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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:00 pm    Post subject: Elite

I have seen this word used many times during my life on AR, but what does it mean. The poeple I have seen it use on arent very "elite" to me. Do you become an "elite" player after a certain amount of hours? The two people, or characters, that I have seen this word used on in the last few days have been Kalist and Twix.

Kalist, as far back as I can remember has never been that spectacular, yeah he has a few moments, but does that constitute the "elite" title. Kalist used to be the ONE who was always ready with an excuse when he died. I have really seen him do much fighting recently, except what is posted on invokation, but not many people post fights in which they die.

Twix, Sebryn is the one that clled him elite (l33t, actually), but again he is nothing special to me. The one time I fought against him was when he niche'd and he had 3-5 ranks on me. He came with Bobolobo while I was ranking and sleeping and they harmed me to death with maces of havoc. Would an elite player really sink to that level.

Are there any real elite players left or has the title just been past down to the fodder that remained when all the real elite players left or became an immortals.

My defenition of elite, is a player that can take a character, regardless of exp penalty, rank disadvantage, and number odds against him and never really fall. The kinda of charater that leaves no doubt in your mind. One that can take a death, NOT QUIT OR BITCH ABOUT LOSING HIS RARES, re-equip, and come back on wipe the floor with you just to let you know that you got lucky.

And I am not saying that Kalist or Twix suck, I just dont think they are elite. Also for those of you that read Huotoyoxi's graveyard post before it was edited, should be able to put two and two together and figure out why certian legionaires seem better then they actually are, and how bad others truely are.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:05 pm    Post subject:

You know, you just seem kinda bitter.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:18 pm    Post subject:

No, I am not bitter. I just asked a simple questor and stated why I was asking it.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:21 pm    Post subject: Re: Elite

gomer wrote:
Twix, Sebryn is the one that clled him elite (l33t, actually), but again he is nothing special to me.

Actually (and I thought it was more obvious than it apparently was), I was poking fun at Txivnezjwo by calling him "l33t" since he killed Thalozar multiple times, and Thalozar was 6+ ranks under him almost the entire time, and the poor guy never scored a PK at all. It was meant as a good-natured jab at Txivnezjwo, not actually saying I think/thought he's elite.

That being said, however, there are several characters that in my opinion (even recent ones) can be either considered "elite" or very near that. I won't go naming names (leave that to someone else) but there have been quite a few recent characters that just "don't seem to die" and can generally handle themselves in the majority of PK situations - outnumbered, outgunned, whatever. The problem is that these players' achievements generally get overshadowed by people's frustrations.

When someone gets a kill on someone else, there's usually not a whole lot of "wow, that guy really took care of business." Instead it becomes "that son of a bitch, he's trash." Personal frustration overtakes a lot of people and instead of viewing the exchange as a display of someone else's skill versus their lack of skill (or at its most basic level, luck vs. no luck, or advantage vs. disadvantage), they get pissed off and either attach a label to the other character (trash, lucky noob, whatever) or decide to get a buddy to help them get revenge, or delete or whatever.

In my opinion one of the first deciding factors on whether a person is "elite" or not is how they react under pressure. Not all situations can be avoided or turned around (you can't control random numbers or the other person's skill usage/tracking, for example), but those players that keep a level head and use their brain, along with an updated understanding of strategy (combat style/weapon type, save vs. savebreak, equipment stat knowledge, area knowledge, etc.) can generally take care of themselves in a PK - group or otherwise. Even if they can't turn things around and obliterate a group of 3 single-handedly that attacks them, an "elite" player can find a way to either separate the pack and take the 3 down individually, or can at least manage to get away until an opportunity presents itself.

It's all a matter of perspective, really, but I think you've got to also be careful on how the term "elite/l33t" is used in reference to a particular character. It's difficult to express sarcasm or tone of voice via text on the internet, so that's an area open for interpretation and probably some confusion.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:34 pm    Post subject:

That clears up your Twix comment and you're correct it is extremely difficult to express sarcasm in a post, without openly saying it.

And in refernce to you overshadowed comment, I have noticed several occasions when someone dies that is the explanation for the whole fight, nOOb killer, lucky,.... and the buddy thing I have seen way too much.

And I am not asking for names , because regardless of who you post there will be people that disagree, I just want to see what people think of the word and kind of define it.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 4:39 pm    Post subject:

As I learned from my stint in the aim ring, elite is just a load of ego stroking. Newbies are easy to define, but there is no such thing as elite because there will always be someone better. People might want others to think of them as elite so they can get a bigger head, but that's all the word does. Ramod or Kalist or Maxlhorn will kill you on any other their good days, but they have their off days too when they die like a gnome invoker.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 5:15 pm    Post subject:

Gomer I don't really care what you call me. Call me elite, call me noob, call me spartacus - won't affect my gampeplay. My best days are long behind me. I peaked with Ugula and since have had a few good guys but no one to match his ferocity.

