'STRAP SLASH' Syntax: strapslash <target> Experienced adventurers are well-practiced in securing their possessions, and thus it can be difficult to remove worn articles from even an unconscious victim. Master thieves can attempt to counter this using the strap slash ability. The thief begins by loosening, exposing, or otherwise weakening all straps, binding, and wards securing a victims belongings. This process may be repeated several times, steadily exposing the kinks in their armor as well. Then, with a ruthless backstab, the thief attempts to sever all of them at once, even the ones pressed against the targets flesh. Naturally, this will awaken the target, but the strap slash has an immediate effect of potentially causing several item straps to be severed all at once. Afterwards, many of the partially severed and frayed straps on the targets belongings will likely be snapped during fleeing as well. If the thief is quick enough on his feet to avoid being killed and quick enough with his hands to pick up all of the items, the thief can gain many of his targets possessions before the target manages to repair his items fastenings and chase after the pickpocket in earnest.

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