Zyron the Grand Master of Seasons > Ye Olde Graveyard > Abandoned Realms Forums
Zyron created on 20th of November 2022, and is dead and gone (37 years old, 223 hours, 2 years lifetime)

Title: the Grand Master of Seasons
Gender: Male
Level: 50
Class: human monk

Background history:

  1. The Form of Anger - posted at 2023-06-25 12:55:18
The Form of Anger
For all his life, Zyron has been vessel to an anger without form. Abandoned as a youth on the streets of Seringale, the monks of the Monastery took him in out of 'kindness'. The beatings, the starvation, the forced silence, were all meant to teach the boy discipline, to gain mastery over his mind, body and soul. The monks took note of Zyron's bursts of anger and aggression, of how he would need to be pried off of his sparring partners before he had beaten every last drop of blood from their body. But for too long, the old monks of the monastery believed that they could tame the boy's wrath and bring his ki into alignment with his true self. Zyron was a young man upon his prime before the monks realized it was too late. In his final test upon recognition as a martial monk, Zyron was tasked with defending himself against a score of men. He showed no restraint, spilling the life blood of each his victim's in turn, reveling in each of their passings with a cold fury. Five of the men fell dead, and another ten were gravely injured before the grandmasters themselves stepped in to restrain Zyron. Knowing he was beyond their aid, they banished him to a dungeon from which none escape - Tyr Unguld, in the Marshes west of Seringale. None report on what happened to Zyron within the confines of that fortress. But in only three years, he emerged from its depths with something new... A zeal for the blood of his enemies, an aimless anger at the world around him, now given form.


Intense and bearing a brooding disposition, the man you see before you appears to have endured a lifetime of hardship. He carries a stocky, muscular frame, standing at just over six feet tall. The light armor and hides he wears does little to conceal numerous jagged scars stretched taut over bulging muscles. His hands are cracked and caloused, like the surface of an ancient stone tempered by the elements over millennia. His bald head is covered in sweat, dirt, and the faded-black remnants of tattoos in an ancient cuneiform. The skeletal structure of his face bears a bladed beard, jutting downwards from his face to frame an imposing jawline. About his thick neck and over his muscular traps, he bears a series of massive prayer beads that chime ominously with his every movement.

PK stats:

Kills: 35, Deaths: 7 (Ratio: 5, Efficiency: 83%)
Pinnacle Kills: 26, Pinnacle Deaths: 7 (Ratio: 3.7, Efficiency: 78%)

Kills by class:
healer: 2, berserker: 6, bard: 1, warrior: 7, ranger: 8, monk: 5, illusionist: 1, necromancer: 1, dark-knight: 3, invoker: 1,
Killed by class:
necromancer: 1, warrior: 2, ranger: 2,

Nemesis: Afales

Logs mentioning Zyron:Mystiques mentioning Zyron:


  1. Mogu [reply]
    4 , 0 , 0 .
    I had numerous interactions with Zyron across several characters. Total badass. Fantastic RP, fantastic record. You were also a great teacher and always gave pointers after securing a kill. Major respect. You will certainly be missed. Good luck on your next!
      [reply to Mogu]
    1. Oh no! This is the saddest I've been about a delete in some time. I really enjoyed our RP sessions and was hopeful we were about to do a thing but I guess it just took too long to get going. I regret not moving it forward now.

      I thoroughly enjoy your commitment to both PK and RP. I'm sure your next will be equally great.
        [reply to Trillian]
      1. Grayden [reply]
        2 , 0 , 0 .
        This was a solid character, many decent interactions and not an ass when he killed you. You could actually ask him what you did wrong or could improve. Also did not have a bunch of stealth kills on me. I knew the fights were coming and even if I was about to die, Zyron still seemed like a decent player.

        I assume your already in HOE, but if not, this character should get you there.
          [reply to Grayden]
        1. Dogran [reply]
          2 , 0 , 0 .
          Been waiting to see what kind of response this gy would get, but I will add my 2c now, as Cabal leader over Zyron.

