Naoldric the Leader of the Crusades
Naoldric created on 28th of March 2024, and is currently 18 years old (21 hours played).

Title: the Leader of the Crusades
Gender: Male
Level: 41
Class: dwarf paladin

Background history:


There is a dwarf here. He has a very long, and very well groomed beard that hangs in very neat braids to the bottom of his rotund belly. In color it matches the hair that comes from his head, but it is not as long, terminating atbout the top of his shoulders. The majority of it is a dark brown in color, but it seems to have streaks that have a reddish tint to them. As rotund as his belly may be, he does appear to have a rather decent amount of muscle mass about his visible personage. His height is not great, but that is to be expected of one of his race. He does not seem to have any visible scarring about him.
