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Top 10 PKers of 2006.

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Joined: 20 Jan 2004
Posts: 529

PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:38 pm    Post subject: Top 10 PKers of 2006.

Notice the stats here are total-character stats, rather than month-by-month summaries. Thus, only completed (i.e. dead) characters are listed here. Currently active characters will have their shot at getting on next year's list.

Methodology: All dead, non-denied level 50 characters with at least 1 high-level PK who died their final death in 2006 are eligible. Characters are ranked by 4 different criteria (total efficiency, total kills, level 50 efficiency, and level 50 kills), and the final ranking is determined by weighing all 4 criteria.

               TOTAL TOTAL TOTAL LVL50 LVL50 LVL50  L50 EFF.%  OVERALL
    ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----  ---------  -------
 1. Mortumar     57     7  89.06   37     5  88.10       1        1
 2. Taere        70    15  82.35   29    12  70.73      10        3
 3. Grimp        51    11  82.26    7     1  87.50       2        7
 4. Lonova       12     3  80.00    8     2  80.00       4       14
 5. Txivnezjwo  119    37  76.28    9     4  69.23      13        6
 6. Bolun        21     7  75.00    2     2  50.00      29       24
 7. Rigwarl     101    35  74.26   66    18  78.57       6        2
 8. Worvaz       50    18  73.53   39     6  86.67       3        4
 9. Bobolobo     26    10  72.22    7     4  63.34      16       12
10. Shroquet     19     8  70.37   11     3  78.57       7       13

    ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----  ---------  -------
 1. Txivnezjwo  119    37  76.28    9     4  69.23      27        6
 2. Rigwarl     101    35  74.26   66    18  78.57       2        2
 3. Bepodo       92    61  60.13   44    31  58.67       3       10
 4. Prastin      76    40  65.52    2     6  25.00      52       22
 5. Voravith     75    41  64.66   71    30  70.30       1        5
 6. Taere        70    15  82.35   29    12  70.73       9        3
 7. Mortumar     57     7  89.06   37     5  88.10       6        1
 8. Vrakkus      53    31  63.10   29     8  78.38       8        9
 9. Vrakka       52    28  65.00   39    17  69.64       5        8
10. Grimp        51    11  82.26    7     1  87.50      33        7

               EFF.% KILLS EFF.% KILLS RANK
    ---------- ----- ----- ----- ----- --------- ----------- -----------------------
 1. Mortumar      1     7     1     6     3.34    [LEGION]   Human Necromancer
 2. Rigwarl       6     2     7     2     4.72    [LEGION]   Fire Giant Berserker
 3. Taere         2     6    10     9     5.66    [JUSTICE]  Human Shaman
 4. Worvaz        8    11     3     4     7.10    [KNIGHT]   Dwarf Warrior
 5. Voravith     14     5    11     1     8.96    [LEGION]   Drow Ninja
 6. Txivnezjwo    5     1    13    27     9.44    [LEGION]   Human Shaman
 7. Grimp         3    10     2    33     9.90    [JUSTICE]  Gnome Invoker
 8. Vrakka       13     9    12     5    10.42    [WARLORD]  Stone Giant Warrior
 9. Vrakkus      15     8     8     8    10.80    [LEGION]   Human Berserker
10. Bepodo       18     3    18     3    11.70    [WARLORD]  Halfling Warrior

WEIGHTAGE - TOTAL EFF.: 40% (exactly 2/5)
            TOTAL KIL.: 24% (approx. 1/4)
            LVL50 EFF.: 18% (approx. 1/6)
            LVL50 KIL.: 18% (approx. 1/6)


   [JUSTICE]   A   B   C   D   E   F   G    [KNIGHT]    A   B   C   D   E   F   G   
   ---------- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---   ---------- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---   
1. Taere       70  15 82%  29  12 71%   3   Worvaz      50  18 74%  39   6 87%   4 
2. Grimp       51  11 82%   7   1 88%   7   Craol       27  24 53%   9   8 53%  21 
3. Lonova      12   3 80%   8   2 80%  14   Prastin     76  40 66%   2   6 25%  24 
4. Devorast    39  33 54%  30  29 51%  15   Amirlith    31  38 45%   7  12 37%  28 
5. Cramen      47  43 52%  20  17 54%  16   Adaeni      30  54 36%  20  36 36%  29 

   [LEGION]    A   B   C   D   E   F   G    [WARLORD]   A   B   C   D   E   F   G
   ---------- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---   ---------- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---
1. Mortumar    57   7 89%  37   5 88%   1   Vrakka      52  28 65%  39  17 70%   8
2. Rigwarl    101  35 74%  66  18 79%   2   Bepodo      92  61 60%  44  31 59%  10
3. Voravith    75  41 65%  71  30 70%   5   Grunit      24  42 36%  11  20 35%  32
4. Txivnezjwo 119  37 76%   9   4 69%   6   Lqeu        24  61 28%  12  26 32%  38
5. Vrakkus     53  31 63%  29   8 78%   9   Hizang      21  61 26%  13  34 28%  45

   ---------- --- --- --- --- --- --- ---   ---------- --- --- --- --- --- --- -----
1. Shroquet    19   8 70%  11   3 79%  13   [LEGION]     1   2   5   6   9   5   1
2. Sulahim     21   9 70%  10   5 67%  17   [JUSTICE]    3   7  14  15  16  11   2
3. Veeraza     41  29 59%  10   6 63%  18   UNCABALLED  13  17  18  19  23  18   3
4. Jraekior    41  41 50%  21  18 54%  19   [KNIGHT]     4  21  24  28  29  21   4
5. Bolun       21   7 75%   2   2 50%  23   [WARLORD]    8  10  32  38  45  27   5

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PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 9:35 pm    Post subject:

Man, I forgot about a lot of these guys. But hey Jraekior placed 19th overall! w00t!!
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 01, 2007 10:11 pm    Post subject:

Any chance we can get a 1-25 list of chars?

