Hesum the Walking Disaster > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Hesum created on 27th of July 2022, and is dead and gone (26 years old, 136 hours, 7 months lifetime)

Title: the Walking Disaster
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: dwarf berserker

Background history:

  1. The Nightmare - posted at 2022-07-27 23:05:14
The Nightmare
The day tragedy struck this ones life is one he will never forget. It seemed just like any other day of the same that has repeated for the past scant twelve years he has been alive. He awoke from his slumber came from his room to greet his parents and older sister. He would proceed to eat with his family and join his father working in the armory, making pieces of armor. When the sun would set the duo, father and son would head back home to enjoy a hearty dinner surrounded by loved ones. On this day as the duo were working the warning bell tolled letting all that lived in the small community of an attack. The father donned his armor and weapons and swiftly left the son to close shop and head home. Once the son finished and made his way home along the streets, he noticed this time seemed different. A loud thumping that reverberated all the way to his heart could be heard. Turning to look in the distance at the large gates that blocked the entrance to his community, he saw large cracks of splintered wood coming from it. Spurred by terror feeling his heart, he ran to his home to find his mother and sister both donned in armor. They told him to quickly hide himself in the cellar below his home. Not long after he settled into the small hiding place. Sounds of screaming cold be heard from around his home. Peeking through a small opening so he could know it was safe to leave he saw his mother and sister watching the door with determined faces. Bursting through the door a dark smoky figure entered through the shambles. His mother screamed a mighty warcry and attacked the figure dodging and swiftly sliced through his mother. His sister not to be out done screamed and attacked almost instantly after. Once it moved from his mother to ready itself for his sister a gleam seemed to shine in it's eyes. Back and forth the two entwined themselves in combat. His mother never stirred from her position laying on the floor. Then the figure did something with the smoke covering him. It expanded and rushed to his sister binding her in place. With one smooth motion the figure lopped her head clean from her shoulders. The young dwarf hiding with tears in his eyes burst through the hidden door hiding him. Screaming wildly with not a single weapon in his arms he rushed the figure, with all the hatred of seeing his loved ones slaughtered afore him in his heart. The figure stunned for a brief moment from the outburst, recovered quickly. Looked at the two downed opponents and swiftly moved to the young one. The figure smashed the young dwarf in his face with the pommel of his sword. The boy fell face first to the ground screaming from the blood seeping from his left eye or the anguish that he could not stop him was unknown to him. Slowly darkness took the young dwarf as he stared at the face of his sister staring back at him with cold lifeless eyes. When he awoke next his hands and feet were both shackled in irons and in an unfamiliar dark cave along with many others that looked haggard and bloody.


Looking upon this dwarf he is of average height of his dwarven kin. A stark difference would be his malnourished body, that looks as if wind could blow him over. His eyes are small the right being a darker dirt color brown, his left eye being white with tints of red broken blood vessels along the outside rim. Below his rather large bulbous nose, is a dark red bushy moustache and beard covering down to the top of his chest. His arms stick out from his body, scraggly with no muscle definition. His right hand missing his pinky finger, above them his wrists have old scars around both his wrists as though the skin was permanently rubbed off.

PK stats:

Kills: 0, Deaths: 15 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 0%)
Pinnacle Kills: 0, Pinnacle Deaths: 11 (Ratio: 0, Efficiency: 0%)

Kills by class:

Killed by class:
warrior: 1,

Record against Opponent

1- 3- 0 Jinjarak the Battlemaster (Fought at rank 50)
0- 9- 0 Vok the Wrath of Nature (Fought at rank 50)
3- 3- 0 Skurm the Battlemaster (Fought at rank 50)
0- 1- 0 Foggledonk the Sage of Arcane Power (Fought at rank 50)
0- 1- 0 Asara the Holy Patriarch of Healing (Fought at rank 50)
0- 2- 0 Aphrux the Wizard of the Astral Mind (Fought at rank 50)
0- 4- 1 Quinace the Grand Master of Seasons (Fought at rank 50)
0- 1- 0 Bonfo the Grand Master of Larceny (Fought at rank 50)
0- 0- 1 Aminya the Grand Master of Seasons (Fought at rank 50)
0- 2- 0 Militha the Unholy Knight (Fought at rank 50)
0- 2- 0 Hardulf the Wrath of Nature (Fought at rank 50)
0- 2- 0 Dwiggans the Holy Knight (Fought at rank 50)
0- 1- 0 Cera the Grand Hierophant of the Forest (Fought at rank 50)
0- 2- 0 Paeix the Holy Knight (Fought at rank 50)
1- 0- 0 Vargan the Grand Master of Larceny (Fought at rank 50)
1- 0- 0 Dirnemak the Grand Spectre of Beguilement (Fought at rank 50)

Duels: 41, Wins: 6, Losses: 33 (Win Rate: 14%)

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