Bethralyn the Holy Lady
Bethralyn created on 17th of March 2024, and is currently 20 years old (70 hours played).

Title: the Holy Lady
Gender: Female
Level: 50
Class: elf paladin

Background history:


A very cursory glance at this individual reveals that she is female. Her hair may be short and cropped (which reveals pointy tipped ears), but that alone does not indicate her gender. What makes it so obvious that she is a female is the relative softness of her features. Although she is tall and has some muscular development, she is rather lean. Her abdominal muscles are taut and have been developed to an excessive degree; she looks fit but perhaps also undernourished. She has curvature about the hips which marks her without a doubt as female. Her arms are long and have seen some development like her abdominal muscles, but they have a more natural look to them. On the other hand, her legs are powerful and seem capable of running great distances.