          Zyron, you did a good job, my only gripe was playtime, but we all have lives outside of the game. You roleplayed well, you handled getting demoted and promoted again well, well enough that when Kryton deleted, you were easily next in line for forsaken. I am just sad to see that your reign as forsaken was so short. As it is, less than 12 hours a month over 19 months, isn't a lot of time. Maybe you will have more time with your next? Good luck!
          1. I've found myself at a loss for words to tell you the truth. Zyron was an enemy I both admired and respected despite the fact that he turned his back on Davairus... There was only instance I recall (actually, maybe two) where he took more than some of the coins I was carrying, and in that particular case I couldn't fault him for taking an item which was clearly an improvement on one he owned. I don't recall for sure if I remember him taking one item to give to a subordinate at one point, but it was only one item and well within his rights to take one item of choice at that point.

            I called him "Master Zyron" not as a means of saying he was my superior nor that I was his apprentice etc. but as a title of respect. I guess now is the last time I will get to do that...
          2. Perhaps it isn't my place to weigh in here but I don't know if it's fair for you to not like his low play time. I felt like Zyron and I were trying to do a thing and we were waiting on you to give direction on where it would go for quite some time. To be clear, I am sure this is a minimal factor in anything. I'm not a big enough presence to matter and I'm sure you two had far more going on than anything involving me. But every time I did this dance with Zyron for weeks we always ended on not knowing your directive. That's my fault. I shouldn't have demanded you. But I do think there is a chance we could have ramped into something and some play time with it if you'd been more forceful in either direction. I don't mean that as criticism. Just constructive feedback. Accept or decline with force. You can always change your mind. You're a god.
          3. Dogran
            2 , 0 , 0 .
            Trillion, I know what you were trying yo do, and I wanted to Zyron to run point on it. I had a plan in place, but it didn't work out.
          4. Fair I suppose. Your cult is very dedicated to you. I experienced the same with Kryton. I learned with him I have to give more. This time I learned I needed to drop a certain RP element I was looking for. I was about to but too late thus my original post to Zyron. It was exciting overall. The danger was real. Now that you say that, perhaps you gave direction and I was looking for the wrong call to action the last period of time and was too absent when I didn't find it (vague post is vague...)
          [reply to Dogran]
        2. Merlandox [reply]
          1 , 0 , 0 .
            [reply to Merlandox]
          1. Xenyar [reply]
            2 , 0 , 0 .
            I'm pretty sure he had a few months inactivity way early on. That reduced his hours some.

            An era is over. The last of the Big Three is finally gone. Dogran should feel lucky to have a stretch with that group of talent in his cabal. I really loved this guy. Our play times didn't seems to overlap terribly often, unfortunately. This is another example of somebody who can RP and PK very well.
            Should have rode cabal leader a little longer, but can't knock you one bit for moving on after 2 years playin the char. Good luck with the next!
              [reply to Xenyar]
            1. lionSpyre [reply]
              5 , 0 , 0 .
              Thank you everyone for the kind words. It's very humbling to see the impact Zyron made with you.

              Zyron was mine, and boy did he go farther than I ever expected him to. I rolled him a while back with really just one goal: 1-prac an evil monk rocking shape of the wraith and fight everyone. Through most of my days even as Legion, I could continue this general RP with the added (super fun) dimension of turning my back on Davairus to acquire a demon in search of more power. This all worked out with a 15-20 hour per month playstyle, which is all I've been able to do for like a year and some change now (and yes, Xenyar is right, this character had a few months inactive during the 1-prac training stage, and some very low playtime while I was Executor of Knights).

              I was really honored to get Forsaken, but I'll admit on this character I wasn't ready for the time commitment. Not that I wasn't ready for it RP-wise... I really embrace this kind of responsibility in the game and I love taking on a leadership role to help be a mover-and-shaker of things (shout-out Trillian, we had something really fun going there, and I hope you and Dogran continue to work it). But in the last two months as Forsaken I've tried to push my playtime up at the expense of life things and it was creating tension in my day-to-day. I ultimately felt bad that I couldn't be there more, particularly during peak hours. I couldn't help but feel this was one thing stopping me from getting one of those coveted custom titles... god I want one so bad lol.

              I also noticed my lack of playtime lately was starting to effect my PK and I was losing fights that I wouldn't have lost early on. Ultimately, after a year and a half, the increased pressures from work and personal life made me decide it was time to move on. Unfortunately, this means I have to take a little break from AR :( but I hope to be back much sooner rather than later. Plus I'll still be hanging around the forums and whatnot, keeping up with things so I know what to roll next.

