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'TREANT' 'TREANTS' 'DRYAD' As old as Serins forests themselves, Treants have lumbered across Serins lands since time immemorial. Descendant from the oldest of the worlds flora, Treants are sentient tree-like creatures who are wise, fiercely intelligent, very large and strong. As with all neutral-aligned creatures, Treants live a life of balance rather than distinctly lawful or chaotic. While they do not shun violence and are more than willing to engage in combat when the need arises, Treants do prefer the peace and tranquility of nature to the suffering of bloodshed. Among the family of Treants, the females of the species are known as Dryads. The strength and size of a Treant's wood-like exterior makes them naturally resistant to weapons, wood, and cold-based attacks. However, should a Treant be threatened by fire they are wise to make a hasty retreat. The Treant's affinity to the natural world draws them towards the Druid class, however it has been said some Treants seek to protect nature in the halls of Warriors. STR: 22, INT: 21, WIS: 23, DEX: 15, CON: 22 Ethos: neutral only Align: any Resists: weapons, cold, wood Vulns: fire Bonus to size. Treants can be the following classes: Druid, Warrior See also: ROOT, SHED, ABSORB

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