Scholars of Serin

Entrance Requirements
  • Must be level 20 or higher
  • Open to all alignments, ethos and hometowns
  • A superbly well-written description
  • A thorough well-written background
  • Superb roleplay
  • Patronship is a plus

The pen is mightier than the sword.

Scholar History

When the ancient coteries of Heralds and Mystics joined together to form the new Consortium, they also created a new branch of Scholars. These academics are devoted to pursuing a mixture of interests between the old Herald and Mystic research foci and are often found carrying out the work of both coteries, such as events, publications, and updating the Codex, with great enthusiasm.

Scholar Purpose

Scholars are renowned academics in Serin. Interacting with the people, places, and creatures across Serin, and highly interdisciplinary in their research interests, Scholars roam far and wide searching for new discoveries and remarkable stories to share with the rest of Serin.

A Scholar relies upon a combination of strong communication skills, writing, creativity and dedication. Scholars are also courteous to those deserving of courtesy, given the number of people they must interact with on a daily basis. Those who flagrantly use foul language or violence without instigation have no place within the halls. All classes and races may find a place among the Scholars.

Scholar Process

Scholars will be expected to demonstrate exceptional creativity and to roleplay extremely well. if you wish to apply send an APPLICATION to Consortium with a history of your past and why you wish to join the Scribes and we will observe and speak with you in due time.

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