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Some old decent cabal apps

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Joined: 16 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 12:17 pm    Post subject: Some old decent cabal apps

We've saved all cabal apps since may 2004 (396), figure I'd post a few oldies of deleted people that made some sort of impact.

Quexis: My introduction, and application
Fri May 21 23:39:56 2004
To: legion
My name is Quexis. I am a drow shaman and have obtained the title of Spirit
Slayer within my guild. I find myself with aspiriations that parallel those
of the Legion, and therefore am determined to acquire entrance into your
ranks. I am delighted to discover by your scrolls that the most stringent
requirements for applicants are put upon my class. Question my abilities
and knowledge however you will. Were I in your position, I should want to
thouroughly challenge those seeking to battle beside me as well.
I aspire to have amassed recognizable power by my final rank. My goals have
been met with marked speed along my route, despite a tangent I now find
myself on. I have acquired a taste for magic a bit deeper than those I've
seen in my midst. I have come to understand the usefulness of my mind as
a powerful weapon of destruction, and of creation. A single mind can destroy
the confidence of the strong, the faith of the pure and the will of the noble.
It can create disease where there was health, plague where there was

cleanliness. Above all it can create chaos where there was the dead calm.
Look to my ability and test me.

Gurion: Application.
Wed May 26 15:33:05 2004
To: Knight
Salutations Knights of Valour, I am Gurion, called the Divine Healer. I
am of my thirty fifth title, and wish to send you all my regards as well as
state my intentions to be observed and hopefully allowed to enter the halls
of Valour. I was once of a holy city, dedicated to the praising of the gods
of light. Upon my one hundred and fifteenth naming day, I was told to enter
the world and find my calling. After a long while of floating upon my
prayers, I found a city called Valour. Seeing a castle in the distance, I
walked to this place, hoping to find what attracted me to this rightous
place. After a great deal of time had past, I found one citizen hiding
within the rubble that is now valour, this man spoke of the great deeds of
the Knights of Valour. Told me of their natures, your natures, I was most
pleased to find that amistd the world of men there were those whom also
sought the light, valour and honor despite gray and slowly darkening times.
I am happy to offer myself up to you called the Knights of Valour. I am
happy to uphold the light and offer my life to the service of others.

Zrakalon: My Application
Mon Jun 14 18:34:11 2004
To: Legion
I write this scroll to state my desires to the Dark Army and its Lord.
My name, Zrakalon Malingranir, an Illithid of the guilds of deception, seeks
entrance into the ranks of the Legion of Darkness. Despite my youth, I have
seen ever since my flesh was created a growing weakness among the citizens
of Thera. This weakness is a plague, a plague spread by the constant and
ever-quickening breeding of the weak, perpetuating countless bloodlines that
ought to be annihilated for the weakness that they bring unto these lands.
Though I am yet young, I was born with great precociousness and prescience,
and was able to see down the broad plains of my future. At one end, I see
the path of the lone hunter, he who hunts for money, and wealth, for the
pleasure of the sound of broken bones, and the feeling of a gush of warm
blood. At the end of the other road, I saw the grandeur of the Shadow, the
great Lord of Darkness, clad in blackened armor, calling its minions into
battle. Indeed, though I feel a certain degree of empathy for the way of
the lone hunter, I feel that a greater and nobler cause calls me into
service among the Army.

Should I be accepted, I shall fight for strength, for power, for riches. I shall
fight to annihilate the weak, and to bolster the strength of the shadow.
And indeed, in battle, you shall see my terrible power manifest, in the case that
you would question my ability to serve under the Dark Lord.

Dear Legionnaires, today, I offer you an opportunity to further the cause of the
Shadow, for in me you shall see much power and potential unparalleled among Therans.

With that, I shall leave you to walk in the shadows, bringing death and terror upon the
weak and strong alike, in my efforts to weed out weakness, allowing only the strongest to

-Zrakalon Malingranir, Master Surrealist

Kailya: Applying to Heralds
Sat Jul 10 18:33:28 2004
To: Herald
My name is Kailya, I am from the hall of healers in Seringale.
I found myself handed to Surga as a child, my mother raised me
alone but found me to full of energy. Surga also found me much
to rambunctious, in turn he handed me to Korovoduin to be raised.
Korovoduin spent all my childhood trying to explain to me that
I was not allowed to be a Ninja, and to start paying attention
to other healers and what they do. Once I took an interest in
the art of healing and compassion, I realized that so many in
our lands had much to say. I would sit in fascination and awe.
My desire then came to be a Herald. I had spent much time with
my fellow healers as they shared their stories of the past wars
and now current battles. I found myself taking more and more
interest in talking with many of their lives and loves of now
and past.

Over time I started to collect and write scrolls of the stories
I have heard and the history I have seen. I hope one day to
have my words seen and heard. If in my lifetime, I can pass what
I do know onto the ears of one young Theran with it making a
difference in their life, such a thing would bring me much joy.

Michealei: My Application
Tue Jul 13 00:50:43 2004
To: knight
It is with great pride that I write this letter. I am on the brink of
the thirty fifth level in my guild and I send word of my devotion to you and
your governing code which I have lived my entire life by. I now here by
pledge my humble service to the Knights only in exchange for a bond between
my hopeful brothers and sisters. I come from a long line of dwarves who
have served the light and I wish to take the next step so that I may serve
better. I am quick to learn all methods and wish nothing more than to be
associated with the bravest fighters in all of Thera. Please accept this
application and allow my training to begin under your teachings. In my
guild, the Healer guild, I am currently known as the Saint. In life, I wish
nothing more than to be the greatest Saint of Thera. Grant me this wish and
you will not be disappointed. If you wish to know anything at all about me
or wish to test me, do not hesitate. I welcome any challenge regardless of
its outcome.

