A Cry for Independence from Tyranny

posted on 2009-03-23 01:46:05
An Immortal tells you 'you wrote absolutely nothing of substance in your complaint and henceforth your request for trial has been denied.'

You tell an Immortal 'I told you I was withholding substance until I have obtained legal counsel.'

An Immortal tells you 'that makes you sound more suspicious, not less.'

You tell an Immortal 'Seeing as the note was addressed to Justice, I would not want to give them any information about my probable lines of argument.'

You tell an Immortal 'Would you like me to submit a more detailed brief?'

An Immortal tells you 'so you would rather them not know of the facts, so there is no way to handle a trial'

You tell an Immortal 'Trial by Jury with a Keeper as the Judge.'

You tell an Immortal 'That is my request.'

An Immortal tells you 'you know that fake attack yells are flaggable offenses by law.'

An Immortal tells you 'and keepers do not keep to the laws.'

You tell an Immortal 'My contention is that I did not falsely make an attack yell.'

You tell an Immortal 'In that case, I would request that an immortal preside over the trial.'

You tell an Immortal 'And the facts would present themselves during the case.'

You tell an Immortal 'Each side would present the facts, interrogate any pertinent witnesses, etc.'

You tell an Immortal 'And then the jury would reach a verdict.'

An Immortal tells you 'jury of..?'

You tell an Immortal 'Jury of my peers.'

An Immortal tells you 'you mean your friends'

You tell an Immortal 'No. My peers.'

An Immortal tells you 'justice does not function by trial of citizens, but rather by justice officials.'

You tell an Immortal 'As is per custom, each lawyer may question the jurors to ascertain their unbiased nature and elect not to allow him or her on the panel.'

You tell an Immortal 'And I am challenging a Justice's judgment.'

An Immortal tells you 'and your challenge has been vetoed.'

You tell an Immortal 'Who will guard the guards?'

You tell an Immortal 'Quis custodiens custodientes?'

You tell an Immortal 'Thera did not elect these Justices, nor did Seringale.'

An Immortal tells you 'Thera is not a democracy.'

You tell an Immortal 'Perhaps it should be.'

An Immortal tells you 'good luck trying to get that to work'

You tell an Immortal 'Perhaps a few brave souls shall join together to make Thera a more representative plane of existence.'

You tell an Immortal 'True democracy is the ripe fruit of the political ways.'

You tell an Immortal 'That or anarchistic Utopia.'

An Immortal tells you 'right'

You tell an Immortal 'But there cannot exist anarchistic Utopia in these realms, thus Democracy should flourish.'

You tell an Immortal 'Where the un- and underrepresented have a right to be heard.'

You tell an Immortal 'Where the Justices of the land are elected by their peers.'

You tell an Immortal 'A land free of political turmoil.'

An Immortal tells you 'have you EVER seen thera free of political turmoil'

You tell an Immortal 'What is to stop a dreamer?'

You tell an Immortal 'What happens to a dream deferred?'
You tell an Immortal 'Does it dry up,
You tell an Immortal \x91like a raisin in the sun?'
You tell an Immortal 'Or fester like a sore \x96
You tell an Immortal \x91And then run?'
You tell an Immortal \x91Does it stink like rotten meat?\x92
You tell an Immortal \x91Or does it crust and sugar over\x97\x91
You tell an Immortal \x91 like a syrupy sweet?\x92

You tell an Immortal \x91Maybe it just sags\x92
You tell an Immortal \x91like a heavy load.\x92

You tell an Immortal \x91Or does it just explode?\x92

Citizens of Thera, for too long have we been oppressed by the undemocratic rule of the Justices. For too long have those whom we have not elected passed judgment upon our lives. For too long have we had no manner in which to address the injustices done to us by those who administer the Justices.

Fellow Therans, it is time for change. Can we do it? Yes we can.

Change to what you might ask? Well. I have yet to figure that out and in the spirit of democracy, let us discuss this as the founding fathers of the United States discussed how best to deal with the tyranny of the British.

I would like to draw up a constitution for Thera that lays out the framework for the new laws and administration of Justice. I would like the Justice cabal to be held accountable for its actions to the lawful citizens of Thera.

An interesting change to the Justice cabal could be the ability of lawful citizens of Thera to cause the uninduction of a Justice that they feel has administered Justice particularly unjustly. Perhaps Seringale could be divided into four districts: north, south, east and west and each district could have its own Justices. Then we could also have Slade's gang wars.

In any event, I just want a trial by jury.
  1. murfin A Cry for Independence from Tyranny -
    did it take you all day to think of that poetry, because it made me want to scratch my eyes out
  2. joker A Cry for Independence from Tyranny -
    well the last part was bullshit, you can tell by the fucked up marks before the tells, plus he would have been smited to hell and back for the smartassness
  3. kalist A Cry for Independence from Tyranny -
    The laws of seringale were created by the Immortals and Justices are appointed by Immortals to enforce those laws. In your struggle against the Justice cabal do not look for help/sympathy from the Immortals.

    Good luck though, if nothing else it's some neat roleplay. Arguing a fake yell case is retarded though. Maybe wait until you have something you can actually argue against.
  4. cateroth A Cry for Independence from Tyranny -
    i will ttly roll a character to annoy justices in the name of this cause
  5. anonymous A Cry for Independence from Tyranny -
    First of all, the poem was written by Langston Hughes. Second of all, the reason it is fake is because the immortal logged off before I could finish it, so I finished it off in word.

    I yelled: 'Help! Astia is sucking my blood.' I know there's been a precedent set for fining a help yell even though the following lines aren't attack lines per se, but I figured it would be fun to get to use the people's court in the traveler's rest.
  6. Emilise A Cry for Independence from Tyranny -
    so were you fined or flagged? because fake yells result in fines, not a flag.
  7. Cadarel A Cry for Independence from Tyranny -
    You're a fuck head... Don't argue with imms you're not going to win... Secondly Justices can tell when yells are faked...

    I can understand trying to incorporate a trial as rp, Wylez sang "lust seduction desire" on vaelyn and osula. He argued that since it didn't cause any harmful effects that there should be no fine. Osula argued that it was demoralizing to strip naked in public. The verdict that Wylez would be fined because that song left them vulnerable. It was kinda cool to do. Also I think incorporating some politics (besides lets get rid of warlords because they were just guinea pigs) in game would be very interesting.