              I will also say, as someone who always plays goodies in RP games, or at the worst anti-heroes, being an evil was a challenge. Finding that balance of being the necessary evil in this world while also not discouraging new players (or just not being an asshole) took some getting used to. But in the end, I think I got a decent grasp on it. Sorry to any folks along the way who were part of that learning experience. There was a phase where I was silently PKing because I had a few RP interactions where people gave me tons of salt when I tried to reach out to them in advance. So I figured silent PK was the way to go to avoid those situations... this backfired in a really big way at one point, and so I realized I *had* to reach out in advance to at least give people the benefit of the doubt, to give them a chance to vessel before the aggression began. Once I did that, sure I got some vitriol back sometimes, but it was nothing compared to the really awesome RP moments I got with people who vesseled or who defiantly refused to vessel.

              Shout outs go in particular to:
              - Afales, what remained of Zyron's soul considered you a blood brother to the end. There was a betrayal angle I was going to push here to show how much the demon had taken over, but alas, I'm glad things ended as they did. Glad you got that one up on me finally ;)

              - Kryton made a very concerted effort to recruit Zyron, and it had the intended effect. I was content being a floating murderous monk, but he saw potential and seized it. Legion was a blast, in large part due to the example you set and the leadership you showed. Thanks for having my back through some controversy.

              - Dogran, super active and great interactions. The fact that you always felt like both an enemy and an immortal powerhouse who had my back is exactly what Legion needs. You play the part well of a god who we're all trying to impress to acquire more power and impose our dominion on the world.

              - Trillian, you play the trickster Fae SO well. Even after that time Kikikale ordered me to break into the Rest and kill you, you took it in stride and used it as an opportunity to establish a relationship with Zyron. Our demon and fae interactions were the highlights of the end of my career as Zyron, and again, my only regret is that I didn't have more time to play it out.

              - Durmindin, just mad respect. You were always down to scrap, and you inviting me to plunder your temple after defeating you was just such a great RP moment. We had a solid number of interactions after that and I always enjoyed them.

              I'm going to hold out on the rest of my shoutouts to protect your anonymity, but you know who you are ;)

              Also, this was the best delete message I ever had:
              "You lie down on the ground pretending to be dead. Wait... Oops."

              (A bloody fist-print is stamped at the bottom of the page).
              1. Congratulations HoE! Glad we had a good fight before your departure! Best of luck and roll another soon!
              2. Interesting... I had an interaction with Aerysen (your previous character of note) early on in my career which didn't end so well, but for the most part I had minimal interactions with him. As he embarked on a crusade before I was able to challenge him, Aerysen's win did not count as a loss on my record.

                The day I defeated you felt like a great day overall. The finger necklace I obtained from my victory is a memento I will cherish as long as it is in my possession... And I do not plan to get rid of it any time soon.
              3. I'm happy to hear you were enjoying our exchanges as much as I was! I thought as much but not everybody enjoys, well, me! Have a good life break.
              4. Kalist19
                3 , 0 , 0 .
                Nice char Lion! You made the right choice prioritizing real life over increased AR commitment. I hope things calm down IRL during your break and that you’re able to return with a vengeance!
              [reply to lionSpyre]
            2. Hate grows
              Blood flows
              Foes fall
              Story untold

              A blood stained fist
              Hard impressed
              No difference
              Be it paper or chest

              Demon, Knight
              Fae, fool
              Warlord, God
              All tools

              Ally to my future
              Forgotten to my past
              Each must be hard
              To make a wrung to last

              We climb
              1. (Not super confident this totally captures your essence but you had such great signature quotes I wanted to give you something that goes hard and uses them)
              [reply to Trillian]
            3. OD'd on spice probably.
              1. lionSpyre
                0 , 0 , 0 .
                Actually, monk + spice is real bad. So I just relied and belt clips and wearing my valuables to minimize the worst parts of steal. But I legitimately found this bit hilarious.
              [reply to Heffernan]
            4. Dogran [reply]
              3 , 0 , 0 .
              Voting for HoE just closed, Congrats on HoE!
                [reply to Dogran]
              1. lionSpyre [reply]
                2 , 0 , 0 .
                Beyond humbled. Thanks everyone! This will make my return to Serin all the sweeter.
                  [reply to lionSpyre]

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