Michealei the Healer Saint

Sethronu: Application
Fri Jul 16 01:27:24 2004
To: Warlord
We hail you.

We call ourselves the Sethronu. We have recently settled in
the marshes and swamps of Thera, which have suited us warmly
and bountifully. From where we came before that, we cannot
tell you because we cannot remember that ourselves. When
we came out of the molted skin of our previous incarnation,
it seems we weren't able to recall anything before. That
doesn't bother us though, we used to be smaller and weaker.

We are looking to join the finest band of fighters. We have
read and heard alot about you. We would rather be a part
of you and have our names remembered as well. After all,
nothing brings out the best in a fighter like comraderie
and competition.


Haizkarnyll: Legion Application
Fri Jul 16 13:04:09 2004
To: legion
I am Haizkarnyll, master mindflayer, at my own service. I am an
illithid, and I hail from the subterrean kingdom my race is infamous for. I
see legions of small-minded bigots and do-gooders, that don't know the least
thing of how to fight, and instead shelter under the Law. This Law allows
them to continue to spew their hate for my kind, while preventing us from
punishing them. They call themselves Lightwalkers and Lawmen. They call me
spawn of darkness and an abomination of nature. What I do is perfectly
natural. I am wholly self-serving, as any decent Theran should be. I look
out for myself completely, and nobody else. As every living being should do
for themselves. The rest of the ignorant world sees things differently. My
scientific studies have shown me that fear is the only thing they respond
to. I have applied to the Legion so that I may weed out some of these
weaklings and work towards a better Thera that all of my mind can live in.
One dogma, that controls every other, eradicating anybody who hints at being
in possession of a thoughtless, irresponsible mind. It is my will, and it
will be done, with or without the useful powers that the dark army will
serve me with. If only this world could understand, that the pain they must
bear is for the good of mankind. It is their sins against logic and reason
that have brought them this fate.

Chalktala: application
Sun Sep 12 10:18:13 2004
To: warlord
Greetings, I am having this written to show my wish to join the group of
warriors that are called warlords. I have spoken to a couple members,
mainly the three headed one who's name I can never remember. But he has
three heads, I remember that, made me dizzy trying to look at them all.
I've never been that fond of magic, preferring my own skills and strength,
which need work, I know. Mostly, I'd like to sharpen my own fighting
skills, and test them when I feel ready, and prefer the company of those
like minded to me. My training will be complete soon, I just need to touch
up my swordplay and sharpen my axe to my liking, and I'll be ready to accept
your challenges.


Thamivon: An introduction.
Fri Sep 17 11:34:47 2004
To: Justice
Fighting has appalled me since the youngest days of my life. As a child,
I was quick to find what I wanted to make out of my life. I wanted to help
people, to care for the sick and the poor. I wanted to defend those that
could not, but most of all I wanted to uphold the law. I began my training
as a Healer at the age of twelve, this was a very young age for my kind,
however I seemed to have a knack for casting benedictions and my ability for
caring for the sick was superb. After many years the many long tedious
nights I spent practicing the art of healing had finally paid off, not only
had I learned to care for the sick, but I also learned the many laws that
our world has arranged. It is my greatest desire to join the Justices and
aid them on their never-ending quest to enforce law and order to this land.
I hope that by gaining the title of Justice, that I may gain a better
understanding of these realms and perhaps learn how and why people do what
they do.
- Thamivon Himovo.

Wysren: Wysren's Secret Stew Recipe
Mon Sep 27 14:40:57 2004
To: Legion
1) Grease an iron pot with Pig Lard
2) Gently simmer the chunks of beef and\or duck until brown
3) Boil celery, carrots, barley and any other veggies in a pot
4) Take the secret ingredient which is

Greetings My Lord!

I apologize for writing this application on my only remaining
copy of my stew recipe, but sometimes you have to sacrifice
something that is dear to claim what is rightfully yours or mine!
Suffice it to say, I am of the guild of necromancers. I am 34th
rank in stature. I am quite self sufficient, and would challenge
anyone in my knowledge of the realms! I am not what you would call
an aggresive mage of death. I enjoy the scholarly aspect of the guild
and I enjoy cooking. I have devoted the first part of my life to the
recipe which you see in part on this application. I have had great
success selling this recipe around the realms to different shopkeepers
at a great profit. I am independently wealthy and can fund a small
army of mercenaries if so called upon. If you wish to try my stew,
Lord, speak with Doala in Demea, she has the latest version of my
recipe. She does not cook it like the master (myself) but it is
still tasty nonetheless. It may need a little salt.

Getting back to what I was saying before I decended upon that tangent,
I am not what you would call an aggressive necromancer. Imagine that.
But sometimes I will admit, I have ... needs, and urges. This usually
results in bloodshed, which happily, if it ends well for me, results
in me gaining more ingredients for my cooking. Did I mention that
some of the rarest and finest spices come from the bodies of certain
races of Thera? No? Well, dont tell anyone, its my little secret. You
have not lived until you have tried my stew with a dash of dried
halfling brain. My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

I apologize for that second tangent. It is a failing of mine! I am
also very talkative which may help to improve the enthusiasm of some of
the current members of the Army. I say this, meaning that they will get
so frustrated with my chatter mouth that they take out their aggression on
other, weaker opponents, because of course they cannot kill me. I will
follow your orders, Lord, in anything you direct me. Permit me, of course,
to loot the slain of the sweet parts of their body that I need for my
cooking. Overall, I can and will be the best thing that has happened to
the army in a long time! At the very least, I will have a talk with the
Legion Cook and help them in fixing their menu to include some delicacies
that I know you will all enjoy!