Kalist used to be the ONE who was always ready with an excuse when he died.

Yes I have had a few linkdead deaths.

Ugula vs Resatimm
Ugula vs Zepherleanic, Xerties, Keller, Tsugal
Ugula vs Mikhael and some hoarding healer
Ugeran vs Mendek

I was 16 or 17 back then and yes I did bitch about those deaths because Ugula was mostly undefeated and I did not believe those people deserved credit for taking him down (since it was linkdeath).

Back then I was logging anywhere from 4-7 hours a day (easy to do in highschool and easy when there are a lot of people on to keep things interesting).

Now of days I get maybe 1-4 hours if I'm lucky and some days I don't play at all.

My defenition of elite, is a player that can take a character, regardless of exp penalty, rank disadvantage, and number odds against him and never really fall.

Why the hell do you think I play things like fire warrior warlords, fire shamans and gnome invokers? I didn't go human/drow shaman or halfling warrior warlord because I like taking 'percieved' shitty race/class combos and trying them to see if they really are as bad as they look. I found out fire warrior warlords really do suck, and gnome invokers aren't too bad.

Anyway I'm not going to argue the point any further (the point being that I am not out to amass as many pk's as possible on an easy char just so I can call myself 1337). Like I said, call me what you want and I'll keep playing the way I do.

And for defining 'Elite' I would say a person who has a badass on every char they play would be elite. I would say Code was elite.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 6:18 pm    Post subject:

I think elite is one of two things.

1) They can kill anyone naked with an 8 rank disadvantage

2) +}{3y \/\/|2173 |_1|<3 7]-[1z 4I1 0|= +|-|3 t|{\/}3!11!one!1!
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 6:30 pm    Post subject:

1) They can kill anyone naked with an 8 rank disadvantage

only possible versus hannables
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 8:31 pm    Post subject:

what would you say about a player who is perceived as elite with some of his chars and perceived as total trash with some of his chars and total noob with some of his chars, then is mentioned over and over in the top chars of 2005 thread, then mentioned as just decent (good but not great) in the chat, then called out by players/even some imms with accusations of stupid rp and record padding? X_O;

i always group pkers into one of two : the self preserving player who gets the good ratio but always plays the upper hand, and the rabid kamikaze who sometimes takes on stupid odds and at times come out on top and looks badass, sometimes loses and looks like total noob.

but i consider people from both groups to be pretty much elites. they usually tend to be vets. you guys already know my list, it currently consists of ramod (love fighting him, i think i enjoy the fights with him the most because he matches my kamikaze style), kalist (he is stage 7 going back down to 6 but he is still very dangerous, and very self preserving), resatimm (i think he is somewhere btw preserving/kamikaze, dav said his style is just "retarded), davairus (people always shrug him off because he knows/writes the code, but whatever the case may be he sometimes busts out the matrix kung fu), ronus (he is very low key but very smart player so he often goes unnoticed), and me on a good day (i've had like 6-0 days/ or going against groups and winning (Hauser) and like 0-6 days/ or leading groups against 1 and losing (Gannon)).

some past people who i thought were elite include naugroth, wryth, quazark, aelseran (not his other chars), synozeer and like all his chars, mivomasenaf on a good day, mordrac sometimes, orcrist, code (but very self preserving and never took risks so that kind of made me iffy on him), and back then some of the old cams gangbangers used to make me stare in awe.

anyhow the people mentioned above would be the team i would elect to send into battle against terrorist aliens. most of the selections are strictly pk based though, some people would top out if i factored in rp (for example syno's rp with Githnaru). Zrakalon also was an upcoming pker who i thought was going to be the next big pker. Pip also has skills too as he showed with Nychlas..

Upcomers now who you will want to watch out for in the future and who I expect may claim their spots as their turns come up are: slade (smart and getting quicker), jeoparty (very self preserving), rolf (wants to be recognized but isn't getting enough to be satisfied yet so he'll try even harder with something to prove), ace_high (came a long way from Vicero), and maybe clifton.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 8:49 pm    Post subject:

e·lite or é·lite Audio pronunciation of "elite" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (-lt, -lt)
n. pl. elite or e·lites

1. (A) A group or class of persons or a member of such a group or class, enjoying superior intellectual, social, or economic status: “In addition to notions of social equality there was much emphasis on the role of elites and of heroes within them” (Times Literary Supplement).
(B) The best or most skilled members of a group: the football team's elite.
2. A size of type on a typewriter, equal to 12 characters per linear inch.
3. Divsky
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 9:26 pm    Post subject:

The names are irrelevent because like what was said some people have play some badass characters but they also may play some pure trash, it just depends on how well you know that character.

