Groq the President of Eternal Agony, Inc.
Groq created on 17th of October 2003, and is currently 239 years old (3463 hours played).

Title: the President of Eternal Agony, Inc.
Gender: Male
Level: 54
Class: fire giant warrior

Background history:


In front of you stands a beast of monsterous proportions, he stands at about fifteen feet tall and wieghs about five hundred pounds. Fat is not why he weighs so much for fat is not what he has, it is mainly muscle. He is shaped like anything else but looks like he has been put together by moulten rock. His arms are very large and hang down to the middle of his thighs. In each arm he holds very large and deadly looking weapons, one weapon is a giant club which looks to have blood stains upon it. In the other hand he holds an evil looking mace with giant spikes. Upon his massive body sits a massive head. His eyes look to be sunk in his head and glow a orangish colour. His nose is very large and mis-shaped. His mouth is also very large and in it there seems to be teeth made out of everything else his body is made of moulten rock. He wears very heavy looking armor that seems to fit him well.

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