I thank you for your time, and I am available whenever, if you wish to speak
with me!

Wysren Honeydew

PS I realize that my rank is 34th, but I will be getting my 35th
within a matter of hours.

Liraleyn: Application
Fri Nov 19 22:26:36 2004
To: Herald
I am Liraleyn Sesur, Ninja of the 37th title, writing to you in hopes of joining
your halls. I know being a ninja alot of people would expect me to join an
orginization such as Assassins, but I was not brought for violence. I grew
up as an orphan in the city of Darkhaven. It really wasn't that bad, I was
too young to remember them giving me up. But the instant I found myself
on the street I was picked up by the local drug lord. He took me in and
raised me, having his numerous bodyguards tutor me in the shadowy arts.
When I became old enough he had me gathering information for him,
spying on local gangs- even certain circles of his own men to make sure
there wouldn't be any coup attempts. I only used my skills to murder in
self defense, and that's still the manner in which I prefer to use them. All
in all, I wish to join because I feel this niche suits me more than being the
top assassin on a killboard. If I am to make history I would rather do it in
a way that's more productive to the realms.
Liraleyn Sesur

Loanir: An application to the Knights
Wed Feb 2 11:52:18 2005
To: Knight
My name Is Loanir, I am of Elven blood and proud of my heritage. I
am young but totally committed to my chosen guild of the Paladins,
however I have recently been disturbed by the growing sense of evil
that permeates this land. Recently I have witnessed the needless deaths
of many good young Therans with their blood staining the hands of those
souls shrouded in darkness who inflicted the final blow.

I have battled those who hold evil in their hearts, many try to tease me,
test me, they talk of the power they wield and revel in the destruction.
Although battle finds me quickly, I do not glory in these feats, I see it as
simply my duty as a Paladin to destroy those who threaten the innocent.
I long for them to see the light, to turn away from their twisted lives.

This is now when I call upon the Knights, I view with the utmost respect,
these brave men and women who continually aim to convert those with evil
intent and show no mercy to those who resist the Light. Thera is in danger
of becoming overwhelmed, I wish to aid those who battle on the side of
good. I would be honored if you would consider me for entrance to your
hallowed halls.


Hauser: Application
Sat Feb 5 20:45:22 2005
To: Legion
I am Hauser, a human dark-knight. I shall realize my destiny with
or without the Legion. But I have seen this moment in my dreams.
What if I promised you complete victories where others have failed?
Would you believe that the Legion has been reborn? It is difficult
to picture amongst all the disappointments, isn't it? In my eye,
there is an image of a free world where progress is fueled by those
who hunger for it. For it is the desperate man who searches for
change while the satisfied man resists it. Change is coming whether
anyone likes it or not. No one shall survive my time without adopting
the new vision. The next chapter in Thera's story shall be told in
revelations. The moment of inflection is now and where we go from
here will be our greatest decision.

Adwerraron: Adwerraron the funky chicken.
Fri Mar 11 15:18:13 2005
To: Herald
Ok.. Ok.. If you must know, don't let this get out by the way, I was
born and raised in a chicken coupe. Yes yes I know.. I'm a chicken. What
is there to tell really, I'm an over sized chicken. Can't remember really
how I got into using weapons and such, probably started when I started cock
fighting. Besides that, I got fed twice a day, sometimes thrice by nice
little halflings. While I wasn't eating I was training on how to fight well
so I did good in our cock fighting tournaments. Most people say that
halflings are nice little people that aren't violent, well let me tell you
what.. They eat chickens! I had to flee for my life when I found out they
were going to slaughter me and have me to eat over the winter. Since then
I've lived in Seringale trying to figure out who's doing what, where, when,
why and how really because I'm just nosey and like that sort of thing. I
wish to be a Herald why you may ask? Well what better way to learn the
happenings then becoming a Herald. One thing i've learned is about anyone
will talk to a Herald. I also enjoy writing, as you can see, ohh and I also
love long walks on the beach. Well I hope that my application has found you
all healthy and writing some interesting stories. I look forward to
speaking with some of you soon.

-Adwerraron Areimond, the funky chicken.

Saoirse: My role in the Army
Sat Mar 19 23:49:44 2005
To: Legion
It seems that your goal and my interests follow the same path, and so it
would be beneficial for us if I were to join the Dark Army. You seek power
and control over the populace, and I am a master of the art of fear.
Together we shall accomplish great things. I will not bore you with
excessive words--our mutual interests are in actions, not scrolls. Suffice
it to say that I have a rare talent for striking fear in the hearts of those
I choose. I am not a killer, as some are, though I can and do kill when the
opportunity or need arises. Killing is not always the best way to establish
fear. There are times when I will rob someone blind, but let them live
there are times when I may knock someone out and take nothing from them;
there are times when I may not even trouble someone. This does not mean
that those people do not fear me. Rather, they fear me even more--they will
be constantly looking over their shoulder, wondering why I have not come for
them, wondering when and if I will come for them. Through this, I control
the people more than those who leave it to luck to either win or lose a
fight. One does not fear someone who lands a fortuitous chain of bashes on
them, but one does fear someone who they know could strike at any time, in a
variety of ways. I believe my actions so far speak for themselves. If you
require further demonstration, I am more than willing to oblige. I will
await your word.
Saoirse, duergar thief.

