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'ROLEPLAYING' Roleplaying is required here at Abandoned Realms. Your character should speak or act as he or she would in the fantasy setting we have prepared for you. The people that meet you in-game should meet and know your character, not you, the player. It is required from every player to uphold the same standards of speech that are provided by the game world. Roleplaying well opens many doors for your character. 12.1 Name - Read what constitutes an acceptable name. 12.2 Description - How to create desc, and what to (and not to) include. 12.3 Background - Create/add additional histories that guide your role. 12.4 Alignment - The path you have chosen, try not to stray too far. 12.5 Religion - A further refinement of alignment. 12.6 Reputation - An accolade bestowed by players to recognize RP. 12.7 Title - Awarded for exceptional roleplaying. 12.8 Pre-title - Awarded for exceptional roleplaying. 12.9 Tattoo - Awarded for exceptional roleplaying. 12.10 Marriage - Player characters may be married to share last names. 12.11 Custom race - Requires an exceptionally well-written background. 12.12 Undead - Some ask for it, but eternal damnation is a punishment. 12.13 Con Quest - Awarded for exceptional roleplaying. 12.14 Outcast - A penalty for those that fail to uphold their path. 12.15 Insanity - How to respond IC to people who are not roleplaying. 12.16 Realism - A note on realism in the Abandoned Realms. 12.17 Dummies Guide - A quick primer for those new to roleplaying in MUDs. See also help on EMOTE, ECAST, PMOTE. NOTE: Please do not say or emote something that is harassment of the player behind the character. This is a violation of the game rules.

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