Nice list of people, great diversity in characters, not so much in players.
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 5:18 am    Post subject:

holy crap, you have got to have messed up somewhere, I am in the top total cabal preformance twice, I didn't expect Lqeu at all, adaeni a bit more, but still, wow.
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 04, 2007 5:41 pm    Post subject:

It looks like kills were way up from 2005. Let the bodies hit the floooooooooor.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 15, 2007 3:03 am    Post subject:

Now that the numbers have had a chance to sink in a bit, I'll make a few observations:

1) The only repeating race/class combo is... surprise, human shaman. In fact, if you look at the top 15 instead of the top 10, there are three more shamans from 11-15 (two of them human). This means a full one-third (5/15) of the top performers were shamans (the most of any class), making it clear that in so far as a noob-cannon might be said to exist on AR, it's quite clearly the shaman class. Given that warriors are a much more popular class than shamans, and it's clear that while people might point to the popularity of warriors as being indicative of its power, it's still the mainstay shamans who perform the best. Food for thought.

Yes, shamans will be receiving additional downgrades.

2) Once again, overall efficiency is weighed most heavily, since it is still the toughest stat to "game" effectively. Note that it's not the level 50 efficiency that's the best indicator, since a) pre-50 kills of 50s are included, inflating many of them (especially for high exp race/class combos who start fighting 50's early on); b) no tracking of penalties such as multikill, skewing the stats considerably; and c) smaller numbers are more prone to huge percentage fluctuations, making it less reliable overall. However, all the top rankers (even more so than last year) still display impressive numbers of overall kills, so it seems clear to me that the weighing of various attributes is fair. This year's overall top 7 or so were fairly immune to being knocked off the list no matter how the weightage was changed -- varying the weightage would more or less only affect the placements of ranks 5-7 on the list, since 1-4 are ranked with pretty clear margins separating them. It's almost impossible to imagine any of the top 10 names not making anyone's list of best PKers for 2006, especially those in the top 4.

3) A number of characters (most notably Txivnezjwo and Grimp) had the bulk of their PK record drawn from pre-level 50 record tracking days, so they were apparently penalized in the rankings. However, keep in mind that they were also enjoyed the days of pre-record padding and pre-PK penalties (level difference, multikill, etc) -- if we ignored PK penalties, for instance, Mortumar would have had 70+ kills and 90%+ PK efficiency, while Rigwarl would have displaced Txivnezjwo for #1 bodycount. So overall the two factors pretty much cancel each other out when you consider what PK penalties would've done to Txivnezjwo and Grimp's records.

4) The new ratings system for 2007 will be more reflective of PK activity more than PK efficiency. For instance, someone with a 6-4 record (60% efficiency) will have a much, much worse rating than someone with a 55-45 record (55% efficiency). This means that in terms of the 100% of the weightage, expect the weightage for PK ratings to largely come at the expense of PK activity (total kills) and less so for efficiency. The key is, killing weak targets might boost your total kills but won't affect your ratings very much at all, so the ratings stat is intended to make it harder to simply "pad" your PK record with lots of weak kills. Overall efficiency is still a better "big picture" indicator than ratings -- ratings might be said to reflect the quality of your efficiency, or something along those lines.

5) Also on the topic of ratings: while the new ratings factor for 2007 is already live, there are some further adjustments and tweaking we'd like to do. Anyone without a posted PK ratings record so far will be counted as having a "base" 1000 rating when we do 2007 year-end tallies. Everyone has close to 1000 right now anyhow, and it will take some time for characters to differentiate their ratings more significantly before the ratings mean much of anything. So if you have a high level character right now, I wouldn't worry too much about it just yet until more significant differences in rating start to appear as the system matures.

6) Lastly, the cabal performance relative to each other is enlightening. One of AR's original goals with cabals is to have cabals be the driving force of politics but to still allow uncaballeds to be fully competitive (unlike the mud the AR Imps originally played on), and you can see we've accomplished that quite well in 2006: uncaballed landed dead center in terms of collective performance, even though those who excelled the most had the backing of a cabal behind them in the top 10. But cabals are also a two-way street with lots of responsibilities and drawbacks (many of which will kill you), as any caballed person will tell you. Also, note that for up-and-comers, it's clear that Justices and Legions draw some of AR's best players, which means the Knight cabal is the best way to distinguish yourself among your peers. For example, a number of Legions aren't being recognized because, quite frankly, their cabalmates put their performance to shame. Riding on the coattails of a strong cabal will only get you left in the dust of your better cabalmates, but making your mark in a cabal like Knights will get your recognized a lot more easily. More food for thought for those of you looking at cabal opportunities.
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