Dolgin: Subject of Entrance.
Tue Apr 12 15:49:25 2005
To: Knight
Lords and Ladies of Castle Valour, I am called Dolgin Gerson, of the
grasslands to the north. In close proximity to the Valley of the Elves.
Being raised near Seringale I had the pleasure of being raised inside of the
guildhall of the healers and clerical orders. I find myself in the
wonderful position of finally being able to request acceptance into your
halls, an arduous journey needless to say, yet here I am. I have found
within the world disease runs rampart, yet the disease of which I speak is
not of the body, yet of the mind. Too many creatures, foul of deed and
black of heart run about this land for those of the clerical orders to
simply stand about bumble footed and do nothing. I wish to aid in this
struggle and I feel myself better able to give aid unto the light if I am
able to join with the Knights of Valour. I bring my wits, my hammer and the
prayers which I am granted.

Thanks under the light,

Dolgin Gerson the Divine Healer.

Grathin: Justice Application
Wed Apr 20 13:56:32 2005
To: justice
To the Halls of Justice,

Formally do I scribe your halls in announcement of my application.
As has been aforementioned, they call me Grathin. As I was raised in
a strict society of orderly beings, this new way of life in Seringale
is quite strange to me. The credence upon which I was raised is that
the Town is your home, and within that home you shall ever be safe.
As I walk around the towns of Seringale and Timaran, it is not so. I
look around and see pillaging and prying and thievary of the most vile
sorts. Not merely coinage, but also souls and bodies are defiled.

Thus, the conclusion that must be drawn is these people have forgotten
the rules of order or perhaps they have yet to learn of it in the first
place. My proposition, and intended goal, is to restore the name of the
Iron fist upon the Protected Towns. Of course, in addition to restoring
the Name of Law to they that dwell within the walls, another thing to
accomplish is to force them to respect that name. The second proposition
is to associate the Name of Law, Lord Jeradan, with such irrevocable
vengence that to even think about breaking one of Your Laws is to wish
blasphemy upon one's own being. These are my two objectives, and I am
forever Your servant, Lord Jeradan.

Grathin, Your Drow

Taira: Application to Knights from Taira, Slith Ranger
Thu Jun 2 17:08:13 2005
To: Knights
Greetings Knights of Valour, My name is Taira I am of the guild of
Rangers, and one of the last of my race to walk within their walls. I grew
out of the forests surrounding the Standing Fortress, home of the White King
and Queen. Here, I learnt the basic of skills for my kind like foraging for
herbs, commanding Wolves, Boars and Falcons, and finally the basic art of
combat. It was through the Guildmaster in Seringale that I gained the more
technical knowledge of combat and ways of Rangers. During my teen years I
watched in awe as Knights crossed Thera, purging it of the darkness leftover
by Rodyn and Kallomar. It was during this time that I came into contact
with a Ranger Knight whose motivation and resillience inspired me to strive
for a position within the walls of the Castle. Since this life changing
moment I have turned the focus of my play time to shadowing the dank
underbelly of this land, and purifying it whenever possible. If I were
given the opportunity to be squired, I would concentrate all of my play time
purging the land of this creeping darkness. And by doing so, would make for
a safe and enjoyable play environment for all worthy Therans to experience.
My whole life I have followed closely the principles of the Light, and the
principles and beliefs of Knights. Thank you, for your time and
consideration of this application. Yours, in play and in trust, Taira The
Keeper (Slith Ranger ranked 35).
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 4:16 pm    Post subject:

Dav, could you post Urthaelm's six pager to knights if you still have it?
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 4:19 pm    Post subject:

Dav, could you post Urthaelm's six pager to knights if you still have it?
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 4:20 pm    Post subject:

