Inkomo the Volcano of Infinite Rage
Inkomo created on 22nd of May 2020, and is currently 42 years old (58 hours played).

Title: the Volcano of Infinite Rage
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: minotaur berserker

Background history:

  1. Moo - posted at 2023-04-29 05:17:54
Life was good. The grass was thick, lush and green, and tasted oh so sweet. He spent most of his days by himself in a big open field, at night there was a cozy spot set up by the squishy two-legger, which would block the wind and rain. Sometimes he wanted to leave the field, as there were girl cows nearby, he could usually smell them. But the two-legger put up big sturdy lines around his field, with pointy bits on the lines to discourage Inkomo from leaving. Sometimes if he was feeling bold enough he could hop up on the lines a bit, and struggle over top of them. He'd then visit the girl cows for awhile until the two-legger came out with other two-leggers and using long sharp things, force him back into his field. Sometimes the two-legger would bring some of the girl cows to his field though, and leave them with him for some time. These were the best of times, tasty grass and girl cows for Inkomo. One day the two-legger came to his field, with more two-leggers, ones he'd never seen. He began mooing nervously, not knowing what this was about. A two-legger who had floppy blankets covering him, began shouting and waving his arms loudly at Inkomo. Inkomo backed away nervously, mooing in anger and fear, but shortly after began to feel tired. Not knowing what was happening, he tried to run to the other side of his field, but only made it a few steps before he tripped and the world went black.


His thick shaggy hide has a copper tone to it, except in spots where various stains have darkened it black and matted it down. Rich white ivory horns stick out two feet from either side of his head, then curve up another two feet, the tips darkening to a gleaming black the last third of the way up. His large black eyes have small amber irises, and convey a sense of mania, meanwhile his thick slobbery tongue hangs out from his constantly drooling mouth. His teeth are a dirty yellow, with bits of food debris stuck to them. A broad, muscled chest and thick neck support his giant cow-head. Hulking, wide shoulders sport a set of long arms, with tufts of shaggy fur covering the backs of his biceps and forearms. His thick shaggy legs are very long, but he stands with his knees bent forward slightly, so he's posed hunched over somewhat. Thick black hooves have cracks and chips in them, with dark iron shoes fastened to the bottom of them.

Logs mentioning Inkomo:
