'ELEMENTS' An element is nothing in and of itself, it merely serves as an association between a paragon Immortal and the reservoir of specific natural energy that they have mastery over. Each spell or supplication that is invoked must draw a little from this, and mental strength is offered in return, a loss which the caster must recuperate from. Each spell is associated with a primary and secondary element. Invokers can choose to specialize in an element, thereby increasing their effectiveness with the element they have chosen. The list of elements is as follows: Law Ice Arcane Luck Plague Water Air Spirit Shadow Sun Blood Earth Lightning Storm Acid Balance Fire Trickery Moving clockwise around this diagram, elements help to generate their neighbours and overcome their opposites (e.g. fire melts ice). To read about an element, type "HELP ELEMENT <name of element>". SUMMARY > ROLEPLAYING > RELIGION > RELIGION INFO > ELEMENTS

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