Urthaelm: Application I
Thu Jun 10 14:35:51 2004
To: Knight
*A letter written with marvelous penmanship in beautiful white ink on
transparent blue paper is handed to you slowly. * Sit for a moment men and
women of Valour as I unfold my tale. Until this day I have spoken to none
of my past, events that seem so recent did indeed come to pass eons ago.
Listen closely, and you shall know me as noone else does. My name, as you
know, is Urthaelm. You must know some things of my culture to truly
understand the happenings in my life, I shall make it brief as to not
consume your time with trivial matters. When two choose to procreate their
lives become forfeit. The purity of the offspring is understood as our race
is naturally kind and intelligent, such are the blessings bestowed to us by
the Gods above, and the offspring do not require guidance from their
creators. Through such methods the true potential of the offspring is seen,
survival skill, swordsmanship, and natural intelligence are all seen through
the eyes of those around them. It is the responsibility of the clan to
insure that the needs of the offspring are met until they are able to tend
to themselves. That being said it must be known that the creators are
permitted a single viewing of the offspring before they pass, it also must
be known that the choice to procreate is that of the creators, typically
when they feel that they can give or do nothing more for the clan. When my
people pass on they leave no corpse to decay nor any type of unsightly
remains, their life source is crystalized in what we know as a "Soul Gem."
These gems are then taken and placed among the gems of our ancestors. The
gems are beautiful items that are capable of thought and consultation, the
shell has been lost not the mind, and thus the knowledge gained by one
generation can be passed on to the posterity. But I digress, that is enough
about the politics of my race, their ways are old and long forgotten. My
tale now unfolds to you. My father was a swordsman, by no means a Hero, or
Legend, but a simple footman. Although few spoke of his actions it is known
that he served through several Wars and saw enough blood shed to satisfy the
taste of even the most ruthless of our cousins the Fire. Killing is
something that we giants are capable of, but have little taste for, and my
father made this quite clear to those of our Clan, and so they passed it on
to us. I speak of us because when my father and mother decided to create
they were blessed with three, a rarity among our kind but the judgement of
the Gods is not questioned. We three were all quite different, our dominant
traits becoming evident hours after creation. Kohltei, the first born, was
of great size, quick to anger, and his behavior was often spontaneous and
rash. Erfoldin, the second, was mild tempered, blessed with extreme
intellect and was considered extremely kind even by the standards of our
race. I, the last born, proved capable of many things, consuming knowledge,
and demanding more. I also proved to be quite strong, easily besting my
older brother Erfoldin, and matching the strength of my immense brother
Kohltei. We caused great mischief in our youth, and grew quite close, we
proved capable of near miraculous feats, what one of us lacked the other
possessed in great force, as we grew we became known as the The Trinity of
Torgul. Torgul being the name of our father. One morning before the sun
rose a man clad in white robes rode upon a Norse War Horse, he rode with
great confidence and he brought with him a passenger. The rider rode
uninhibited directly to the Elder Palace, it was there that all decisions of
great consequence were made, a sacred place to my people. The man
dismounted leaving his passenger resting on his enormous steed, our Elders
met the man with open arms, a greeting never extended to one from the
outside world. It is said that a bargain was made with this man, Aberdour,
to allow his passenger, a dwarf named Sandenthoh, to spend the rest of his
natural life with our people. My people are kind, but they are wary of
outsiders, and rightly so, the outside world does not cope well with our
traditions. Sandenthoh was a great mystery to us, and thus drew the
attention of my brothers and I immediately. He wore the mark of the Lions
Gule, and we constantly asked him what it was for and to tell us of the
outside world.


Urthaelm: Application Part II
Thu Jun 10 14:42:21 2004
To: Knight
He told us great stories of battle, and family, and love, and of you the
men and women of Valour. He said that the virtue of our race could only be
matched by the inhabitants of your walls. Stories of your feats and
kindness, and compassion often flowed from his mouth, and thus we, the
Trinity became entrenched in our mission to leave the city and battle the
wickedness of the world. My eldest brother Kohltei was well aware of the
strength of our people, he being of greater strength than most. His anger
was fueled by the idleness of our race, we the most powerful and virtuous of
the Light standing idle as the shadows ran rampant consuming all in it's
path. He began to mount a following, and the elders grew concerned, a
meeting was held and Kohltei was taken. My elder brother stood beside the
decision of the elders believing in their wisdom, and was forced to
constantly abate my rage, the elder's actions reinforced Kohltei's
accusations that they had become blinded by their insecurities, but it
proved to be much more than mere insecurities. I left our city, Erfoldin
refused to accompany, demanding that one must remain in case Kohltei
returned. I knew that to be impossible, the decisions of the Elders were
never reversed. The day that I departed I was met by our old friend
Sandenthoh, and he spoke to me of a secret. He confided in me, telling me
that a time would come when the Brothers Three would bare the Lion's Gule if
not in body in mind, and that we would be together always, not merely in
presence but together as no others have been. Aberdour had told him that
that day would come, and that such should be kept secret until the day of my
departure had come to pass. With the words of the dwarf echoing in my head
I departed the city that my ancestors had built millenia ago. I traveled
blindly for many days, seeing, tasting and smelling things that before that
day I had only read about, my mind screamed with excitement, there was so
much to see and do, but all this was shadowed by the desperation that I
held, I had to find Kohltei. I was having little luck in finding my brother
until one day I over heard a conversation between two halflings concerning
the health of one of their companions who had been the victim of a dwarf
being thrown on him by an enormous white giant, one like they had never seen
before. Noting that Halflings have either heard or seen nearly everything
on, above and around the world (one even able to stumble upon our city,
which is a highly secretive place) I decided to investigate the matter. I
entered the tavern in which the skirmish had taken place and was immediately
forced out of the establishment by what I could only decide were stone
giants, although to be giants they were much smaller than any I had known,
though they were much larger than the rest of the inhabitants of that place.
I caught a halfling who was helping himself to a small amount of my rations,
I offered him a break of my bread in return for the answers of a few
questions. He told me that he remembered me and that he was scared when I
found him because of the way I treated the dwarf a few days ago, and he
continued on about how he knew a guy who had been injured by that dwarf, but
he could of sworn that I had traveled eastward days ago. I thanked the
halfling and gave him what I had promised, and continued on the path that my
brother had taken. I found traces of Kohltei all about this world, always a
step behind, until that day. I was drawn to the beating of drums, by this
time I had acquired a few simple means, having been on the "Outside World"
now for months. I was capable of combat, and was no stranger to the
traditional rythmic beats of a wardrum. It seemed that a small force of
humans would be over run by orcs, I stepped to the aid of the men,
remembering the hatred Sandenthoh held for Orcs I knew them to be servants
of the Shadows. The battle went well, my body quickly remembering the
training I had gained as a youth. Several of the orcs fell quickly and the
others bade a hasty retreat, the men issued a heart felt thank you, as I
began to realize that the drums were growing louder, I told the men to take
cover, I had believed the first wave to be a mere scouting party. My
assumption proved to be correct, we all took cover, myself with more
difficulty than the smaller humans. A massive army rolled over the hill,
headed by a giant of great size, nearly equal the size of myself and my


