Displaying minotaurs

1. Acaelgrin the Battlemaster - 44 hours 29 minutes
2. Ractor the Volcano of Infinite Rage - 15 hours 39 minutes
3. Dordaran the Hostile - 9 hours 51 minutes
4. Tarffin the Lady Trooper - 2 hours 35 minutes
5. Mahktar the Master Shaman - 7 minutes
6. [JUSTICE] Kiza the Holy Shaman - 0 minutes
7. Inkomo the Volcano of Infinite Rage - 0 minutes
8. Artoron the Holy Shaman - 0 minutes
9. Sintku the Volcano of Infinite Rage - 0 minutes
10. Diph the Greater Demon Adherent - 0 minutes
11. Benebovis the Battlemaster - 0 minutes

11 players shown.
