'WITCH CARVING' Syntax: carve/enhance The witch carving process is used to craft weapons. It is guided by the centaur witch Tatiana in the dwarf forest, in the ruined village of the centaurs. In order to unlock witch carving, one must first complete the entire quest offered by the half-centaur that roams the dwarf forest. Doing this quest restores the centaur honor and they will become a friend to you. Without doing this, the centaur legacy will remain an unknown to you, and you will be unable to see Tatiana at all. The process of witch carving requires first carving a level 1 weapon at Tatiana, which you will then "level up" by fighting monsters with it. As the weapon is levelled up, it gains in power, which is where the" witching" part of witch carving comes in to play. After gaining sufficient power, take the weapon back to Tatiana, and "enhance" the weapon with the enchants she offers. There are several kinds of enchants, so you can build the weapon you want.

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