Grimple created on 14th of November 2020, and is dead and gone (22 years old, 85 hours, 3 months lifetime)

Title: the Sage of Arcane Power
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: gnome invoker

Background history:

  1. A Grand Plan - posted at 2020-11-21 06:27:22
A Grand Plan
The gnome village may appear peaceful to an unobservent... Observer. In truth it is a place of cruelty, pain, and genocide. Random adventurers often enter the village for no better reason than to slaughter as many gnomes they can get their hands on. These acts of random carnage have forced the gnomes to mate with one another as often as they are able. Most gnomes are of little importance, content to tend their homes, shops, and make gnome love, but every ten generations there is born a gnome who is quite different. It so happened that the stars were aligned in a particular manner when Grimple was conceived. He was born as any gnome, into a land of slaughter. He had a particular gift for cowardice, however, hiding himself from pillaging travellers quite adeptly. His cowardice paid off, for he was able to mature to the ripe age of ten, where he was tasked with working in the mines. He discovered, however, that he had quite a gift for the arcane. Rather than be sent to work in the mines, and no doubt be slain by some random adventurer, he was sent to apprentice under the town mage. Grimple was an adept pupil and quickly mastered everything that could be learned in the simple village. The elders convened to decide upon his fate. Should he travel the realms, far and wide? Should he stay and defend the village? After much deliberation, it was decided that he should embark on a grand quest. Grimple would be sent out of the village to learn way of the land. He would study his spells, study the lands, and become adept at magic and at battle. Once competent, he would join the Justice cabal. Once a member, he would serve dilligently and climb the ranks. Eventually, given gnomish longevity, he would become a Justice of high station. Once he was able to influence Justice policy, he would extend their protection to the gnome village. It was the perfect plan. It would ensure the survival of the gnomish people and end the senseless genocide that has plagued them for centuries. Whether or not it could be carried out, woudld be another thing.


Standing before you at a height of roughly three and a half feet is what would appear to be a gnome. He has a bulbous nose that is slightly pink tinged. He has coarse black, curly grey hair that is long, wild, and unkempt. He has thick sideburns that run down past his ears and end abruptly at the corners of his mouth. His chin is shaved clean. His thin, pink lips are turned up at the edges in a smile. His crystal blue eyes tinkle mischeviously, as if he knows some secret. His wispy limbs would make him look more suited toward the arcane arts than toward any sort of martial prowess. His small stature and frail form make him look weak, but he stands with confidence, seemingly sure of himself for some reason.

PK stats:

Kills: 1, Deaths: 2 (Ratio: 0.5, Efficiency: 33%)
Pinnacle Kills: 1, Pinnacle Deaths: 2 (Ratio: 0.5, Efficiency: 33%)

Kills by class:
shadow: 1,
Killed by class:

Logs mentioning Grimple:Mystiques mentioning Grimple:
Tags: #justice


  1. First death = lost a fight with a scarecrow (training chain lightning is dangerous)...

    Second death = starved to death (it happens).
    1. Well that sucks, was hoping to get to you know
    2. Let me tell you a little bit about Grimple. His primary goal in life was to help others, make friends, and see the realms flourish. He would routinely put enchanted claymores, gold, and other minor items in all three pits in Seringale. He spoke to everyone he saw - any rank, any class, any alignment. He would offer enchanting for free to everybody. He would ask if there were any other ways he could help people, and eagerly do so. He gathered an exceptional set of equipment so that he could be a strong mage, and use that strength as a sergeant of Justice to provide a safe haven for those that were either too young or too weak to defend themselves. He wanted peace, and safety.

      Chul was antithesis to all that Grimple desired. He saw you avidly hunting people outside of town, and goading people within - desiring them to attack you so they would become criminals. Grimple could not reconcile being in the same cabal as someone who was so clearly working against everything that he desired. The thought of helping Chul brought bile to his throat. He could not allow himself to be forced into helping Chul directly, and he did not look forward to bringing the weight of the law upon those that broke it to attack Chul in town (given his aggressive actions without and banter within).

      If Grimple were stronger, he may have been able to persist and refuse to assist you. Unfortunately, he was very well intentioned but he lacked the inner strength to attempt to reconcile the issues laid out above. In the end, he chose to step aside and fade into obscurity.

      Grimple is gone, yet I remain.
    3. Chul
      1 , 0 , 3 .
      Lots of assumptions being made from a character that ranked to 50 got inducted at 50 and deleted with probably 10 hours total cabal time. nice job and nice effort good luck on the next.
    4. Ashlyn
      2 , 0 , 0 .
      Would have loved to see this roleplayed out. Especially with the current tensions going on.
    5. Kornhole
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      That seems like a shame to delete a character with this kind of depth of character. Grimple could not reconcile being in the same cabal.....then get him kicked, or retire, or, or, or, or....not delete!?!? Just my two cents, seems like a calling out after the fact.
    6. Very fair points Kornhole and I agree with you Ashlyn - it would have been interesting to see. There were more factors that played into the deletion vs retire/soldier on, but Chul wanted to get to know Grimple so I thought I would be nice and give him some info.

      It is also interesting that when Chul was an applicant, Grimple was the Justice that spent the most time testing him, teaching him, and ultimately recommended his induction. Grimple felt terrible knowing that he played a part in the rise of the menace that would tear down his image for a perfect world.
    7. Ashlyn
      3 , 0 , 0 .
      Well when you give birth to a terribly ugly baby like that you have to stay around to hold its head under the water.
    [reply to Grimple]
  2. Bladefury BANNED [reply]
    0 , 0 , 0 .
    How do you starve to death as an invoker?
    1. Davairus
      1 , 0 , 0 .
      you just make shitty afk training scripts and then go afk
    2. No afk training scripts, just straight up afk -> starve. There may or may not have been a 'channel armor'involved.
    3. Bladefury BANNED
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      Damnn i was gonna call him on it but gotteeemmm. Btw scripting afk is against the rules people. Just sit there and play on your phone and respond to tells and immortals poking at you. I prob do this for every training session and next thing I know I just trained for 7 hours and mastered dumb shit. While playing another game. Its great.
    4. Ashlyn
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      Holy crap someone teach me to script, best I can do is spam macros.
    5. Clifton
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      I went through and uploaded scripts and various other configs. If you know nothing about scripting, maybe this'll be a starting point. It's probably 7 years outdated at this point.
    6. Clifton
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      I wonder if a reinforcement learning agent can be applied to AR. Use GPT 3 to generate conversation and information.
    7. Davairus
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      that sounds fun clifton
    8. Stephen2Aus
      0 , 0 , 0 .
      WTF Clifton you madman. Now you have to do that. Write a char entirely driven by GPT3 and a python interface
    [reply to Bladefury]
  3. Vanisse [reply]
    3 , 0 , 0 .
    Missed opportunity. Could have gone for 61 dumb ways to die!
      [reply to Vanisse]

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