But sense you brought up some names.

Boomslang: The only thing that I would say made him different, or at least seem better then he was, was the fact that he went after Urthaelm numerous times and very rarely had any chance of beating him. But that was before the changes to gate and haste. The one kill that he landed on Urthaelm was after he had died to him, Urthaelm was in awful, Crakalon killed a rabbit to unghost and landed an unsanc'd color spray and killed him. Crakalon then turn and started whining for Urthaelm to return his sack which had a crap load of flying scrolls (Linenthel loved those scrolls).

Pip: Yeah Pip does have skills, but Pip also has the attitude, temper, and restraint of a 19 year old (maybe 18 still). Which he showed at the end of Nychlas and which is also the demise of most of his characters.

Davarirus and Resatimm: I havent really seen too much ot them in action, or at least know of, except Rhastam and Davarius' slith warrior warlord and that is just by record and the characters he beat.

The rest you mentioned I would say they are good and definitly have their days
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 9:51 pm    Post subject:

Like clifton said everyones got a definition of elite. Yours seems to be someone who's able to beat someone massively outnumbered and at extreme levels disadvantage, with any race/class. ... Shocked
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 10:07 pm    Post subject:

Consistancy for me is the important thing, if you are consistantly good and play a lot at 50 and generally do well, then your a good player.

Everybody makes mistakes and everybody dies, even the 'elites', the best players are the ones who minimise mistakes and are smart, quick and generally experienced.

Dav's right, 'elite' is different depending on your own perspective and I also think its relative. With all the new changes recently, I think it has added a whole new dimension to pking and all the 'elite' players are the ones who have been able to adapt their game and strategies along with the changes.

Lots of newer players are doing really great with it and I dont think that the so called 'elite' players should necessarily be plucked from the standard vet pool of players. Take me for example, Ive been playing on and off for years but I certainly wouldnt be classed anywhere near 'elite'.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2006 10:36 pm    Post subject:

I assume you just forgot about me Louis. Its cool.

I consider Elite to be someone who can beat the shit out of anyone in their range with a specific type of character. I am pretty sure that I am not the only one that has a few choice character types that they beat the fuck out of shit with and completely blow with another class (for me, thats berserkers). But I think if you can be the dominating character in your pk range at 35 or above, you can be considered Elite. Some people can call this trash, but Elite to me is dominating the pk aspect of the game, and thats how you dominate.

Louis killed my shaman three or four times for no reason on Hauser. He also killed everyone else as many times. Trash? Elite? I say Elite. He established dominance with a character that was pk Oriented.

My four cents.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 12:03 am    Post subject:

I assume you just forgot about me Louis. Its cool.

Don't worry crazyhorse, he forgot about me too, and I'm clearly elite. I mean, just the other day I was fighting this one guy and totally killed him!! Oh wait.. no I didn't he got away... but there was this other time that... no, he got away too. Ahh well, guess I just suck

Now that the pointless part is over (although I guess this is all pointless)... I think we have plenty of 'elite' players within our group. And no, elite doesn't mean able to take on any numbers, any time, any circumstances. If someone was that good then what the heck is the point of you or me playing? Although I know that players like Kalist, Louis, Ramod, etc. can usually rock me, I also know that they are beatable. That makes me want to fight them even more because I know I will learn a lot, really test my skills (or lack thereof as the case happens to be), and if I pull out a win I can feel good that I just took out one of our Elite PK'ers.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 1:57 am    Post subject:


Ugeran vs Mendek

I pwned you newb.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 5:48 am    Post subject:

Elites that I remember:

Yours truly :) (Yes I still have a big ego. This was in the past.)







And I guess louis? Not sure...haven't really played since he got back. I do remember him sucking ass at cams...literally.

Oh, and Mordrac.

Since when did boomslang and what's his face get elites? Mind boggling :)
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 6:04 am    Post subject:

Actually I never fought Hrash but i would enter you in elite solely for your performance with Karvatch (both human and undead). Dkns had an easy time with charm but that was way after sleep was stripped and you did good straight up.
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2006 11:25 am    Post subject:

Hmm well I'm not sure what to say about "elite pkes" myself but I will say this. If you can play a class well enough that you notice a bunch of imms following your progress nerfing all your shit, you can probably feel a little bit prideful that you're "dominating" the game. Good pkers bring balance issues to light like that. If you dont see that occuring, it might be delusions of grandeur. Most people in the 30s aren't useful for much more than bug fixes so being able to dominate that range isnt a big deal.
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