Urthaelm: Application Part III
Thu Jun 10 14:49:03 2004
To: Knight
It was quite obvious to me that he was an ancient Fire, probably an
outcast like my brother Kohltei. I proved to be rather poor at hiding, and
was immediately spotted by the Leader. He issued an order of gutteral
grunts, and shouts and a large portion of the brigade began to swell in our
direction. The men looked to me, consumed with fear they disregarded our
surroundings and began screaming at me, "What should we do?!" Enraged by
their cowardice I bellowed back, "WE FIGHT!" And so we did, the men out of
fear of me, or fear of death we fought, and we fought valiantly. I could
feel the pride of my father swelling in my heart, as rage swelled in my
throat. Tactical training and maneuvers slowly gave way to carnal rage, and
wave after wave gave way to my blade. The blade gave way through mid
battle, shattering into small fragments and scratching the surface of my
skin, but the splintered pieces shredded through the faces and apendages of
the orcs surrounding me, and I realised how fragile the Gods had made the
creatures of this world. My blade shattered, I scanned for weaponry,
thinking quickly I began to pummel those that stood in my way and clutched
the trunk of an elder oak tree and pulled upward with all my might. The
tree giving way to my strength released the earth and welcomed my hands as I
clutched it tightly in my hands. Within seconds the age old tree became
familiar to me, and with large, wide swings I began to knock away wave after
wave of the orcish army, killing some instantly, sending others skywards.
The immediate threat had passed and the rage left my veins, I grew tired and
sluggish. Disoriented and confused I looked around to see the men who had
survived the fray gazing at me in wide-eyed amazement. A voice from behind
me said in a deep resonating voice, "Well done Cousin, well done indeed.
You have not exhausted yourself on that fodder have you?" Regaining my
composure I stood to face my opponent, only to be knocked downward by a
heavy fist on the back of my head. I was to be defeated, this was certain,
and it pained me so, rage, sorrow, disappointment, all these things I felt
in a moment. Memories flashed before me, my brothers, my dear sweet
brothers, I thanked the Gods they did not see me now. The heavy footfalls
of horses stirred me from my self indulgent pity, they also gained the
attention of my adversary. Before the bodies of horses, men, or even their
smell could be seen passing over the hill a voice rang from the woods,
"Leave him be, I am the one you seek! This shall end now Cousin!" Before I
could register what was beginning my brother Kohltei had flung himself on
the Fire's giant sword pulling himself closer to the giant with one hand,
and holding the blade in position with the other. Kohltei had grown it
seemed, he dwarfed his adversary by several feet, and he burned with an
unimaginable anger, he radiated power, confidence. Pride swelled within me,
then reality struck - that wound is mortal. While these thoughts consumed
my brain my brother slowly pulled himself along the blade traveling several
inches with each lunge, his body began shaking and his hands bled, he became
engulfed by the unholy fire surrounding the blade on which he was impaled.
He clutched the giant around the shoulders, consuming his entire body in his
thick forearms, and began slamming the giants head with his own all the
while screaming "YOU WILL DIE!" Within moments the Fire's face had been
crushed and his brains began to run, as blood began drenching my brothers
frame, covering the Lion's Gule that had made it's home on his back. The
Fire's grip began to loosen and they both fell heavily on the ground. I ran
quickly to my brother's side forgetting the aches and pains of my mortal
body. He smiled when he saw me, and with eyes that refused to weep he
looked deeply into my eyes, saying these words to me "Return home, there you
will find Erfoldin, he will be dead. The city will be ashes. Aberdour knew
of this, and thus you were to leave. Sandenthoh stands with the Soul Gems.
Seek him, you are the one of whom he speaks." I clutched him tightly
begging him to quit speaking, to save his strength. His body began to fade
as the bodies of my kind do upon passing, and I remained there for days:
months? The amount is irrelevant, and I wept, tightly embracing the Gem of
what was once my brother.


