Why the fuck can't clifton post replies

posted on 2009-07-13 15:34:30
Grrrrrr. Storage.

Pretty shitty display by legion anyway you cut it. One of you couldve told the other to backoff, but nope you guys are happy with ganking him twice. Don't try using the gnome as justification either cause c summon gnome takes care of that even if they were grouped.

Keep it up like this and I'd give you two weeks at most before you're demoted or kicked.

Disclaimer: I don't know how olyns running things so if he's cool with these types of fights, whoops on my part.
  1. Clifton Why the fuck can't clifton post replies -
    This is dumb
  2. Clifton Why the fuck can't clifton post replies -
    Cool.. So its just that log. fml.
  3. erlwith Why the fuck can't clifton post replies -
    Legion has been trash pretty much from the second Olyn stepped in. Granted, it was pretty much dormant before but now its just sewage. No offense to the guy playing Olyn, but as far as his running of Legion right now a dungbeetle could do a better job.

    Anyway, if Nadrin isn't getting kicked from Legion for running into his cabal and behind the guardian at awful to avoid death (which I have logs of) then I doubt much will get done about this. Legion are supposed to be strong and strike fear into the hearts of Thera individually, but right now they're just a gangbang circlejerk with only 1 or 2 of them being able to fight on their own.
  4. Clifton Why the fuck can't clifton post replies -
    I think he's just too lax in smacking people around. Personally, I would slay someone outright if they did something that really irked or embarrased me, mafia style. No loot of course. The amount of activity in legion is a testament to his success as a legion imm, because he is reachable so it doesn't feel like you're alone with no direction.
  5. gadlo Why the fuck can't clifton post replies -
    I'll agree with erlwith. I've seen a Legion or two run behind their guardianwhen low on health, instead of running out to perhaps draw invaders away. heard of (but not seen) other cabals that do it as well, its just something that doesn't seem to be enforced much.
  6. faelon Why the fuck can't clifton post replies -
    I have witnessed knights that do it under the guise of "he invaded, so I can hide in there." Back in the days of the most powerful cabal'd players that would have been an auto demotion. The whole point of going into a cabal is to get them out, not hide in there so they have to come back in.
  7. erlwith Why the fuck can't clifton post replies -
    Well that's a different story Faelon. If you invade someone's cabal Dav has said you can guard sit. Once you leave though they really don't have much reason to still be there - and generally will leave since there is shitty regen inside anyway.

    Different story entirely from fighting outside of your cabal and running inside to avoid death - and sitting at the guard at that. And the old run in and finish them off after a long fight isn't always the best case when you have guardians charging, dispelling, cursing, dirt kicking, lightning bolt, acid blast and you might end up trapped behind them as well.
  8. blarg Why the fuck can't clifton post replies -
    If you have any complaints about someone running into cabal when it is not under attack or otherwise violating the rules, send notes in-game giving as much information as possible. And make it accurate.
  9. faelon Why the fuck can't clifton post replies -
    I didn't know Dav had approved of that, I simply remember the last time I was really in a few cabals that was a no no.

    Logic went like this; If someone is inside, waiting for you, I attack them and draw them out of your cabal, because it is sacred. To me, if someone invades and leaves, you should be getting your ass out of there. There is a reason cabal stores are outside of the grounds now.

    However, if the imms are okay with it, who am I to argue.
  10. Nadrin Why the fuck can't clifton post replies -
    Your full of shit Erlwith. If you have logs of that post them. Not once have I ever went from out of the cabal to in the cabal. There was a time where we were already INSIDE The temple that I went and sat at the guardian, but that is NOT against the rules. Guardian sitting is an acceptable form of defense when needed. Piss off and grow up.
  11. kalist Why the fuck can't clifton post replies -
    "Logic went like this; If someone is inside, waiting for you, I attack them and draw them out of your cabal, because it is sacred. To me, if someone invades and leaves, you should be getting your ass out of there. "

    Yeah that sounds about right. If there isn't an enemy in your cabal you shouldn't be in there.
  12. retard Why the fuck can't clifton post replies -
    Nadrin hasnt explained why he went into cabal.
  13. Nadrin Why the fuck can't clifton post replies -
    Theres my explination on the other log.