Iraeshaleeor the Entrance to Soul
Iraeshaleeor created on 04th of February 2024, and is currently 17 years old (13 hours played).

Title: the Entrance to Soul
Gender: Female
Level: 35
Class: drow shadow

Background history:

Description (commended):

A sense of impending doom seems to settle on your soul as you cast your gaze over the seemingly slight figure standing before you. Enveloped in robes, almost as black as the darkest night, you sense eyes almost piercing your very being. An almost sensuous hand, seemingly adorned with dark cryptic symbols, extends from the sleeve of a black robe to push back the cowl of the hood to expose an ashen face, piercing deep violet eyes sit above angular cheekbones. A set of voluptuous lips belie the smile that expose small blackened teeth. Pushing back hair, as white as the snow atop mountains distant, you see finely pointed ears, more tattoos, red and black in colour, seemingly falling from beneath them to swirl over her neck and shoulders. A loose strand of hair falls down over her cheek bringing attention to a hook shaped scar on the nape of neck. Slightly reddened as though from a previous encounter but seemingly the only blemish on this female before you.