Time passed and I grew in strength. Word began to travel of the battle
that had been waged. I cared little for the faces that stared at me as I
walked through the villages, or the meals and resting places that were
offered. I clutched tightly to the Gem and continued my journey homeward,
all the while hoping that Kohltei had been mistaken. Days of travel and
nights of sleepless rest are all that comforted me, I took little solace in
these things. Before I reached the city I knew what my brother had said was
true, tell tale signs could be seen all about the underground passages that
lead to and from my home. Before I reached the entrance a hand clutched my
legs and began yelling in a quiet whisper "Quiet your footsteps giant,
things unnatural lurk but a bit further down this path you do take!" I
looked down to see the remains of one whom I once knew as a friend. The old
dwarf was black with soot, and his frame was contorted in an unnatural
fashion. He said to me "Come young one, we've not much time." Confused by
his words I followed him blindly through the multitude of passages, it was
quite evident he had traveled them frequently and even had created several
new ones, he was quite adept at underground travel. He moved quickly, with
difficulty I managed to follow, finding ways to wedge my frame into and out
of passages half my size, through all his building the dwarf did not think
that a giant would be forced to walk the halls, but he eventually led us to
a large cave full Gems, not all of them of the past, I had seen some of them
brought to life, their lives had been ended before their potential had been
met. Anger, and sorrow consumed me, I began to raise my voice in rage, but
before the noise could escape my lungs the dwarf had thrust the Gem of my
brother Erfoldin into my stomach, he squeeked, "Take this, and in the name
of Aberdour himself keep your voice down!" A crackling, raspy voice echoed
off the walls of the cavern saying "A bit late for that dwarf, you have
evaded me for far too long. I have sought these Gems for quite some time,
and when I draw too near you move them on me, to be one of noble battle you
do act like a thief." Upon hearing these words Sandenthoh bowed his head in
shame, and with what strength he had left he straightened his back and his
legs and arms seemed to unravel, he shrugged his axe into reaching distance
and his face grew stern. Knowing his course of action I tucked the gems
into the pack I carried about my waste, and clenched my fist doing what I
was able to prepare myself. The man looked far from dangerous, butcher
corpse the dwarf showed hesitance, hinting that the man must be of some
power. Strange incantations passed his lips and Sandenthoh began contorting
in pain. He shrugged his axe, and with age old experience the axe fell into
his hands. He clutched it, arching backwards allowing one of the two sides
of the axe drag the ground, with a strange sort of grace he flung the axe
upwards where the man was standing with a surprising amount of force. The
man went to move, realising that the blow was on target, anticipating this I
charged from the opposite direction grasping the man by the collar and
tossing him back into the path of the axe. The blade met it's mark cleanly
cleaving the man's torso in two. With a triumphant glance I looked down
towards my old comrade, the dwarf was slumped against the wall leaning
heavily on one of the stalagmites protruding from the caverns floor. He
clasped my hand tightly and with the remainder of his strength he forced
death from his voice as he said, "My boy, thank you for granting me a
warrior's farewell" with dignity and pride the dwarf passed. I began to
hear a gurgling noise behind me, thinking I was alone I turned to view where
the noise was coming. The man by means unnatural had come together, but he
did not look well. He began screaming, "You know what you possess here
giant! These gems! They are power!! You shall not have them! You shall
not!" Words began spewing from his mouth, the gems began dancing about the
room, not knowing what to do, but knowing I should do something I began
running towards the man, he did not have much strength left, the fight would
not last long. The gems began dancing higher and higher until they all
danced around the magician, the gems of my brothers had flown from my sack
and danced against their will with the melodic string of words coming from
the man's mouth.


My legs began aching as I rushed up the cavern's wall, I lept towards the
man. His eyes locked on me, the words came to a sudden halt, and the gems
exploded. The shards began flying through the air cutting and stabbing my
flesh, the memories and knowledge of my ancestors would be the death of me,
the pain was too much, I flew through the air, crushed the man's body in my
arms and slammed into the cavern wall. The man had passed before we hit the
ground, the weight of my frame combined with the speed of impact would have
killed a human twice his size. Upon landing I conceded to unconsciousness,
and passed silently into Darkness. I awoke to find my body consumed in the
remnants of my past and my people. The remains of my people have bestowed
upon me a great honor, I hold their memories, their knowledge, their dreams
- everything that they were; I am, and for that I am greatful. We shall not
fade into obscurity, they shall be eternal. The grim reality is that all
that I know is gone. They are with me in mind, but not in body. The
greatest men I have ever known have served Castle Valour. I come to you
now, I pledge all that I am to you, to Valour.

Thus is my story.

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Takes the Cake

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 9:35 pm    Post subject:

I bet no one read that 6 page application.
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Joined: 18 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 19, 2005 10:27 pm    Post subject:

I sure as heck didn't. No way.
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Joined: 09 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:54 am    Post subject:

Thanks Dav.

Sorry about the double post not sure how i managed it though.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:20 am    Post subject:

haha urthaelm's is ridiculous
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 2:23 am    Post subject:

I just read it! Took forever, Urthaelm is frikin crazy! Who is that?
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 20, 2005 11:54 am    Post subject:

rofl. I fell asleep after the 4th page...
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Joined: 05 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:05 am    Post subject:

Ahahhahaha I love Adwerron's.
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Joined: 18 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 5:39 am    Post subject:

Lol, that one was gay. Did he get accepted?
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Quiet Wanderer

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 12:12 pm    Post subject:

My magic 8 ball says two things: Yes, most definitely. (was he accepted). The other is a mouthful for it: 'Why must you refer to the sexual orientation of a subject that you revile. Expressing inner hatred at a supressed trait of your own?'
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Joined: 09 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 8:48 pm    Post subject:

Dav one more please, if you have it? And I am going to butcher the name.

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Joined: 09 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 8:50 pm    Post subject:

Dav one more please, if you have it? And I am going to butcher the name.

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Joined: 02 Feb 2004
Posts: 247

PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:38 pm    Post subject:

Here's my vamp application in another mud:

application to Immortal
application Subject Vampire Application - The Fallacy of Mortality Part I
*A leather clad book inscribed with the words "Mekrah Esh Lacran"
appears before you. Slowly the letters transform, glowing sickly
green, into the words "Tome of Passage." As if by a breeze, the
pages in the journal shuffle. Some of the pages contain notes on
incantations, drawings of figures, and translations of ancient

2nd of Death, 604 PC
Incompetence. How I despise being called that word by Master
Vorlath. It is not my fault the the nymph's heart I retrieved from
the Witch Wood was rotten. The enchantment that the Master gave
me should have kept. Why am I to be blamed for everything? It is
not right. It is not fair. All this for a simple piece of power.
Is the degradation worth it?

7th of Death, 604 PC
Master Vorlath once again taunts for what befalls me. I did
everything as I was taught. Syllable by syllable, word by word...
everything is as I was taught. I must admit that when I first began
as an apprentice to the Dark Alchemist of Cayern, I was everything
that he calls me. A dolt. Incompetent. A dunce. A fool. But now, it
has been over ten years. Why is it that I am still called such? Am
I truly so clumsy that all these mistakes are my fault? My studies
in the dark arts have been flawless. My skills in weapons surpass
all of my peers. I have memorized tomes after tomes... Yet when I
aid Master Vorlath, I am punished for experiments gone awry. Is it
..I dare say...that Master Vorlath is the one making the mistakes?
I must ascertain the truth before Master Vorlath considers my
suspicion. I do not wish to become another of his experiments..

