'OSSUARY' Syntax: cast 'ossuary' (with corpses in room) Oh, dear. The necromancer guild has found a way to go one better than flesh golems, utilizing the arms, bones and sometimes entire corpses of fallen adventurers to develop a walking scrap yard. The ossuary is an amalgam of bone and corpses, the sum of which comprises a golem. With each corpse placed into the ossuary, as long as it is higher level than the ossaury then the level of the ossuary will raise again. The ossuary is considered a golem and counts towards the limit of two for golems. The role of the ossuary is to be a damage sponge. It is the only golem that can hold the attention of monsters with its horrifying appearance, and it spreads a highly infectious contagion that makes it easier for the necromancer to land their maleditive spells and improves vampiric touch. The ossuary can be healed, either with the funnel health spell or by absorbing more spare parts into it.

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