20th of Death, 604 PC
I fear Master Vorlath is suspicious of me. He seeks to see through
my mind for any hidden intent. He has demanded my company as his
personal retainer. He gives me tedious and strenuous jobs, making
sure that I am too busy to plot any plans. It is almost as if he
is...afraid. Of what? He is the famed Dark Warlock of Cayern. I,
merely a lowly apprentice. What is he so afraid of? I have my

1st of Death, 605 PC
The Dark Warlock is a lie! A mere puppet to a greater force. I have
trespassed into his chambers and discovered a secret chamber.
Within that chamber is a portal. Engraved along the outer rim of
the portal are unrecognizable runic symbols. Even in my studies, I
have not found anything that resembles those symbols. I believe
understanding these symbols is where the secret to Vorlath's power
resides. What has once began as an insult to my skills is now
turning to something more. Ambition? Greed? Superiority? No...the
thirst for knowledge. Supremacy. I must understand these symbols.

8th of Death, 605 PC
Vorlath is becoming more uneasy. Whereas he could once berate me,
now he treats me almost as an equal. I see the flow of his magick
and it is incomplete, wavery...powerless. His once seemingly
complex incantations and recipes for potions are in fact illusions
to simple spells. Why I could not see this before...I do not know.
His eyes are shifty, almost as if he expects someone to usurp him.
I cannot believe I was an a pawn to this fool. Yet
the question lingers: If he is merely a traveling wizard, how has
he been able to maintain his reputation? How is it that he inspires
fear among others? The portal is where the key lies. I have tried
crossing it, yet there is a barrier blocking my trespassing. It is
something that a simple wizard like Vorlath could not have created.
The symbols...those are the key.

application to Immortal
application subject Vampire Application - The Fallacy of Mortality Part II
10th of Death, 605 PC
Vorlath is near hysterical. His hands are shaking constantly and he
lets out screams of anguish when he slumbers. Somehow, he is losing
the favor of that power that granted him his authority. Cloaking
myself in a simple spell of invisibility, I have rummaged through
his belonging. Stashed under the center of his chamber is a tablet.
The runes on the tablet matche that of the portal. Before I could
obtain it, Vorlath entered the room. It is as he called me...he is
quite incompetent, not even to notice my presence.

20th of Death, 605 PC
At last, the tablet is mine! The runes on the tablet are of a similar
language to the portal, yet not the same. There are chips missing on
the tablet, but I believe I can understand enough of it to open
lower the barrier. Vorlath has become quite insane. He speaks
incoherently to imaginary creatures and eats the oddest items. He
rants about losing faith, power...just about everything. He has
already killed off many of the apprentices, yet he seems afraid of
me. I thought that I might need to dispatch him, but as the last of
his sanity and strength drains away, I think it is better to torture
him for information. In my previous search for the tablet, I found
a skeleton swabbed in a robe. Strangely, the incisors of the skeleton
were curved and stained dark. An interesting find to note, especially
in this ancient and once powerful tower. Hanging around his neck was
a bloody pendant pierced by an obsidian dagger. I believe that such
clothings will work well for me once I rid of Volrath. Perhaps the
dagger can once again feast on flesh.

21st of Death, 605 PC
The robe...seems to drain my life. I can see how the unfortunate
creature who wore it before me became a skeleton. Yet, it also seems
to add to my power. I clearly see the translation on the tablet. It
almost blazes with darkness, pulsing with seduction. The runes call
to me, sing to my wants me. I now know how to pass the
barrier in the portal. I am sure Volrath will not mind. After all, he
is all but shut in his chambers, crying and sobbing in terror. I
believe a visit is at hand.

25th of Death, 605 PC
Dispatching Vorlath was quite simple. It was understanding the words
behind his babble that became a nuisance. However, I was able to make
him coherent enough for him to understand that he will be skinned
alive. As I stabbed him with the dagger, his lifeforce was drained
through it. A peculiar dagger will serve me well in the
future. I have stepped through the portal and witnessed specters
greater than any. Upon my entrance, the great Pillar of Souls rose,
overshadowing all. Across the pillars floats souls bent on feeding off
the life of the living. They wailed, moaned, and spoke of what is to
be. That land is the true appearance of the Forsaken Lands. I will
stay here, in hopes of contacting that which gave Volrath a brief
glimpse of power. I fear I do not have much time. The accursed
clothings I took from the skeleton seems to react to this plane. The
scars of the burns I had to endure as my acceptance into Volrath's
apprenticeship, once heal, slowly appears. As my flesh withers, the
pendant glows brighter.

1st of Death, 606 PC
I am changed. I have been accepted as the new servant of that
imprisoned by the Pillar.My skin has bonded with my clothings, making
me more powerful...more acceptable to the eyes of Death. My sight for
mortality is gone. All I see is the walking dead, the potential and
inevitable fate that befalls on mortals. Life does not exist. Only
the slow decay and trangression to the realm of the Dead exists. My
body is now a threshold between Life and Death. Such is as it should
be. The power vested in me will be used to show others the beauty of
death. Death is not to be is to be harnessed.

*The words on the cover revert back to "Mekrah Esh Lacran". A small
inscription is seen on the bottom right corner. -Karash Karaccum-*
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